pub unsafe extern "C" fn FspLaunchGetNameList(
    Buffer: PWSTR,
    PSize: PULONG,
    PLauncherError: PULONG
Expand description

List service instances.

The information is a list of pairs of NULL-terminated strings. Each pair contains the class name and instance name of a service instance. All currently running service instances are listed.

@param Buffer Buffer that receives the command response. May be NULL. @param PSize Pointer to a ULONG. On input it contains the size of the Buffer. On output it contains the number of bytes transferred. May be NULL. @param PLauncherError Receives the launcher error if any. This is always a Win32 error code. May not be NULL. @return STATUS_SUCCESS if the command is sent successfully to the launcher, even if the launcher returns an error. Other status codes indicate a communication error. Launcher errors are reported through PLauncherError.