winrt 0.6.0

Automatically generated, (mostly) safe bindings for the Windows Runtime APIs

name = "winrt"

version = "0.6.0"

authors = ["Patrick Reisert", "Max Strini"]

description = "Automatically generated, (mostly) safe bindings for the Windows Runtime APIs"

repository = ""

homepage = ""

documentation = "*/x86_64-pc-windows-msvc/winrt/"

readme = ""

keywords = ["winrt", "uwp", "windows", "runtime", "com"]

categories = ["os::windows-apis", "api-bindings", "external-ffi-bindings"]

license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"

exclude = ["Generator/**"]


winapi = { version = "0.3", features = ["winnt", "combaseapi", "oleauto", "roapi", "roerrorapi", "hstring", "winstring", "winerror", "restrictederrorinfo"] }


nightly = []

windows-ai = []

windows-applicationmodel = []

windows-data = []

windows-devices = []

windows-gaming = []

windows-globalization = []

windows-graphics = []

windows-management = []

windows-media = []

windows-networking = []

windows-perception = []

windows-security = []

windows-services = []

windows-storage = []

windows-system = []

windows-ui = []

windows-ui-xaml = ["windows-ui"]

windows-web = []

all = ["windows-ai", "windows-applicationmodel", "windows-data", "windows-devices", "windows-gaming",

       "windows-globalization", "windows-graphics", "windows-management", "windows-media",

       "windows-networking", "windows-perception", "windows-security", "windows-services",

       "windows-storage", "windows-system", "windows-ui", "windows-ui-xaml", "windows-web"]


# This could include "all", but that would result in a HUGE documentation, stressing

# I don't want to be rude. Maybe it's more efficient after the rustdoc rewrite.

features = ["nightly"]

default-target = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"