whiteread 0.1.0

Crate for easily reading whitespace-separated values from strings or input. It was made to mimic `cin >>` functionality and to be usable for parsing text input in format commonly used in algorithmic contests.

Yet another crate for easily reading values from strings or input.

It was made to mimic cin >> functionality and to be usable for parsing text input in format used in algorithmic contests.


  • Function-based interface (as opposed to macro-based one).
  • Simple: only whitespace can separate values, hence name. (so it's not a general solution for parsing arbitrary data).
  • Parsing in newline-agnostic mode (just like cin >>).
  • Easy detection of end of input.
  • Proper (Result, not panics) handling of errors⁰.
  • No unnecessary allocs and locks.
  • One-file copy-pastable implementation with no dependencies.

⁰) I wanted to just panic for simplicity, but then realized that one unwrap() doesn't hurt too much. But if you really want to force panics, we got you covered too!



Reading an integer from stdin:

let x: i32 = parse_line().unwrap();

Tuples and vectors (nest everything as you like)!

let tup: (i32, f64) = parse_string("  5  3.14  leftovers are ignored");
let v: Vec<(String, u8)> = parse_string("one 1 two 2 three 3");

Wrapping StdinLock for non-line-based parsing...

let i = std::io::stdin();
let mut i = WhiteRead::new(i.lock());

// (almost) equivalent to scanf("%d%d", &a, &b) or cin >> a >> b
let (a, b): (i32, i32) = i.parse().unwrap();

...or just for speed:

while let Ok((x, y)) = i.parse_line::<(uint, f32)>() {
	println!("{} {}", y, x);