widestring 0.5.1

A wide string Rust library for converting to and from wide strings, such as those often used in Windows API or other FFI libaries. Both `u16` and `u32` string types are provided, including support for UTF-16 and UTF-32, malformed encoding, C-style strings, etc.
min_version = "0.35.0"

CI_CARGO_TEST_FLAGS = { value = "--locked -- --nocapture", condition = { env_true = [
] } }
CARGO_MAKE_CLIPPY_ARGS = { value = "${CARGO_MAKE_CLIPPY_ALL_FEATURES_WARN}", condition = { env_true = [
] } }

# Override for CI flag additions
args = [
    "@@split(CI_CARGO_TEST_FLAGS, )",

# Let clippy run on non-nightly CI
condition = { env_set = ["CARGO_MAKE_RUN_CLIPPY"] }

# Let format check run on non-nightly CI
condition = { env_set = ["CARGO_MAKE_RUN_CHECK_FORMAT"] }

description = "Checks docs for errors."
category = "Documentation"
install_crate = false
env = { RUSTDOCFLAGS = "-D warnings" }
command = "cargo"
args = [

# Build & Test with no features enabled
run_task = [{ name = ["check-docs", "build-no-std", "test-no-std", "build-alloc", "test-alloc"] }]

description = "Build without any features"
category = "Build"
env = { CARGO_MAKE_CARGO_BUILD_TEST_FLAGS = "--no-default-features" }
run_task = "build"

description = "Run tests without any features"
category = "Test"
env = { CARGO_MAKE_CARGO_BUILD_TEST_FLAGS = "--no-default-features" }
run_task = "test"

description = "Build with only the alloc feature"
category = "Build"
env = { CARGO_MAKE_CARGO_BUILD_TEST_FLAGS = "--no-default-features --features=alloc" }
run_task = "build"

description = "Run tests with only the alloc feature"
category = "Test"
env = { CARGO_MAKE_CARGO_BUILD_TEST_FLAGS = "--no-default-features --features=alloc" }
run_task = "test"