winit 0.5.6

Cross-platform window creation library.
# winit - Cross-platform window creation and management in Rust



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winit = "0.5"

## [Documentation]

## Usage

Winit is a window creation and management library. It can create windows and lets you handle
events (for example: the window being resized, a key being pressed, a mouse mouvement, etc.)
produced by window.

Winit is designed to be a low-level brick in a hierarchy of libraries. Consequently, in order to
show something on the window you need to use the platform-specific getters provided by winit, or
another library.

extern crate winit;

fn main() {
    let window = winit::Window::new().unwrap();

    for event in window.wait_events() {
        match event {
            winit::Event::Closed => break,
            _ => ()