wither 0.1.0

An ODM for MongoDB built upon the mongo rust driver.


An ODM for MongoDB built upon the mongo rust driver.

This project is quite nascent and is being built out as I continue to use it in my own projects.


An example of how you might use this library to define a model for a MongoDB collection.

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct User {
    /// The user's unique ID.
    #[serde(rename = "_id", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
    pub id: Option<bson::oid::ObjectId>,

    /// The user's unique email.
    pub email: String,

impl<'a> wither::Model<'a> for User {
    type model = User;

    fn collection_name() -> String {

    fn id(&self) -> Option<bson::oid::ObjectId> {
        return self.id.clone();

    fn set_id(&mut self, oid: bson::oid::ObjectId) {
        self.id = Some(oid);

    fn indexes() -> Vec<IndexModel> {
        return vec![
                keys: doc!{"email" => 1},
                options: wither::basic_index_options("unique-email", true, Some(true), None, None),

fn main() {
  let client = mongodb::Client::with_uri("mongodb://tests.mongodb:27017/").unwrap();
  let db = client.db("usersService");

  let mut user = User{id: None, email: "test@test.com".to_string()};
  user.save(db.clone(), None).expect("Expected a successful save operation.");
  let user_from_db = User.find_one(db.clone(), Some(doc!{"_id" => (user.id.clone().unwrap())}))
      .expect("Expected a successful lookup.") // Unwraps the Result.
      .expect("Expected a populated value from backend."); // Unwraps the optional model instance.