wgsl_to_wgpu 0.8.0

Generate typesafe Rust bindings from WGSL shaders to wgpu
use crate::{indexed_name_to_ident, wgsl::buffer_binding_type, CreateModuleError};
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use syn::{Ident, Index};

pub struct GroupData<'a> {
    pub bindings: Vec<GroupBinding<'a>>,

pub struct GroupBinding<'a> {
    pub name: Option<String>,
    pub binding_index: u32,
    pub binding_type: &'a naga::Type,
    pub address_space: naga::AddressSpace,

// TODO: Take an iterator instead?
pub fn bind_groups_module(
    bind_group_data: &BTreeMap<u32, GroupData>,
    shader_stages: wgpu::ShaderStages,
) -> TokenStream {
    let bind_groups: Vec<_> = bind_group_data
        .map(|(group_no, group)| {
            let group_name = indexed_name_to_ident("BindGroup", *group_no);

            let layout = bind_group_layout(*group_no, group);
            let layout_descriptor = bind_group_layout_descriptor(*group_no, group, shader_stages);
            let group_impl = bind_group(*group_no, group, shader_stages);

            quote! {
                pub struct #group_name(wgpu::BindGroup);

    let bind_group_fields: Vec<_> = bind_group_data
        .map(|group_no| {
            let group_name = indexed_name_to_ident("BindGroup", *group_no);
            let field = indexed_name_to_ident("bind_group", *group_no);
            quote!(pub #field: &'a #group_name)

    // TODO: Support compute shader with vertex/fragment in the same module?
    let is_compute = shader_stages == wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE;
    let render_pass = if is_compute {
    } else {

    let group_parameters: Vec<_> = bind_group_data
        .map(|group_no| {
            let group = indexed_name_to_ident("bind_group", *group_no);
            let group_type = indexed_name_to_ident("BindGroup", *group_no);
            quote!(#group: &'a bind_groups::#group_type)

    // The set function for each bind group already sets the index.
    let set_groups: Vec<_> = bind_group_data
        .map(|group_no| {
            let group = indexed_name_to_ident("bind_group", *group_no);

    let set_bind_groups = quote! {
        pub fn set_bind_groups<'a>(
            pass: &mut #render_pass,
        ) {

    if bind_groups.is_empty() {
        // Don't include empty modules.
    } else {
        // Create a module to avoid name conflicts with user structs.
        quote! {
            pub mod bind_groups {

                #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
                pub struct BindGroups<'a> {

                impl<'a> BindGroups<'a> {
                    pub fn set(&self, pass: &mut #render_pass) {

fn bind_group_layout(group_no: u32, group: &GroupData) -> TokenStream {
    let fields: Vec<_> = group
        .map(|binding| {
            let field_name = Ident::new(binding.name.as_ref().unwrap(), Span::call_site());
            // TODO: Support more types.
            let field_type = match binding.binding_type.inner {
                naga::TypeInner::Struct { .. } => quote!(wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>),
                naga::TypeInner::Image { .. } => quote!(&'a wgpu::TextureView),
                naga::TypeInner::Sampler { .. } => quote!(&'a wgpu::Sampler),
                naga::TypeInner::Array { .. } => quote!(wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>),
                _ => panic!("Unsupported type for binding fields."),
            quote!(pub #field_name: #field_type)

    let name = indexed_name_to_ident("BindGroupLayout", group_no);
    quote! {
        pub struct #name<'a> {

fn bind_group_layout_descriptor(
    group_no: u32,
    group: &GroupData,
    shader_stages: wgpu::ShaderStages,
) -> TokenStream {
    let entries: Vec<_> = group
        .map(|binding| bind_group_layout_entry(binding, shader_stages))

    let name = indexed_name_to_ident("LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR", group_no);
    quote! {
        const #name: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
            label: None,
            entries: &[

