wifiqr 0.0.6

Generate QR codes for wifi access


This Rust crate encodes Wifi credentials into a QR code. A command-line interface is available for testing and basic use, too.


To use WifiQr's command-line implementation, download a pre-built binary from the releases tab.

Utility usage

    wifiqr [ --ssid (ssid) ] [ --password (password) | --ask ]
	    [ --encr encryption type (default:wpa2) ]
	    [ --imagefile (output_name.png) | --svg | --svgfile (output_name.svg) ]

	--hidden     Optional: Indicate whether or not the SSID is hidden
	--svg        Emit the QR code as an SVG (to standard output)
	--console    Print the QR code out to the console
    -d, --debug      Display some extra debugging output
    -a, --ask        Ask for password instead of getting it through the command-line
	--quote      If the SSID or password could be mistaken for a hexadecimal value, 
					 this option will add double-quotes around the SSID and password
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

	--ssid <ssid>               Sets the WiFi SSID
	--password <password>       Sets the WiFi password [default: ]
	--encr <encryption>         The WiFi's encryption type (wpa, wpa2, nopass) [default: wpa2]
	--scale <scale>             QR code scaling factor [default: 10]
	--quietzone <quiet_zone>    QR code: The size of the quiet zone/border to apply to the final QR code [default:
	--imagefile <image_file>    The name of the file to save to (e.g. --imagefile qr.png). Formats: [png, jpg, bmp]
	--svgfile <svg_file>        Save the QR code to a file (SVG formatted)


This crate is available on crates.io. Please be sure to pin the version you're using to a specific release (or commit), to avoid any changes that may break your application (efforts will be made to ensure that this is not the case).

extern crate wifiqr;

fn main() {
    let quiet_zone = 5;
    let config = wifiqr::code::auth(
        Some("ssid"),       // Network name (ssid)
        Some("password"),   // Network password/passphrase
        Some("wpa2"),       // WPA | WPA2 | WEP
        false,              // Hidden SSID (true | false)
        false,              // SSID needs to be quoted (true | false)

    let encoding = wifiqr::code::encode(&config).expect("There was a problem generating the QR code");

    // this passes the svg output from the QR encoder back
    println!("{}", wifiqr::code::make_svg(&encoding));

    // this prints a qr code to the console
    wifiqr::code::console_qr(&encoding, quiet_zone);


Pre-built releases are provided on GitHub, but for development, or to build your own from source (after installing the Rust toolchain:

cargo build --release

Information on QR codes as used in WI-FI authentication

Crates Used