winit 0.27.5

Cross-platform window creation library.
use std::{
    panic::{AssertUnwindSafe, UnwindSafe},

use crate::platform_impl::platform::{
    event_loop::{stop_app_on_panic, PanicInfo},

#[link(name = "CoreFoundation", kind = "framework")]
extern "C" {
    pub static kCFRunLoopCommonModes: CFRunLoopMode;

    pub fn CFRunLoopGetMain() -> CFRunLoopRef;
    pub fn CFRunLoopWakeUp(rl: CFRunLoopRef);

    pub fn CFRunLoopObserverCreate(
        allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
        activities: CFOptionFlags,
        repeats: ffi::Boolean,
        order: CFIndex,
        callout: CFRunLoopObserverCallBack,
        context: *mut CFRunLoopObserverContext,
    ) -> CFRunLoopObserverRef;
    pub fn CFRunLoopAddObserver(
        rl: CFRunLoopRef,
        observer: CFRunLoopObserverRef,
        mode: CFRunLoopMode,

    pub fn CFRunLoopTimerCreate(
        allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
        fireDate: CFAbsoluteTime,
        interval: CFTimeInterval,
        flags: CFOptionFlags,
        order: CFIndex,
        callout: CFRunLoopTimerCallBack,
        context: *mut CFRunLoopTimerContext,
    ) -> CFRunLoopTimerRef;
    pub fn CFRunLoopAddTimer(rl: CFRunLoopRef, timer: CFRunLoopTimerRef, mode: CFRunLoopMode);
    pub fn CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(timer: CFRunLoopTimerRef, fireDate: CFAbsoluteTime);
    pub fn CFRunLoopTimerInvalidate(time: CFRunLoopTimerRef);

    pub fn CFRunLoopSourceCreate(
        allocator: CFAllocatorRef,
        order: CFIndex,
        context: *mut CFRunLoopSourceContext,
    ) -> CFRunLoopSourceRef;
    pub fn CFRunLoopAddSource(rl: CFRunLoopRef, source: CFRunLoopSourceRef, mode: CFRunLoopMode);
    pub fn CFRunLoopSourceInvalidate(source: CFRunLoopSourceRef);
    pub fn CFRunLoopSourceSignal(source: CFRunLoopSourceRef);

    pub fn CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() -> CFAbsoluteTime;
    pub fn CFRelease(cftype: *const c_void);

pub enum CFAllocator {}
pub type CFAllocatorRef = *mut CFAllocator;
pub enum CFRunLoop {}
pub type CFRunLoopRef = *mut CFRunLoop;
pub type CFRunLoopMode = CFStringRef;
pub enum CFRunLoopObserver {}
pub type CFRunLoopObserverRef = *mut CFRunLoopObserver;
pub enum CFRunLoopTimer {}
pub type CFRunLoopTimerRef = *mut CFRunLoopTimer;
pub enum CFRunLoopSource {}
pub type CFRunLoopSourceRef = *mut CFRunLoopSource;
pub enum CFString {}
pub type CFStringRef = *const CFString;

pub type CFHashCode = c_ulong;
pub type CFIndex = c_long;
pub type CFOptionFlags = c_ulong;
pub type CFRunLoopActivity = CFOptionFlags;

pub type CFAbsoluteTime = CFTimeInterval;
pub type CFTimeInterval = f64;

pub const kCFRunLoopEntry: CFRunLoopActivity = 0;
pub const kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity = 1 << 5;
pub const kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting: CFRunLoopActivity = 1 << 6;
pub const kCFRunLoopExit: CFRunLoopActivity = 1 << 7;

pub type CFRunLoopObserverCallBack =
    extern "C" fn(observer: CFRunLoopObserverRef, activity: CFRunLoopActivity, info: *mut c_void);
pub type CFRunLoopTimerCallBack = extern "C" fn(timer: CFRunLoopTimerRef, info: *mut c_void);

pub enum CFRunLoopTimerContext {}

/// This mirrors the struct with the same name from Core Foundation.
/// <>
pub struct CFRunLoopObserverContext {
    pub version: CFIndex,
    pub info: *mut c_void,
    pub retain: Option<extern "C" fn(info: *const c_void) -> *const c_void>,
    pub release: Option<extern "C" fn(info: *const c_void)>,
    pub copyDescription: Option<extern "C" fn(info: *const c_void) -> CFStringRef>,

pub struct CFRunLoopSourceContext {
    pub version: CFIndex,
    pub info: *mut c_void,
    pub retain: Option<extern "C" fn(*const c_void) -> *const c_void>,
    pub release: Option<extern "C" fn(*const c_void)>,
    pub copyDescription: Option<extern "C" fn(*const c_void) -> CFStringRef>,
    pub equal: Option<extern "C" fn(*const c_void, *const c_void) -> ffi::Boolean>,
    pub hash: Option<extern "C" fn(*const c_void) -> CFHashCode>,
    pub schedule: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, CFRunLoopRef, CFRunLoopMode)>,
    pub cancel: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void, CFRunLoopRef, CFRunLoopMode)>,
    pub perform: Option<extern "C" fn(*mut c_void)>,

