win32-remove-dir-all 0.1.0

A std::fs::remove_dir_all replacement using the Windows Shell and Property System APIs on Windows

A [`std::fs::remove_dir_all`] replacement using the Windows Shell and Property System APIs on

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- [Documentation]
- [Release notes]

The current Windows implementation of `remove_dir_all` in the Rust standard library has a
[long-standing issue] with consistently deleting directories. The [Windows Shell] and [Windows
Property System] APIs both provide methods for recursively deleting directories with consistent
results by way of [`SHFileOperationW`] and [`IFileOperation`], respectively, although a stable
solution compatible with UWP apps has not been settled on in the context of the associated
GitHub issue.

This crate provides a `remove_dir_all` implementation based on both [`SHFileOperationW`] and
[`IFileOperation`], with the former used as a fallback if the latter is not supported
([`IFileOperation`] is recommended over [`SHFileOperationW`], but it is only supported on
Windows Vista and later). For non-Windows platforms, the standard library `remove_dir_all`
function is re-exported for convenience.

Due to the lack of Shell and Property System API support for UWP apps, UWP app developers are
recommended to use the [`remove_dir_all` crate] instead, as it provides an alternative
implementation that does not rely on the Shell or Property System APIs.

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

win32-remove-dir-all = "0.1"

## Rust Version Support

The minimum supported Rust version is 1.37. This is largely due to language features used by
dependencies and may be subject to change in later releases.

## Examples

The `remove_dir_all` function provided by this crate can be used as a drop-in replacement for
[`std::fs::remove_dir_all`], even in code targeting multiple platforms; [`std::fs::remove_dir_all`]
will be used automatically on non-Windows targets.

use std::{error::Error, fs, path::Path};
use win32_remove_dir_all::remove_dir_all;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    // Create a directory with a couple files residing in it.

    // Delete the directory and all its contents as you would with `std::fs::remove_dir_all`.


## Disabling Property System ([`IFileOperation`]) Support

Support for [`IFileOperation`] is gated behind the `property_system_api` crate feature, which is
enabled by default. It is not necessary to disable this feature in order to support Windows
versions prior to Windows Vista, as [`SHFileOperationW`] will be used instead if
[`IFileOperation`] is unavailable. It can still be disabled if desired, such as if build times
or sizes are of concern, in which case [`SHFileOperationW`] will always be used regardless of
the Windows version.

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
 * MIT license

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

[long-standing issue]:
[Windows Shell]:
[Windows Property System]:
[`remove_dir_all` crate]: