windows_safe_handle 0.1.2

Generate smart pointers for raw handles with ergonomic APIs.

Generate smart pointers for windows raw handles with ergonomic APIs.

This crate doesn't offer pre-defined smart pointers. Instead, it provides a single [safe_handle!] macro for generation:

Simple Smart Pointer, calling an unsafe Function on Drop

use windows_safe_handle::safe_handle;
use windows::Win32::Foundation::{HANDLE, CloseHandle};

safe_handle!(pub Handle(HANDLE), CloseHandle);

If you do not need to export the Handle type, simply omit the pub keyword.

Smart Pointer with additional Drop logic

You can use a closure-based syntax:

use windows_safe_handle::safe_handle;
use windows::Win32::Foundation::{HANDLE, CloseHandle};

safe_handle!(pub Handle(HANDLE), |h| {
    // Place your code here
    unsafe { CloseHandle(h) }

Note that in this case you have to explicitly use unsafe block.


Refer to tests/ to see how to safely wrap Windows Cryptography Next Generation (CNG) APIs for calculating MD5 hashes.