windows_macros 0.13.0

Macros for the windows crate
use super::*;

pub fn gen(
    attribute: proc_macro::TokenStream,
    original_type: proc_macro::TokenStream,
) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
    let impl_type = original_type.clone();

    let implements = syn::parse_macro_input!(attribute as ImplementMacro);
    let impl_type = syn::parse_macro_input!(impl_type as syn::ItemStruct);
    let impl_name = impl_type.ident.to_string();
    let impl_ident = format_ident!("{}", impl_name);
    let box_ident = format_ident!("{}_box", impl_name);

    let mut tokens = TokenStream::new();
    let mut vtable_idents = vec![];
    let mut vtable_ordinals = vec![];
    let mut vtable_ctors = TokenStream::new();
    let mut shims = TokenStream::new();
    let mut queries = TokenStream::new();
    let reader = TypeReader::get();
    let gen = gen::Gen::Absolute;

    for (interface_count, (t, overrides)) in implements.interfaces(reader).iter().enumerate() {

        let query_interface = format_ident!("QueryInterface_abi{}", interface_count);
        let add_ref = format_ident!("AddRef_abi{}", interface_count);
        let release = format_ident!("Release_abi{}", interface_count);

        let mut vtable_ptrs = quote! {
            Self::GetRuntimeClassName, // TODO: needs to be vtable specific unless implementing a class

        shims.combine(&quote! {
            unsafe extern "system" fn #query_interface(this: ::windows::RawPtr, iid: &::windows::Guid, interface: *mut ::windows::RawPtr) -> ::windows::HRESULT {
                let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(2 + #interface_count) as *mut Self;
                (*this).QueryInterface(iid, interface)
            unsafe extern "system" fn #add_ref(this: ::windows::RawPtr) -> u32 {
                let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(2 + #interface_count) as *mut Self;
            unsafe extern "system" fn #release(this: ::windows::RawPtr) -> u32 {
                let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(2 + #interface_count) as *mut Self;

        let vtable_ident = t.gen_abi_name(&gen);
        let interface_ident = t.gen_name(&gen);
        let interface_literal = Literal::usize_unsuffixed(interface_count);

        for (vtable_offset, method) in t.methods().enumerate() {
            let method_ident = gen::to_ident(&method.rust_name());
            let vcall_ident = format_ident!("abi{}_{}", interface_count, vtable_offset + 6);

            vtable_ptrs.combine(&quote! {

            let signature = method.signature(&[]);
            let abi_signature = signature.gen_winrt_abi(&gen);
            let upcall = if *overrides {
                if implements.overrides.contains( {
                        .gen_winrt_upcall(quote! { (*this).implementation.#method_ident }, &gen)
                } else {
                    quote! { ::windows::HRESULT(0) }
            } else {
                signature.gen_winrt_upcall(quote! { (*this).implementation.#method_ident }, &gen)

            shims.combine(&quote! {
                    unsafe extern "system" fn #vcall_ident #abi_signature {
                        let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(2 + #interface_count) as *mut Self;

            queries.combine(&quote! {
                &<#interface_ident as ::windows::Interface>::IID => {
                    &mut self.vtables.#interface_literal as *mut _ as _

        if !t.is_exclusive() {
            tokens.combine(&quote! {
                    impl ::std::convert::From<#impl_ident> for #interface_ident {
                        fn from(implementation: #impl_ident) -> Self {
                            let com = #box_ident::new(implementation);

                            unsafe {
                                let ptr = ::std::boxed::Box::into_raw(::std::boxed::Box::new(com));
                                ::std::mem::transmute_copy(&::std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(&mut (*ptr).vtables.#interface_literal as *mut _ as _))

        vtable_ctors.combine(&quote! {


    let constructors = if let Some((namespace, name)) = implements.extend {
        let extend = reader.resolve_type_def(namespace, name);
        let mut factories = Vec::new();

        for attribute in extend.attributes() {
            if == "ComposableAttribute" {
                if let Some(def) = attribute.composable_type() {
                    factories.push(InterfaceInfo {
                        kind: InterfaceKind::Extend,
                        is_base: false,
                        version: (0, 0),

        InterfaceInfo::gen_methods(&factories, &gen)
    } else {
        quote! {}

    tokens.combine(&quote! {
        impl #impl_ident {
        impl ::std::convert::From<#impl_ident> for ::windows::IUnknown {
            fn from(implementation: #impl_ident) -> Self {
                let com = #box_ident::new(implementation);

                unsafe {
                    let ptr = ::std::boxed::Box::into_raw(::std::boxed::Box::new(com));
                    ::std::mem::transmute_copy(&::std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(&mut (*ptr).identity_vtable as *mut _ as _))
        impl ::std::convert::From<#impl_ident> for ::windows::IInspectable {
            fn from(implementation: #impl_ident) -> Self {
                let com = #box_ident::new(implementation);

                unsafe {
                    let ptr = ::std::boxed::Box::into_raw(::std::boxed::Box::new(com));
                    ::std::mem::transmute_copy(&::std::ptr::NonNull::new_unchecked(&mut (*ptr).identity_vtable as *mut _ as _))
        impl ::windows::Compose for #impl_ident {
            unsafe fn compose<'a>(implementation: Self) -> (::windows::IInspectable, &'a mut std::option::Option<::windows::IInspectable>) {
                let inspectable: ::windows::IInspectable = implementation.into();
                let this = (::windows::Abi::abi(&inspectable) as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(1) as *mut #box_ident;
                (inspectable, &mut (*this).base)
        struct #box_ident {
            base: ::std::option::Option<::windows::IInspectable>,
            identity_vtable: *const ::windows::IInspectable_abi,
            vtables: (#(*const #vtable_idents,)*),
            implementation: #impl_ident,
            count: ::windows::WeakRefCount,
        impl #box_ident {
            const VTABLES: (#(#vtable_idents,)*) = (
            const IDENTITY_VTABLE: ::windows::IInspectable_abi = ::windows::IInspectable_abi(
            fn new(implementation: #impl_ident) -> Self {
                Self {
                    base: ::std::option::Option::None,
                    identity_vtable: &Self::IDENTITY_VTABLE,
                    vtables: (#(&Self::VTABLES.#vtable_ordinals,)*),
                    count: ::windows::WeakRefCount::new(),
            fn QueryInterface(&mut self, iid: &::windows::Guid, interface: *mut ::windows::RawPtr) -> ::windows::HRESULT {
                unsafe {
                    *interface = match iid {
                        &<::windows::IUnknown as ::windows::Interface>::IID
                        | &<::windows::IInspectable as ::windows::Interface>::IID
                        | &<::windows::IAgileObject as ::windows::Interface>::IID => {
                            &mut self.identity_vtable as *mut _ as _
                        _ => ::std::ptr::null_mut(),

                    if !(*interface).is_null() {
                        return ::windows::HRESULT(0);

                    *interface = self.count.query(iid, &mut self.identity_vtable as *mut _ as _);

                    if (*interface).is_null() {
                        if let Some(base) = &self.base {
                            ::windows::Interface::query(base, iid, interface)
                        } else {
                            ::windows::HRESULT(0x8000_4002) // E_NOINTERFACE
                    } else {
            fn AddRef(&mut self) -> u32 {
            fn Release(&mut self) -> u32 {
                let remaining = self.count.release();
                if remaining == 0 {
                    unsafe {
            unsafe extern "system" fn GetIids(
                _: ::windows::RawPtr,
                count: *mut u32,
                values: *mut *mut ::windows::Guid,
            ) -> ::windows::HRESULT {
                // Note: even if we end up implementing this in future, it still doesn't need a this pointer
                // since the data to be returned is type- not instance-specific so can be shared for all
                // interfaces.
                *count = 0;
                *values = ::std::ptr::null_mut();
            unsafe extern "system" fn GetRuntimeClassName(
                _: ::windows::RawPtr,
                value: *mut ::windows::RawPtr,
            ) -> ::windows::HRESULT {
                // TODO: if a class is being implemented then the class name should be returned in all cases.
                // Otherwise, the interface name should be returned on a per-interface basis and the identity
                // implementation should return an empty string.

                let h = ::windows::HSTRING::new();
                *value = ::std::mem::transmute(h);
            unsafe extern "system" fn GetTrustLevel(_: ::windows::RawPtr, value: *mut i32) -> ::windows::HRESULT {
                // Note: even if we end up implementing this in future, it still doesn't need a this pointer
                // since the data to be returned is type- not instance-specific so can be shared for all
                // interfaces.
                *value = 0;
            unsafe extern "system" fn identity_query_interface(this: ::windows::RawPtr, iid: &::windows::Guid, interface: *mut ::windows::RawPtr) -> ::windows::HRESULT {
                let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(1) as *mut Self;
                (*this).QueryInterface(iid, interface)
            unsafe extern "system" fn identity_add_ref(this: ::windows::RawPtr) -> u32 {
                let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(1) as *mut Self;
            unsafe extern "system" fn identity_release(this: ::windows::RawPtr) -> u32 {
                let this = (this as *mut ::windows::RawPtr).sub(1) as *mut Self;

    let mut tokens = tokens.parse::<proc_macro::TokenStream>().unwrap();