[][src]Struct winapi::um::vsbackup::IVssBackupComponentsVtbl

pub struct IVssBackupComponentsVtbl {
    pub parent: IUnknownVtbl,
    pub GetWriterComponentsCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pcComponents: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetWriterComponents: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, iWriter: UINT, ppWriter: *mut *mut IVssWriterComponentsExt) -> HRESULT,
    pub InitializeForBackup: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, bstrXML: BSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetBackupState: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, bSelectComponents: bool, bBackupBootableSystemState: bool, backupType: VSS_BACKUP_TYPE, bPartialFileSupport: bool) -> HRESULT,
    pub InitializeForRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, bstrXML: BSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetRestoreState: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, restoreType: VSS_RESTORE_TYPE) -> HRESULT,
    pub GatherWriterMetadata: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetWriterMetadataCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pcWriters: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetWriterMetadata: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, iWriter: UINT, pidInstance: *mut VSS_ID, ppMetadata: *mut *mut IVssExamineWriterMetadata) -> HRESULT,
    pub FreeWriterMetadata: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents) -> HRESULT,
    pub AddComponent: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, instanceId: VSS_ID, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub PrepareForBackup: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub AbortBackup: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents) -> HRESULT,
    pub GatherWriterStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetWriterStatusCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pcWriters: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT,
    pub FreeWriterStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetWriterStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, iWriter: UINT, pidInstance: *mut VSS_ID, pidWriter: *mut VSS_ID, pbstrWriter: *mut BSTR, pnStatus: *mut VSS_WRITER_STATE, phResultFailure: *mut HRESULT) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetBackupSucceeded: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, instanceId: VSS_ID, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, bSucceded: bool) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetBackupOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszBackupOptions: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetSelectedForRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, bSelectedForRestore: bool) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetRestoreOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszRestoreOptions: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetAdditionalRestores: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, bAdditionalRestores: bool) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetPreviousBackupStamp: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszPreviousBackupStamp: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub SaveAsXML: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pbstrXML: *mut BSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub BackupComplete: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub AddAlternativeLocationMapping: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszDestination: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub AddRestoreSubcomponent: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszSubComponentLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszSubComponentName: LPCWSTR, bRepair: bool) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetFileRestoreStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, status: VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS) -> HRESULT,
    pub AddNewTarget: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFileName: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszAlternatePath: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetRangesFilePath: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, iPartialFile: UINT, wszRangesFile: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT,
    pub PreRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub PostRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub SetContext: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, lContext: LONG) -> HRESULT,
    pub StartSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pSnapshotSetId: *mut VSS_ID) -> HRESULT,
    pub AddToSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pwszVolumeName: VSS_PWSZ, ProviderId: VSS_ID, pidSnapshot: *mut VSS_ID) -> HRESULT,
    pub DoSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub DeleteSnapshots: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SourceObjectId: VSS_ID, eSourceObjectType: VSS_OBJECT_TYPE, bForceDelete: BOOL, plDeletedSnapshots: *mut LONG, pNondeletedSnapshotID: *mut VSS_ID) -> HRESULT,
    pub ImportSnapshots: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,
    pub BreakSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotSetId: VSS_ID) -> HRESULT,
    pub GetSnapshotProperties: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotId: VSS_ID, pProp: *mut VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP) -> HRESULT,
    pub Query: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, QueriedObjectId: VSS_ID, eQueriedObjectType: VSS_OBJECT_TYPE, eReturnedObjectsType: VSS_OBJECT_TYPE, ppEnum: *mut *mut IVssEnumObject) -> HRESULT,
    pub IsVolumeSupported: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ProviderId: VSS_ID, pwszVolumeName: VSS_PWSZ, pbSupportedByThisProvider: *mut BOOL) -> HRESULT,
    pub DisableWriterClasses: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, rgWriterClassId: *const VSS_ID, cClassId: UINT) -> HRESULT,
    pub EnableWriterClasses: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, rgWriterClassId: *const VSS_ID, cClassId: UINT) -> HRESULT,
    pub DisableWriterInstances: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, rgWriterInstanceId: *const VSS_ID, cInstanceId: UINT) -> HRESULT,
    pub ExposeSnapshot: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotId: VSS_ID, wszPathFromRoot: VSS_PWSZ, lAttributes: LONG, wszExpose: VSS_PWSZ, pwszExposed: VSS_PWSZ) -> HRESULT,
    pub RevertToSnapshot: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotId: VSS_ID, bForceDismount: BOOL) -> HRESULT,
    pub QueryRevertStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pwszVolume: VSS_PWSZ, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT,


parent: IUnknownVtblGetWriterComponentsCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pcComponents: *mut UINT) -> HRESULTGetWriterComponents: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, iWriter: UINT, ppWriter: *mut *mut IVssWriterComponentsExt) -> HRESULTInitializeForBackup: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, bstrXML: BSTR) -> HRESULTSetBackupState: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, bSelectComponents: bool, bBackupBootableSystemState: bool, backupType: VSS_BACKUP_TYPE, bPartialFileSupport: bool) -> HRESULTInitializeForRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, bstrXML: BSTR) -> HRESULTSetRestoreState: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, restoreType: VSS_RESTORE_TYPE) -> HRESULTGatherWriterMetadata: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTGetWriterMetadataCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pcWriters: *mut UINT) -> HRESULTGetWriterMetadata: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, iWriter: UINT, pidInstance: *mut VSS_ID, ppMetadata: *mut *mut IVssExamineWriterMetadata) -> HRESULTFreeWriterMetadata: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents) -> HRESULTAddComponent: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, instanceId: VSS_ID, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTPrepareForBackup: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTAbortBackup: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents) -> HRESULTGatherWriterStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTGetWriterStatusCount: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pcWriters: *mut UINT) -> HRESULTFreeWriterStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents) -> HRESULTGetWriterStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, iWriter: UINT, pidInstance: *mut VSS_ID, pidWriter: *mut VSS_ID, pbstrWriter: *mut BSTR, pnStatus: *mut VSS_WRITER_STATE, phResultFailure: *mut HRESULT) -> HRESULTSetBackupSucceeded: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, instanceId: VSS_ID, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, bSucceded: bool) -> HRESULTSetBackupOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszBackupOptions: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTSetSelectedForRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, bSelectedForRestore: bool) -> HRESULTSetRestoreOptions: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszRestoreOptions: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTSetAdditionalRestores: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, bAdditionalRestores: bool) -> HRESULTSetPreviousBackupStamp: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszPreviousBackupStamp: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTSaveAsXML: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pbstrXML: *mut BSTR) -> HRESULTBackupComplete: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTAddAlternativeLocationMapping: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszDestination: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTAddRestoreSubcomponent: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszSubComponentLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszSubComponentName: LPCWSTR, bRepair: bool) -> HRESULTSetFileRestoreStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, status: VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS) -> HRESULTAddNewTarget: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFileName: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszAlternatePath: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTSetRangesFilePath: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, writerId: VSS_ID, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, iPartialFile: UINT, wszRangesFile: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULTPreRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTPostRestore: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTSetContext: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, lContext: LONG) -> HRESULTStartSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pSnapshotSetId: *mut VSS_ID) -> HRESULTAddToSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pwszVolumeName: VSS_PWSZ, ProviderId: VSS_ID, pidSnapshot: *mut VSS_ID) -> HRESULTDoSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTDeleteSnapshots: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SourceObjectId: VSS_ID, eSourceObjectType: VSS_OBJECT_TYPE, bForceDelete: BOOL, plDeletedSnapshots: *mut LONG, pNondeletedSnapshotID: *mut VSS_ID) -> HRESULTImportSnapshots: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULTBreakSnapshotSet: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotSetId: VSS_ID) -> HRESULTGetSnapshotProperties: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotId: VSS_ID, pProp: *mut VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROP) -> HRESULTQuery: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, QueriedObjectId: VSS_ID, eQueriedObjectType: VSS_OBJECT_TYPE, eReturnedObjectsType: VSS_OBJECT_TYPE, ppEnum: *mut *mut IVssEnumObject) -> HRESULTIsVolumeSupported: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, ProviderId: VSS_ID, pwszVolumeName: VSS_PWSZ, pbSupportedByThisProvider: *mut BOOL) -> HRESULTDisableWriterClasses: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, rgWriterClassId: *const VSS_ID, cClassId: UINT) -> HRESULTEnableWriterClasses: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, rgWriterClassId: *const VSS_ID, cClassId: UINT) -> HRESULTDisableWriterInstances: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, rgWriterInstanceId: *const VSS_ID, cInstanceId: UINT) -> HRESULTExposeSnapshot: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotId: VSS_ID, wszPathFromRoot: VSS_PWSZ, lAttributes: LONG, wszExpose: VSS_PWSZ, pwszExposed: VSS_PWSZ) -> HRESULTRevertToSnapshot: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, SnapshotId: VSS_ID, bForceDismount: BOOL) -> HRESULTQueryRevertStatus: unsafe extern "system" fn(This: *mut IVssBackupComponents, pwszVolume: VSS_PWSZ, ppAsync: *mut *mut IVssAsync) -> HRESULT

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized