[][src]Crate with_locals


Let's start with a basic example: returning / yielding a format_args local.

fn hex (n: u32) -> &'self dyn Display
    &format_args!("{:#x}", n)

The above becomes:

fn with_hex<R, F> (n: u32, f: F) -> R
    F : for<'any> FnOnce(&'any dyn Display) -> R,
    f(&format_args!("{:#x}", n))

f: F, here, is called a continuation: instead of having a function return / yield some element / object, the function takes, instead, the "logic" of what the caller would have liked to do with that element (once it would have received it), so that it is the callee who handles that object instead.

By shifting the logic like so, it is the callee and not the caller who runs that logic, which thus happens before the callee returns, cleaning its locals and making things that refer to it dangle.

This is the whole point of all this strategy!

Now, to call / use the above function, one can no longer bind the "result" of that function to a variable using a let binding, since that mechanism is reserved for actual returns, and the actual code running in the caller's stack.

Instead, one calls / uses that with_hex function using closure / callback syntax:

with_hex(66, |s| {
    println!("{}", s);

This is extremely powerful, but incurs in a rightward drift everytime such a binding is created:

with_hex(1, |one| {
    with_hex(2, |two| {
        with_hex(3, |three| {
            // ughhh ..

Instead, it would be nice if the compiler / the language provided a way for let bindings to magically perform that transformation:

let one = hex(1);
let two = hex(2);
let three = hex(3);

Operating in this fashion is called Continuation-Passing Style, and cannot be done implicitly in Rust. But that doesn't mean one cannot get sugar for it.

Enters #[with]!

#[with] let one = hex(1);
#[with] let two = hex(2);
#[with] let three = hex(3);

When applied to a function, it will tranform all its so-annotated let bindings into nested closure calls, where all the statements that follow the binding (within the same scope) are moved into the continuation.

Here is an example:

fn hex_example ()
    let s: String = {
        println!("Hello, World!");
        #[with] let s_hex = hex(66);
        println!("s_hex = {}", s_hex);
        let s = s_hex.to_string();
        assert_eq!(s, "0x42");
    assert_eq!(s, "0x42");

The above becomes:

let s: String = {
    println!("Hello, World!");
    with_hex(66, |s_hex| {
        println!("s_hex = {}", s_hex);
        let s = s_hex.to_string();
        assert_eq!(s, "0x42");
assert_eq!(s, "0x42");

Traits can have #[with]-annotated methods too.

trait ToStr {
    fn to_str (self: &'_ Self) -> &'self str

Example of a user of of the trait (≠ an implementor).

impl<T : ToStr> Display for __<T> {
    #[with] // you can #[with]-annotate classic function,
            // in order to get the `let` assignment magic :)
    fn fmt (self: &'_ Self, fmt: &'_ mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>)
      -> ::core::fmt::Result
        let s: &str = self.0.to_str();
// (Using a newtype to avoid coherence issues)
struct __<T : ToStr>(T);

Example of an implementor:

impl ToStr for u32 {
    #[with('local)] // At any point, you can choose to use another name
                    // for the special lifetime that tells the attribute to
                    // transform the function into a `with_...` one.
                    // By default, that name is `'self`, since it is currently
                    // forbidden by the compiler, and I find it quite on point.
                    // But when `self` receivers are involved, this `'self`
                    // name may be confusing. If you feel that's the case,
                    // feel free to rename it :)
    fn to_str (self: &'_ u32) -> &'local str
        let mut x = *self;
        if x == 0 {
            // By default, the macro tries to be quite smart and replaces
            // both implicitly returned and explicitly returned values, with
            // what the actual return of the actual `with_...` function must
            // be: `return f("0");`.
            return "0";
        let mut buf = [b' '; 1 + 3 + 3 + 3]; // u32::MAX ~ 4_000_000_000
        let mut cursor = &mut buf[..];
        while x > 0 {
            let (last, cursor_) = cursor.split_last_mut().unwrap();
            cursor = cursor_;
            *last = b'0' + (x % 10) as u8;
            x /= 10;
        let len = cursor.len();
        // return f(
        ::core::str::from_utf8(&buf[len ..]) // refers to a local!
        // );

See examples/main.rs for more detailed examples within a runnable file.

Attribute Macros