fn bind_group_layout_entry(
    binding: &GroupBinding,
    shader_stages: wgpu::ShaderStages,
) -> TokenStream {
    // TODO: Assume storage is only used for compute?
    // TODO: Support just vertex or fragment?
    // TODO: Visible from all stages?
    let stages = match shader_stages {
        wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT => quote!(wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT),
        wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE => quote!(wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE),
        wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX => quote!(wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX),
        wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT => quote!(wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT),
        _ => todo!(),

    let binding_index = Index::from(binding.binding_index as usize);
    // TODO: Support more types.
    let binding_type = match binding.binding_type.inner {
        naga::TypeInner::Struct { .. } => {
            let buffer_binding_type = buffer_binding_type(binding.address_space);

            quote!(wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                ty: #buffer_binding_type,
                has_dynamic_offset: false,
                min_binding_size: None,
        naga::TypeInner::Array { .. } => {
            let buffer_binding_type = buffer_binding_type(binding.address_space);

            quote!(wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                ty: #buffer_binding_type,
                has_dynamic_offset: false,
                min_binding_size: None,
        naga::TypeInner::Image { dim, class, .. } => {
            let view_dim = match dim {
                naga::ImageDimension::D1 => quote!(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D1),
                naga::ImageDimension::D2 => quote!(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2),
                naga::ImageDimension::D3 => quote!(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D3),
                naga::ImageDimension::Cube => quote!(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::Cube),

            match class {
                naga::ImageClass::Sampled { kind: _, multi } => {
                    // TODO: Don't assume all textures are filterable.
                    quote!(wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
                        sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: true },
                        view_dimension: #view_dim,
                        multisampled: #multi,
                naga::ImageClass::Depth { multi } => {
                    quote!(wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
                        sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Depth,
                        view_dimension: #view_dim,
                        multisampled: #multi,
                naga::ImageClass::Storage { format, access } => {
                    // TODO: Will the debug implementation always work with the macro?
                    // Assume texture format variants are the same as storage formats.
                    let format = syn::Ident::new(&format!("{format:?}"), Span::call_site());
                    let storage_access = storage_access(access);

                    quote!(wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture {
                        access: #storage_access,
                        format: wgpu::TextureFormat::#format,
                        view_dimension: #view_dim,
        naga::TypeInner::Sampler { comparison } => {
            let sampler_type = if comparison {
            } else {
        // TODO: Better error handling.
        _ => panic!("Failed to generate BindingType."),

    quote! {
        wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
            binding: #binding_index,
            visibility: #stages,
            ty: #binding_type,
            count: None,

fn storage_access(access: naga::StorageAccess) -> TokenStream {
    let is_read = access.contains(naga::StorageAccess::LOAD);
    let is_write = access.contains(naga::StorageAccess::STORE);
    match (is_read, is_write) {
        (true, true) => quote!(wgpu::StorageTextureAccess::ReadWrite),
        (true, false) => quote!(wgpu::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly),
        (false, true) => quote!(wgpu::StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly),
        _ => todo!(), // shouldn't be possible

fn bind_group(group_no: u32, group: &GroupData, shader_stages: wgpu::ShaderStages) -> TokenStream {
    let entries: Vec<_> = group
        .map(|binding| {
            let binding_index = Index::from(binding.binding_index as usize);
            let binding_name = Ident::new(binding.name.as_ref().unwrap(), Span::call_site());
            let resource_type = match binding.binding_type.inner {
                naga::TypeInner::Struct { .. } => {
                naga::TypeInner::Array { .. } => {
                naga::TypeInner::Image { .. } => {
                naga::TypeInner::Sampler { .. } => {
                // TODO: Better error handling.
                _ => panic!("Failed to generate BindingType."),

            quote! {
                wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                    binding: #binding_index,
                    resource: #resource_type,