unsafe fn control_flow_handler<F>(panic_info: *mut c_void, f: F)
    F: FnOnce(Weak<PanicInfo>) + UnwindSafe,
    let info_from_raw = Weak::from_raw(panic_info as *mut PanicInfo);
    // Asserting unwind safety on this type should be fine because `PanicInfo` is
    // `RefUnwindSafe` and `Rc<T>` is `UnwindSafe` if `T` is `RefUnwindSafe`.
    let panic_info = AssertUnwindSafe(Weak::clone(&info_from_raw));
    // `from_raw` takes ownership of the data behind the pointer.
    // But if this scope takes ownership of the weak pointer, then
    // the weak pointer will get free'd at the end of the scope.
    // However we want to keep that weak reference around after the function.

    stop_app_on_panic(Weak::clone(&panic_info), move || {
        let _ = &panic_info;

// begin is queued with the highest priority to ensure it is processed before other observers
extern "C" fn control_flow_begin_handler(
    _: CFRunLoopObserverRef,
    activity: CFRunLoopActivity,
    panic_info: *mut c_void,
) {
    unsafe {
        control_flow_handler(panic_info, |panic_info| {
            match activity {
                kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting => {
                    //trace!("Triggered `CFRunLoopAfterWaiting`");
                    //trace!("Completed `CFRunLoopAfterWaiting`");
                kCFRunLoopEntry => unimplemented!(), // not expected to ever happen
                _ => unreachable!(),

// end is queued with the lowest priority to ensure it is processed after other observers
// without that, LoopDestroyed would  get sent after MainEventsCleared
extern "C" fn control_flow_end_handler(
    _: CFRunLoopObserverRef,
    activity: CFRunLoopActivity,
    panic_info: *mut c_void,
) {
    unsafe {
        control_flow_handler(panic_info, |panic_info| {
            match activity {
                kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting => {
                    //trace!("Triggered `CFRunLoopBeforeWaiting`");
                    //trace!("Completed `CFRunLoopBeforeWaiting`");
                kCFRunLoopExit => (), //unimplemented!(), // not expected to ever happen
                _ => unreachable!(),

struct RunLoop(CFRunLoopRef);

impl RunLoop {
    unsafe fn get() -> Self {

    unsafe fn add_observer(
        flags: CFOptionFlags,
        priority: CFIndex,
        handler: CFRunLoopObserverCallBack,
        context: *mut CFRunLoopObserverContext,
    ) {
        let observer = CFRunLoopObserverCreate(
            ffi::TRUE, // Indicates we want this to run repeatedly
            priority,  // The lower the value, the sooner this will run
        CFRunLoopAddObserver(self.0, observer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);

pub fn setup_control_flow_observers(panic_info: Weak<PanicInfo>) {
    unsafe {
        let mut context = CFRunLoopObserverContext {
            info: Weak::into_raw(panic_info) as *mut _,
            version: 0,
            retain: None,
            release: None,
            copyDescription: None,
        let run_loop = RunLoop::get();
            kCFRunLoopEntry | kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting,
            &mut context as *mut _,
            kCFRunLoopExit | kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting,
            &mut context as *mut _,

pub struct EventLoopWaker {
    timer: CFRunLoopTimerRef,

impl Drop for EventLoopWaker {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {
            CFRelease(self.timer as _);

impl Default for EventLoopWaker {
    fn default() -> EventLoopWaker {
        extern "C" fn wakeup_main_loop(_timer: CFRunLoopTimerRef, _info: *mut c_void) {}
        unsafe {
            // Create a timer with a 0.1µs interval (1ns does not work) to mimic polling.
            // It is initially setup with a first fire time really far into the
            // future, but that gets changed to fire immediately in did_finish_launching
            let timer = CFRunLoopTimerCreate(
            CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetMain(), timer, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
            EventLoopWaker { timer }

impl EventLoopWaker {
    pub fn stop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(self.timer, std::f64::MAX) }

    pub fn start(&mut self) {
        unsafe { CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(self.timer, std::f64::MIN) }

    pub fn start_at(&mut self, instant: Instant) {
        let now = Instant::now();
        if now >= instant {
        } else {
            unsafe {
                let current = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
                let duration = instant - now;
                let fsecs =
                    duration.subsec_nanos() as f64 / 1_000_000_000.0 + duration.as_secs() as f64;
                CFRunLoopTimerSetNextFireDate(self.timer, current + fsecs)