winit 0.27.5

Cross-platform window creation library.
//! iOS support
//! # Building app
//! To build ios app you will need rustc built for this targets:
//!  - armv7-apple-ios
//!  - armv7s-apple-ios
//!  - i386-apple-ios
//!  - aarch64-apple-ios
//!  - x86_64-apple-ios
//! Then
//! ```
//! cargo build --target=...
//! ```
//! The simplest way to integrate your app into xcode environment is to build it
//! as a static library. Wrap your main function and export it.
//! ```rust, ignore
//! #[no_mangle]
//! pub extern fn start_winit_app() {
//!     start_inner()
//! }
//! fn start_inner() {
//!    ...
//! }
//! ```
//! Compile project and then drag resulting .a into Xcode project. Add winit.h to xcode.
//! ```ignore
//! void start_winit_app();
//! ```
//! Use start_winit_app inside your xcode's main function.
//! # App lifecycle and events
//! iOS environment is very different from other platforms and you must be very
//! careful with it's events. Familiarize yourself with
//! [app lifecycle](
//! This is how those event are represented in winit:
//!  - applicationDidBecomeActive is Resumed
//!  - applicationWillResignActive is Suspended
//!  - applicationWillTerminate is LoopDestroyed
//! Keep in mind that after LoopDestroyed event is received every attempt to draw with
//! opengl will result in segfault.
//! Also note that app may not receive the LoopDestroyed event if suspended; it might be SIGKILL'ed.

#![cfg(target_os = "ios")]

// TODO: (mtak-) UIKit requires main thread for virtually all function/method calls. This could be
// worked around in the future by using GCD (grand central dispatch) and/or caching of values like
// window size/position.
macro_rules! assert_main_thread {
    ($($t:tt)*) => {
        let is_main_thread: ::objc::runtime::BOOL = msg_send!(class!(NSThread), isMainThread);
        if is_main_thread == ::objc::runtime::NO {

mod app_state;
mod event_loop;
mod ffi;
mod monitor;
mod view;
mod window;

use std::fmt;

pub(crate) use self::{
        EventLoop, EventLoopProxy, EventLoopWindowTarget, PlatformSpecificEventLoopAttributes,
    monitor::{MonitorHandle, VideoMode},
    window::{PlatformSpecificWindowBuilderAttributes, Window, WindowId},

pub(crate) use crate::icon::NoIcon as PlatformIcon;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct DeviceId {
    uiscreen: ffi::id,

impl DeviceId {
    pub const unsafe fn dummy() -> Self {
        DeviceId {
            uiscreen: std::ptr::null_mut(),

unsafe impl Send for DeviceId {}
unsafe impl Sync for DeviceId {}

pub enum OsError {}

impl fmt::Display for OsError {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "os error")