    // TODO: Support compute shader with vertex/fragment in the same module?
    let is_compute = shader_stages == wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE;

    let render_pass = if is_compute {
    } else {

    let bind_group_name = indexed_name_to_ident("BindGroup", group_no);
    let bind_group_layout_name = indexed_name_to_ident("BindGroupLayout", group_no);

    let layout_descriptor_name = indexed_name_to_ident("LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR", group_no);

    let group_no = Index::from(group_no as usize);

    quote! {
        impl #bind_group_name {
            pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {

            pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: #bind_group_layout_name) -> Self {
                let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&#layout_descriptor_name);
                let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                    layout: &bind_group_layout,
                    entries: &[
                    label: None,

            pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut #render_pass) {
                render_pass.set_bind_group(#group_no, &self.0, &[]);

pub fn get_bind_group_data(
    module: &naga::Module,
) -> Result<BTreeMap<u32, GroupData>, CreateModuleError> {
    // Use a BTree to sort type and field names by group index.
    // This isn't strictly necessary but makes the generated code cleaner.
    let mut groups = BTreeMap::new();

    for global_handle in module.global_variables.iter() {
        let global = &module.global_variables[global_handle.0];
        if let Some(binding) = &global.binding {
            let group = groups.entry(binding.group).or_insert(GroupData {
                bindings: Vec::new(),
            let binding_type = &module.types[module.global_variables[global_handle.0].ty];

            let group_binding = GroupBinding {
                name: global.name.clone(),
                binding_index: binding.binding,
                address_space: global.space,
            // Repeated bindings will probably cause a compile error.
            // We'll still check for it here just in case.
            if group
                .any(|g| g.binding_index == binding.binding)
                return Err(CreateModuleError::DuplicateBinding {
                    binding: binding.binding,

    // wgpu expects bind groups to be consecutive starting from 0.
    if groups.keys().map(|i| *i as usize).eq(0..groups.len()) {
    } else {

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::assert_tokens_eq;
    use indoc::indoc;

    fn bind_group_data_consecutive_bind_groups() {
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> a: vec4<f32>;
            @group(1) @binding(0) var<uniform> b: vec4<f32>;
            @group(2) @binding(0) var<uniform> c: vec4<f32>;

            fn main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(3, get_bind_group_data(&module).unwrap().len());

    fn bind_group_data_first_group_not_zero() {
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            @group(1) @binding(0) var<uniform> a: vec4<f32>;

            fn main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();

    fn bind_group_data_non_consecutive_bind_groups() {
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> a: vec4<f32>;
            @group(1) @binding(0) var<uniform> b: vec4<f32>;
            @group(3) @binding(0) var<uniform> c: vec4<f32>;

            fn main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();

    fn bind_groups_module_compute() {
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            struct VertexInput0 {};
            struct VertexWeight {};
            struct Vertices {};
            struct VertexWeights {};
            struct Transforms {};

            @group(0) @binding(0) var<storage, read> src: array<vec4<f32>>;
            @group(0) @binding(1) var<storage, read> vertex_weights: VertexWeights;
            @group(0) @binding(2) var<storage, read_write> dst: Vertices;

            @group(1) @binding(0) var<uniform> transforms: Transforms;

            fn main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();
        let bind_group_data = get_bind_group_data(&module).unwrap();

        let actual = bind_groups_module(&bind_group_data, wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE);

