Struct winapi::d3d9::IDirect3DDevice9 [] [src]

pub struct IDirect3DDevice9 {
    pub lpVtbl: *const IDirect3DDevice9Vtbl,


lpVtbl: *const IDirect3DDevice9Vtbl


impl IDirect3DDevice9

unsafe fn TestCooperativeLevel(&mut self) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetAvailableTextureMem(&mut self) -> UINT

unsafe fn EvictManagedResources(&mut self) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetDirect3D(&mut self, ppD3D9: *mut *mut IDirect3D9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetDeviceCaps(&mut self, pCaps: *mut D3DCAPS9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetDisplayMode(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, pMode: *mut D3DDISPLAYMODE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetCreationParameters(&mut self, pParameters: *mut D3DDEVICE_CREATION_PARAMETERS) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetCursorProperties(&mut self, XHotSpot: UINT, YHotSpot: UINT, pCursorBitmap: *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetCursorPosition(&mut self, X: INT, Y: INT, Flags: DWORD)

unsafe fn ShowCursor(&mut self, bShow: BOOL) -> BOOL

unsafe fn CreateAdditionalSwapChain(&mut self, pPresentationParameters: *mut D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS, pSwapChain: *mut *mut IDirect3DSwapChain9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetSwapChain(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, pSwapChain: *mut *mut IDirect3DSwapChain9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetNumberOfSwapChains(&mut self) -> UINT

unsafe fn Reset(&mut self, pPresentationParameters: *mut D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn Present(&mut self, pSourceRect: *const RECT, pDestRect: *const RECT, hDestWindowOverride: HWND, pDirtyRegion: *const RGNDATA) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetBackBuffer(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, iBackBuffer: UINT, Type: D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE, ppBackBuffer: *mut *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetRasterStatus(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, pRasterStatus: *mut D3DRASTER_STATUS) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetDialogBoxMode(&mut self, bEnableDialogs: BOOL) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetGammaRamp(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, Flags: DWORD, pRamp: *const D3DGAMMARAMP)

unsafe fn GetGammaRamp(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, pRamp: *mut D3DGAMMARAMP)

