Module winsafe::co[][src]

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Win32 constants and types of constants.

All types implement bitflag operations, and can be converted to its underlying integer type.


ACCELL fVirt (u8). Originally has F prefix.

Standard access rights flags (u32). Originally has no prefix.

NMTVASYNCDRAW dwRetFlags (u32). Don’t seem to be defined anywhere, unconfirmed values.

wm::AppCommand commands (u16).

Button control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.


BUTTON_SPLITINFO uSplitStyle (u32).

BITMAPINFOHEADER biCompression (u32).

BUTTON_IMAGELIST uAlign (u32). Originally has BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN_ prefix.

HDC::SetBkMode mode (i32).

Button control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Button control WM_COMMAND notifications (u16), convertible to CMD.

Button control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

LOGBRUSH lbStyle (u32). Originally has BS prefix.

bm::GetCheck return value (u32).

Toolbar control styles (u8), convertible to WS.

Combo box control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

ComboBoxEx control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Extended combo box styles (u32), convertible to WS_EX.

Combo box control WM_COMMAND notifications (u16), convertible to CMD.

Combo box control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

CHOOSECOLOR Flags (u32).

Generic common controls messages (u32), convertible to WM.

NMCUSTOMDRAW dwDrawStage (u32).

Common dialog box error codes. Also includes PDERR, CFERR, FNERRandFRERR` prefixes.

NMCUSTOMDRAW uItemState (u32).

NM_CUSTOMDRAW return value (u32).

ChangeDisplaySettings flags (u32).

Standard clipboard formats (u32).

HFONT::CreateFont char_set and LOGFONT lfCharset (u8).

HFONT::CreateFont clip_precision and LOGFONT lfClipPrecision (u8).


CLSCTX enumeration (u32).

wm::Command notification codes (u16).

COINIT enumeration (u32).

System colors (i32).

Process creation flags (u32).

Window class styles (u32).

cb::Dir and lb::Dir attributes (u16).

LOGBRUSH lbColor (u32).

HFILE::CreateFile creation_disposition (u32). Originally has no prefix.

ChangeDisplaySettings return value (u32).

wm::GetDlgCode return value (u16).

Dialog built-in IDs (u16). These are also returned from HWND::MessageBox and HWND::TaskDialog.

DEVMODE dmFields (u32).

DEVMODE dmDefaultSource (i16).

DEVMODE dmColor (i16).

DEVMODE dmDisplayFixedOutput (u32).

DEVMODE dmDisplayFlags (u32).

DEVMODE dmDitherType (u32).

DEVMODE dmDisplayOrientation (u32).

DEVMODE dmDuplex (i16).

DEVMODE dmICMIntent (u32).

DEVMODE dmICMMethod (u32).

DEVMODE dmMediaType (u32).

DEVMODE dmNup (u32).

DEVMODE dmOrientation (i16).

DEVMODE dmPaperSize (i16).

DEVMODE dmPrintQuality (i16).

DEVMODE dmTTOption (i16).

Date and time picker control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Date and time picker control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Date and time picker control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

EnumDisplaySettingsEx flags (u32).

Edit control messages (u32), convertible to WM.


Edit control WM_COMMAND notifications (u16), convertible to CMD.

wm::EndSession event (u32).

EnumDisplaySettingsEx mode_num (u32). Originally with ENUM prefix and SETTINGS suffix.

A Windows system error code (u32) retrieved by GetLastError function, or an HRESULT.

Edit control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

wm::AppCommand input event (u16).

LOGFONT lfPitchAndFamily (u8), used with PITCH.

File attribute flags, also other flags from HFILE::CreateFile flags_and_attrs (u32).

HFILEMAP::MapViewOfFile desired_access (u32).

File access rights flags (u32). Originally has FILE prefix.

HFILE::CreateFile share_mode (u32).

HFILE::SetFilePointerEx move_method (u32). Originally has FILE prefix.

HFILE::GetFileType return value (u32).

FIRMWARE_TYPE enumeration (u32).



FormatMessage dwFlags (u32).

HFONT::CreateFont weight and LOGFONT lfWeight (u32).