            quote! {
                pub mod bind_groups {
                    pub struct BindGroup0(wgpu::BindGroup);
                    pub struct BindGroupLayout0<'a> {
                        pub src: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                        pub vertex_weights: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                        pub dst: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                    const LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
                        label: None,
                        entries: &[
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 0,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Storage {
                                        read_only: true,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 1,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Storage {
                                        read_only: true,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 2,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Storage {
                                        read_only: false,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                    impl BindGroup0 {
                        pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {
                        pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: BindGroupLayout0) -> Self {
                            let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0);
                            let bind_group = device
                                    &wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                                        layout: &bind_group_layout,
                                        entries: &[
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 0,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(bindings.src),
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 1,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 2,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(bindings.dst),
                                        label: None,
                        pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut wgpu::ComputePass<'a>) {
                            render_pass.set_bind_group(0, &self.0, &[]);
                    pub struct BindGroup1(wgpu::BindGroup);
                    pub struct BindGroupLayout1<'a> {
                        pub transforms: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                    const LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR1: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
                        label: None,
                        entries: &[
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 0,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::COMPUTE,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                    impl BindGroup1 {
                        pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {
                        pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: BindGroupLayout1) -> Self {
                            let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR1);
                            let bind_group = device
                                    &wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                                        layout: &bind_group_layout,
                                        entries: &[
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 0,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(bindings.transforms),
                                        label: None,
                        pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut wgpu::ComputePass<'a>) {
                            render_pass.set_bind_group(1, &self.0, &[]);
                    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
                    pub struct BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub bind_group0: &'a BindGroup0,
                        pub bind_group1: &'a BindGroup1,
                    impl<'a> BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub fn set(&self, pass: &mut wgpu::ComputePass<'a>) {
                pub fn set_bind_groups<'a>(
                    pass: &mut wgpu::ComputePass<'a>,
                    bind_group0: &'a bind_groups::BindGroup0,
                    bind_group1: &'a bind_groups::BindGroup1,
                ) {

    fn bind_groups_module_vertex_fragment() {
        // Test different texture and sampler types.
        // TODO: Storage textures.
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            struct Transforms {};

            @group(0) @binding(0)
            var color_texture: texture_2d<f32>;
            @group(0) @binding(1)
            var color_sampler: sampler;
            @group(0) @binding(2)
            var depth_texture: texture_depth_2d;
            @group(0) @binding(3)
            var comparison_sampler: sampler_comparison;

            @group(0) @binding(4)
            var storage_tex_read: texture_storage_2d<r32float, read>;
            @group(0) @binding(5)
            var storage_tex_write: texture_storage_2d<rg32sint, write>;
            @group(0) @binding(6)
            var storage_tex_read_write: texture_storage_2d<rgba8uint, read_write>;

            @group(0) @binding(7)
            var color_texture_msaa: texture_multisampled_2d<f32>;
            @group(0) @binding(8)
            var depth_texture_msaa: texture_depth_multisampled_2d;

            @group(1) @binding(0) var<uniform> transforms: Transforms;

            fn vs_main() {}

            fn fs_main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();
        let bind_group_data = get_bind_group_data(&module).unwrap();

        let actual = bind_groups_module(&bind_group_data, wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT);