unsafe fn CreateTexture(&mut self, Width: UINT, Height: UINT, Levels: UINT, Usage: DWORD, Format: D3DFORMAT, Pool: D3DPOOL, ppTexture: *mut *mut IDirect3DTexture9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateVolumeTexture(&mut self, Width: UINT, Height: UINT, Depth: UINT, Levels: UINT, Usage: DWORD, Format: D3DFORMAT, Pool: D3DPOOL, ppVolumeTexture: *mut *mut IDirect3DVolumeTexture9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateCubeTexture(&mut self, EdgeLength: UINT, Levels: UINT, Usage: DWORD, Format: D3DFORMAT, Pool: D3DPOOL, ppCubeTexture: *mut *mut IDirect3DCubeTexture9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateVertexBuffer(&mut self, Length: UINT, Usage: DWORD, FVF: DWORD, Pool: D3DPOOL, ppVertexBuffer: *mut *mut IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateIndexBuffer(&mut self, Length: UINT, Usage: DWORD, Format: D3DFORMAT, Pool: D3DPOOL, ppIndexBuffer: *mut *mut IDirect3DIndexBuffer9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateRenderTarget(&mut self, Width: UINT, Height: UINT, Format: D3DFORMAT, MultiSample: D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE, MultisampleQuality: DWORD, Lockable: BOOL, ppSurface: *mut *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateDepthStencilSurface(&mut self, Width: UINT, Height: UINT, Format: D3DFORMAT, MultiSample: D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE, MultisampleQuality: DWORD, Discard: BOOL, ppSurface: *mut *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn UpdateSurface(&mut self, pSourceSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pSourceRect: *const RECT, pDestinationSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pDestPoint: *const POINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn UpdateTexture(&mut self, pSourceTexture: *mut IDirect3DBaseTexture9, pDestinationTexture: *mut IDirect3DBaseTexture9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetRenderTargetData(&mut self, pRenderTarget: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pDestSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetFrontBufferData(&mut self, iSwapChain: UINT, pDestSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn StretchRect(&mut self, pSourceSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pSourceRect: *const RECT, pDestSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pDestRect: *const RECT, Filter: D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn ColorFill(&mut self, pSurface: *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pRect: *const RECT, color: D3DCOLOR) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateOffscreenPlainSurface(&mut self, Width: UINT, Height: UINT, Format: D3DFORMAT, Pool: D3DPOOL, ppSurface: *mut *mut IDirect3DSurface9, pSharedHandle: *mut HANDLE) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetRenderTarget(&mut self, RenderTargetIndex: DWORD, pRenderTarget: *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetRenderTarget(&mut self, RenderTargetIndex: DWORD, ppRenderTarget: *mut *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetDepthStencilSurface(&mut self, pNewZStencil: *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetDepthStencilSurface(&mut self, ppZStencilSurface: *mut *mut IDirect3DSurface9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn BeginScene(&mut self) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn EndScene(&mut self) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn Clear(&mut self, Count: DWORD, pRects: *const D3DRECT, Flags: DWORD, Color: D3DCOLOR, Z: FLOAT, Stencil: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetTransform(&mut self, State: D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE, pMatrix: *const D3DMATRIX) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetTransform(&mut self, State: D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE, pMatrix: *mut D3DMATRIX) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn MultiplyTransform(&mut self, arg1: D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE, arg2: *const D3DMATRIX) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetViewport(&mut self, pViewport: *const D3DVIEWPORT9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetViewport(&mut self, pViewport: *mut D3DVIEWPORT9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetMaterial(&mut self, pMaterial: *const D3DMATERIAL9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetMaterial(&mut self, pMaterial: *mut D3DMATERIAL9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetLight(&mut self, Index: DWORD, arg1: *const D3DLIGHT9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetLight(&mut self, Index: DWORD, arg1: *mut D3DLIGHT9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn LightEnable(&mut self, Index: DWORD, Enable: BOOL) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetLightEnable(&mut self, Index: DWORD, pEnable: *mut BOOL) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetClipPlane(&mut self, Index: DWORD, pPlane: *const FLOAT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetClipPlane(&mut self, Index: DWORD, pPlane: *mut FLOAT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetRenderState(&mut self, State: D3DRENDERSTATETYPE, Value: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetRenderState(&mut self, State: D3DRENDERSTATETYPE, pValue: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateStateBlock(&mut self, Type: D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE, ppSB: *mut *mut IDirect3DStateBlock9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn BeginStateBlock(&mut self) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn EndStateBlock(&mut self, ppSB: *mut *mut IDirect3DStateBlock9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetClipStatus(&mut self, pClipStatus: *const D3DCLIPSTATUS9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetClipStatus(&mut self, pClipStatus: *mut D3DCLIPSTATUS9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetTexture(&mut self, Stage: DWORD, ppTexture: *mut *mut IDirect3DBaseTexture9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetTexture(&mut self, Stage: DWORD, pTexture: *mut IDirect3DBaseTexture9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetTextureStageState(&mut self, Stage: DWORD, Type: D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE, pValue: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetTextureStageState(&mut self, Stage: DWORD, Type: D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE, Value: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetSamplerState(&mut self, Sampler: DWORD, Type: D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE, pValue: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetSamplerState(&mut self, Sampler: DWORD, Type: D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE, Value: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn ValidateDevice(&mut self, pNumPasses: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetPaletteEntries(&mut self, PaletteNumber: UINT, pEntries: *const PALETTEENTRY) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetPaletteEntries(&mut self, PaletteNumber: UINT, pEntries: *mut PALETTEENTRY) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetCurrentTexturePalette(&mut self, PaletteNumber: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetCurrentTexturePalette(&mut self, PaletteNumber: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetScissorRect(&mut self, pRect: *const RECT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetScissorRect(&mut self, pRect: *mut RECT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetSoftwareVertexProcessing(&mut self, bSoftware: BOOL) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetSoftwareVertexProcessing(&mut self) -> BOOL

unsafe fn SetNPatchMode(&mut self, nSegments: FLOAT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetNPatchMode(&mut self) -> FLOAT

