widerwlock 0.5.0

A partitioned read-write lock optimized for many parallel readers.
# Wide (Partitioned) Read Write Lock

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This crate implements an enterprise-grade read-write lock, typically used for large data structures.
The lock is internally 8x partitioned, which allows it to scale much better with a large number of readers,
as compared to `std::sync::RwLock`.

Even though this is a large lock, it has better performance characteristic for uncontended single reader
or single writer lock than `std::sync::RwLock`.

The lock uses a contiguous 576 byte heap area to store its state, so it's not a light-weight lock.
If you have a complex data structure that holds a GB of data, this would be an appropriate lock.

An interesting feature of this lock, beside its performance, is its Read->Write upgrade mechanics. The `ReadGuard` allows an
upgrade to a write-lock and informs the user whether the upgrade succeeded atomically or not. This enables
the following pattern:
- Read to see if the data structure is in a particular state (e.g. contains a value).
  - if not, upgrade to a write lock
  - if upgrade was not atomic, perform the (potentially expensive) read again
  - write to the structure if needed

- [Documentation]https://docs.rs/widerwlock

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

widerwlock = "0.5"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate widerwlock;

## Rust Version Support

The minimum supported Rust version is 1.28 due to use of allocator api.