HWND::GetAncestor flags (u32).

HWND::GetClassLongPtr index (i32). Originally has prefixes GCW and GCL also.

HDC::GetDeviceCaps index (i32). Originally has no prefix.

dtm::GetRange return value (u32).

Generic access rights flags (u32).

GUITHREADINFO flags (u32).

HWND::GetWindow cmd (u32).

HWND::GetWindowLongPtr and HWND::SetWindowLongPtr index (i32). Originally has prefix GWL also.

wm::StyleChanged and wm::StyleChanging change (i8). Originally has GWL prefix.

Header control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Header control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Header control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

HELPINFO iContextType (i32).

HWND::WinHelp uCommand (u32).

NMBCHOTITEM dwFlags (u32).

wm::NcHitTest, wm::SetCursor hit_test (u16).

HWND::SetWindowPos hWndInsertAfter (isize).

wm::SetIcon icon size (u8). Originally has ICON prefix.


HINSTANCE::LoadCursor lpCursorName (isize).

HINSTANCE::LoadIcon lpIconName (isize).

HIMAGELIST::Create flags (u32).

IMAGELISTDRAWFLAGS enumeration (u32).

IMAGELISTSTATEFLAGS enumeration (u32).

bm::GetImage img_type (u8). Originally has IMAGE prefix.

IP address control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

IP address control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

HKEY::OpenKeyEx access_rights (u32).

Language identifier (u16).

List box control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

List box control WM_COMMAND notifications (u16), convertible to CMD.

List box control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

LITEM mask (u32).

LITEM state (u32).


SysLink control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

LockSetForegroundWindow lock_code (u32).

lvm::Arrange arrangement (u16).

NMLVCUSTOMDRAW dwItemType (u32).

LVCOLUMN mask (u32).

LVCOLUMN mask (i32).

LVITEM piColFmt (i32).

LVFINDINFO flags (u32).



LVHITTESTINFO flags (u32).

LVITEM mask (u32).

lvm::GetItemRect portion (u8).

ListView item states (u32).

LVITEM iGroupId (i32).


List view control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

List view control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

lvm::GetNextItem relationship (u32).

List view control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

lvm::GetImageList kind (u8).

Extended list view control styles (u32), convertible to WS_EX.

ListView views (u32).

SysLink control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

HWND::MessageBox flags (u32).

MultiByteToWideChar flags (u32). Originally has MB prefix.

Month calendar control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

NMVIEWCHANGE dwOldView and dwNewView (u32).

Month calendar control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Month calendar control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

dtm::GetMcColor color (u8).

HMENU::AppendMenu flags, HMENU::GetMenuState return value, HWND::HiliteMenuItem hilite (u32).

MENUITEMINFO fState (u32).



MENUINFO fMask (u32).

wm::LButtonDown (and similar) virtual keys (u16).

wm::MenuDrag return value.

MENUINFO dwStyle (u32).

MONITORINFO dwFlags (u32).

wm::EnterIdle reason (u8).


NOTIFYICONDATA dwInfoFlags (u32).

Shell_NotifyIcon message (u32).

NOTIFYICONDATA dwState and dwStateFlags (u32).

wm::Notify notification codes (i32).

HWND::GetMenuBarInfo idObject (i32).

DRAWITEMSTRUCT itemAction (u32).

DRAWITEMSTRUCT itemState (u32).


COMPAREITEMSTRUCT and DELETEITEMSTRUCT CtlType (u32). Originally has ODT prefix.

HFONT::CreateFont out_precision and LOGFONT lfOutPrecision (u8).

HFILE::CreateFileMapping protect (u32).

Progress bar control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Progress bar control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

Progress bar states (u32).

HFONT::CreateFont pitch_and_family and LOGFONT lfPitchAndFamily (u8), used with FF.

PeekMessage remove_msg (u32).

SYSTEM_INFO dwProcessorType (u32).

SYSTEM_INFO wProcessorArchitecture (u16).

HPEN::CreatePen style (i32).

GetQueueStatus flags (u32).

HFONT::CreateFont quality and LOGFONT lfQuality (u8).

Rebar control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Rebar control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Rebar control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

HWND::RedrawWindow flags (u32).

Registry value types (u32).

HKEY::OpenKeyEx options (u32).

ReplaceFile flags (u32).

Raster operation code (u32). HDC::BitBlt rop, HDC::PatBlt rop and IMAGELISTDRAWPARAMS dwRop. Originally has no prefix.

HKEY::GetValue dwFlags (u32).

Predefined resource types (u16).

Status bar control messages (u32). Convertible to WM.

Status bar control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

HWND::GetScrollInfo, HWND::SetScrollInfo and HWND::SetScrollRange bar (i32). Originally has SB prefix.

Status bar control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

sb::GetText, sb::GetTextLength and sb::SetText drawing operation (u16).

wm::HScroll and wm::VScroll request (u16). Originally has SB prefix.

wm::SysCommand type of system command requested (u32).

GetBinaryType return value (u32).

Composes FILE_MAP (u32).

HWND::ShellExecute return value (u32).

SHARD enumeration (u32).

SHGetFileInfo flags (u32).

SCROLLINFO fMask (u32).

wm::Size request (u8).

GetSystemMetrics index (i32).

Sort order identifiers (u16).

SystemParametersInfo action (u32).

SystemParametersInfo win_ini (u32).

Label control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

Standard access rights flags (u32).

HTHEME::GetThemeAppProperties return value (u32).

HPROCESS::CreateProcess dwFlags (u32).

DATETIMEPICKERINFO stateCheck and stateButton, TITLEBARINFOEX rgstate, COMBOBOXINFO stateButton (u32).

Static control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Static control WM_COMMAND notifications (u16), convertible to CMD.

Sublanguage identifier (u16).

HWND::ShowWindow show_cmd (i32).

HWND::SetWindowPos flags (u32).

wm::ShowWindow status (u8). Originally has SW prefix.

HDC::SetTextAlign align (u32). Also includes constants with VTA prefix.


Toolbar control messages (u32), convertible to WM. Originally has TB prefix.

Toolbar control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Trackbar control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

Toolbar button states (u8).

Tab control item states (u32).

Tab control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Tab control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Tab control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

Extended tab control styles (u32), convertible to WS_EX.

HWND::TaskDialog and TASKDIALOGCONFIG dwCommonButtons (i32). Originally has TDCBF prefix and BUTTON suffix.


HWND::TaskDialog pszIcon and TASKDIALOGCONFIG pszMainIcon (u16). Originally has TD prefix and ICON suffix.

HTHREAD::CreateThread flags (u32). Originally has no prefix.

TrackMouseEvent dwFlags (u32).

Theme property identifiers (i32).

TrackPopupMenu flags (u32).

Trackbar control messages (u32), convertible to WM. Originally has TBM prefix.

Trackbar control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

tvm::Expand action (u32).

tvm::GetNextItem which (u32).

TVINSERTSTRUCT hInsertAfter (isize).

TVITEM mask (u32).

Tree view item states (u32)

TVITEMEX uStateEx (u32).

Tree view control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Tree view control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Tree view control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

Extended tree view control styles (u32), convertible to WS_EX.

Up-down control messages (u32), convertible to WM.

Up-down control WM_NOTIFY notifications (i32), convertible to NM.

Up-down control styles (u32), convertible to WS.

VerSetConditionMask condition (u8).

OSVERSIONINFOEX wProductType (u8).

OSVERSIONINFOEX dwPlatformId (u32).


VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileType (u32).

VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileSubType (u32).

LVFINDINFO vkDirection (u16).


Visual style parts and states. These are originally two separated constant types, but since they form a hierarchy, one single constant type can represent both part and state.

VS_FIXEDFILEINFO dwFileFlags (u32).

wm::Activate activation state (u16).

HPROCESS::WaitForSingleObject return value (u32).

WideCharToMultiByte flags (u32).

_WIN32 version definitions (u16).

Window message codes (u32).

wm::ParentNotify event (u16).

wm::Sizing window edge (u8).


Window styles (u32).

Extended window styles (u32).

wm::NcCalcSize return flags (u32).