pub unsafe extern "C" fn FspFileSystemFindReparsePoint(
    FileSystem: *mut FSP_FILE_SYSTEM,
    GetReparsePointByName: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(FileSystem: *mut FSP_FILE_SYSTEM, Context: PVOID, FileName: PWSTR, IsDirectory: BOOLEAN, Buffer: PVOID, PSize: PSIZE_T) -> NTSTATUS>,
    Context: PVOID,
    FileName: PWSTR,
    PReparsePointIndex: PUINT32
Expand description

Find reparse point in file name.

Given a file name this function returns an index to the first path component that is a reparse point. The function will call the supplied GetReparsePointByName function for every path component until it finds a reparse point or the whole path is processed.

This is a helper for implementing the GetSecurityByName operation in file systems that support reparse points.

@param FileSystem The file system object. @param GetReparsePointByName Pointer to function that can retrieve reparse point information by name. The FspFileSystemFindReparsePoint will call this function with the Buffer and PSize arguments set to NULL. The function should return STATUS_SUCCESS if the passed FileName is a reparse point or STATUS_NOT_A_REPARSE_POINT (or other error code) otherwise. @param Context User context to supply to GetReparsePointByName. @param FileName The name of the file or directory. @param PReparsePointIndex Pointer to a memory location that will receive the index of the first reparse point within FileName. A value is only placed in this memory location if the function returns TRUE. May be NULL. @return TRUE if a reparse point was found, FALSE otherwise. @see GetSecurityByName