unsafe fn DrawPrimitive(&mut self, PrimitiveType: D3DPRIMITIVETYPE, StartVertex: UINT, PrimitiveCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DrawIndexedPrimitive(&mut self, arg1: D3DPRIMITIVETYPE, BaseVertexIndex: INT, MinVertexIndex: UINT, NumVertices: UINT, startIndex: UINT, primCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DrawPrimitiveUP(&mut self, PrimitiveType: D3DPRIMITIVETYPE, PrimitiveCount: UINT, pVertexStreamZeroData: *const VOID, VertexStreamZeroStride: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(&mut self, PrimitiveType: D3DPRIMITIVETYPE, MinVertexIndex: UINT, NumVertices: UINT, PrimitiveCount: UINT, pIndexData: *const VOID, IndexDataFormat: D3DFORMAT, pVertexStreamZeroData: *const VOID, VertexStreamZeroStride: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn ProcessVertices(&mut self, SrcStartIndex: UINT, DestIndex: UINT, VertexCount: UINT, pDestBuffer: *mut IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, pVertexDecl: *mut IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9, Flags: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateVertexDeclaration(&mut self, pVertexElements: *const D3DVERTEXELEMENT9, ppDecl: *mut *mut IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVertexDeclaration(&mut self, pDecl: *mut IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVertexDeclaration(&mut self, ppDecl: *mut *mut IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetFVF(&mut self, FVF: DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetFVF(&mut self, pFVF: *mut DWORD) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateVertexShader(&mut self, pFunction: *const DWORD, ppShader: *mut *mut IDirect3DVertexShader9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVertexShader(&mut self, pShader: *mut IDirect3DVertexShader9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVertexShader(&mut self, ppShader: *mut *mut IDirect3DVertexShader9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVertexShaderConstantF(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *const FLOAT, Vector4fCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVertexShaderConstantF(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *mut FLOAT, Vector4fCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVertexShaderConstantI(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *const INT, Vector4iCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVertexShaderConstantI(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *mut INT, Vector4iCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetVertexShaderConstantB(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *const BOOL, BoolCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetVertexShaderConstantB(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *mut BOOL, BoolCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetStreamSource(&mut self, StreamNumber: UINT, pStreamData: *mut IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, OffsetInBytes: UINT, Stride: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetStreamSource(&mut self, StreamNumber: UINT, ppStreamData: *mut *mut IDirect3DVertexBuffer9, pOffsetInBytes: *mut UINT, pStride: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetStreamSourceFreq(&mut self, StreamNumber: UINT, Setting: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetStreamSourceFreq(&mut self, StreamNumber: UINT, pSetting: *mut UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetIndices(&mut self, pIndexData: *mut IDirect3DIndexBuffer9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetIndices(&mut self, ppIndexData: *mut *mut IDirect3DIndexBuffer9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreatePixelShader(&mut self, pFunction: *const DWORD, ppShader: *mut *mut IDirect3DPixelShader9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetPixelShader(&mut self, pShader: *mut IDirect3DPixelShader9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetPixelShader(&mut self, ppShader: *mut *mut IDirect3DPixelShader9) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetPixelShaderConstantF(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *const FLOAT, Vector4fCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetPixelShaderConstantF(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *mut FLOAT, Vector4fCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetPixelShaderConstantI(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *const INT, Vector4iCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetPixelShaderConstantI(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *mut INT, Vector4iCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn SetPixelShaderConstantB(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *const BOOL, BoolCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn GetPixelShaderConstantB(&mut self, StartRegister: UINT, pConstantData: *mut BOOL, BoolCount: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DrawRectPatch(&mut self, Handle: UINT, pNumSegs: *const FLOAT, pRectPatchInfo: *const D3DRECTPATCH_INFO) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DrawTriPatch(&mut self, Handle: UINT, pNumSegs: *const FLOAT, pTriPatchInfo: *const D3DTRIPATCH_INFO) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn DeletePatch(&mut self, Handle: UINT) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn CreateQuery(&mut self, Type: D3DQUERYTYPE, ppQuery: *mut *mut IDirect3DQuery9) -> HRESULT

Methods from Deref<Target=IUnknown>

unsafe fn QueryInterface(&mut self, riid: REFIID, ppvObject: *mut *mut c_void) -> HRESULT

unsafe fn AddRef(&mut self) -> ULONG

unsafe fn Release(&mut self) -> ULONG

Trait Implementations

impl Debug for IDirect3DDevice9

fn fmt(&self, __arg_0: &mut Formatter) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter.

impl Deref for IDirect3DDevice9

type Target = IUnknown

The resulting type after dereferencing

fn deref(&self) -> &IUnknown

The method called to dereference a value

impl DerefMut for IDirect3DDevice9

fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut IUnknown

The method called to mutably dereference a value