Struct winapi::vswriter::IVssCreateWriterMetadata [] [src]

pub struct IVssCreateWriterMetadata {
    pub lpVtbl: *const IVssCreateWriterMetadataVtbl,


lpVtbl: *const IVssCreateWriterMetadataVtbl


impl IVssCreateWriterMetadata

unsafe fn AddIncludeFiles(&mut self, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszAlternateLocation: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddExcludeFiles(&mut self, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddComponent(&mut self, ct: VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszComponentName: LPCWSTR, wszCaption: LPCWSTR, pbIcon: *const BYTE, cbIcon: UINT, bRestoreMetadata: bool, bNotifyOnBackupComplete: bool, bSelectableForRestore: bool, dwComponentFlags: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddDatabaseFiles(&mut self, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszDatabaseName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, dwBackupTypeMask: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddDatabaseLogFiles(&mut self, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszDatabaseName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, dwBackupTypeMask: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddFilesToFileGroup(&mut self, wszLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszGroupName: LPCWSTR, wszPath: LPCWSTR, wszFilespec: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszAlternateLocation: LPCWSTR, dwBackupTypeMask: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetRestoreMethod(&mut self, method: VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM, wszService: LPCWSTR, wszUserProcedure: LPCWSTR, writerRestore: VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM, bRebootRequired: bool) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddAlternateLocationMapping(&mut self, wszSourcePath: LPCWSTR, wszSourceFilespec: LPCWSTR, bRecursive: bool, wszDestination: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddComponentDependency(&mut self, wszForLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszForComponentName: LPCWSTR, onWriterId: VSS_ID, wszOnLogicalPath: LPCWSTR, wszOnComponentName: LPCWSTR) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetBackupSchema(&mut self, dwSchemaMask: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetDocument(&mut self, pDoc: *mut *mut VOID) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SaveAsXML(&mut self, pbstrXML: *mut BSTR) -> HRESULT

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for IVssCreateWriterMetadata

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.