        // TODO: Are storage buffers valid for vertex/fragment?
            quote! {
                pub mod bind_groups {
                    pub struct BindGroup0(wgpu::BindGroup);
                    pub struct BindGroupLayout0<'a> {
                        pub color_texture: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                        pub color_sampler: &'a wgpu::Sampler,
                        pub depth_texture: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                        pub comparison_sampler: &'a wgpu::Sampler,
                        pub storage_tex_read: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                        pub storage_tex_write: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                        pub storage_tex_read_write: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                        pub color_texture_msaa: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                        pub depth_texture_msaa: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
                    const LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
                        label: None,
                        entries: &[
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 0,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
                                    sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float {
                                        filterable: true,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                    multisampled: false,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 1,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Sampler(wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Filtering),
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 2,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
                                    sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Depth,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                    multisampled: false,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 3,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Sampler(wgpu::SamplerBindingType::Comparison),
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 4,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture {
                                    access: wgpu::StorageTextureAccess::ReadOnly,
                                    format: wgpu::TextureFormat::R32Float,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 5,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture {
                                    access: wgpu::StorageTextureAccess::WriteOnly,
                                    format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rg32Sint,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 6,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::StorageTexture {
                                    access: wgpu::StorageTextureAccess::ReadWrite,
                                    format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8Uint,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 7,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
                                    sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float {
                                        filterable: true,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                    multisampled: true,
                                count: None,
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 8,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
                                    sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Depth,
                                    view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
                                    multisampled: true,
                                count: None,
                    impl BindGroup0 {
                        pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {
                        pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: BindGroupLayout0) -> Self {
                            let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0);
                            let bind_group = device
                                    &wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                                        layout: &bind_group_layout,
                                        entries: &[
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 0,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 1,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 2,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 3,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 4,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 5,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 6,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 7,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 8,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(
                                        label: None,
                        pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                            render_pass.set_bind_group(0, &self.0, &[]);
                    pub struct BindGroup1(wgpu::BindGroup);
                    pub struct BindGroupLayout1<'a> {
                        pub transforms: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                    const LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR1: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
                        label: None,
                        entries: &[
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 0,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX_FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                    impl BindGroup1 {
                        pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {
                        pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: BindGroupLayout1) -> Self {
                            let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR1);
                            let bind_group = device
                                    &wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                                        layout: &bind_group_layout,
                                        entries: &[
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 0,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(bindings.transforms),
                                        label: None,
                        pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                            render_pass.set_bind_group(1, &self.0, &[]);
                    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
                    pub struct BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub bind_group0: &'a BindGroup0,
                        pub bind_group1: &'a BindGroup1,
                    impl<'a> BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub fn set(&self, pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                pub fn set_bind_groups<'a>(
                    pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>,
                    bind_group0: &'a bind_groups::BindGroup0,
                    bind_group1: &'a bind_groups::BindGroup1,

                ) {

    fn bind_groups_module_vertex() {
        // The actual content of the structs doesn't matter.
        // We only care about the groups and bindings.
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            struct Transforms {};

            @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> transforms: Transforms;

            fn vs_main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();
        let bind_group_data = get_bind_group_data(&module).unwrap();

        let actual = bind_groups_module(&bind_group_data, wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX);

            quote! {
                pub mod bind_groups {
                    pub struct BindGroup0(wgpu::BindGroup);
                    pub struct BindGroupLayout0<'a> {
                        pub transforms: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                    const LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
                        label: None,
                        entries: &[
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 0,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::VERTEX,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                    impl BindGroup0 {
                        pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {
                        pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: BindGroupLayout0) -> Self {
                            let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0);
                            let bind_group = device
                                    &wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                                        layout: &bind_group_layout,
                                        entries: &[
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 0,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(bindings.transforms),
                                        label: None,
                        pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                            render_pass.set_bind_group(0, &self.0, &[]);
                    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
                    pub struct BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub bind_group0: &'a BindGroup0,
                    impl<'a> BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub fn set(&self, pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                pub fn set_bind_groups<'a>(
                    pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>,
                    bind_group0: &'a bind_groups::BindGroup0,
                ) {

    fn bind_groups_module_fragment() {
        // The actual content of the structs doesn't matter.
        // We only care about the groups and bindings.
        let source = indoc! {r#"
            struct Transforms {};

            @group(0) @binding(0) var<uniform> transforms: Transforms;

            fn fs_main() {}

        let module = naga::front::wgsl::parse_str(source).unwrap();
        let bind_group_data = get_bind_group_data(&module).unwrap();

        let actual = bind_groups_module(&bind_group_data, wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT);

            quote! {
                pub mod bind_groups {
                    pub struct BindGroup0(wgpu::BindGroup);
                    pub struct BindGroupLayout0<'a> {
                        pub transforms: wgpu::BufferBinding<'a>,
                    const LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0: wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor = wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
                        label: None,
                        entries: &[
                            wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
                                binding: 0,
                                visibility: wgpu::ShaderStages::FRAGMENT,
                                ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
                                    ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
                                    has_dynamic_offset: false,
                                    min_binding_size: None,
                                count: None,
                    impl BindGroup0 {
                        pub fn get_bind_group_layout(device: &wgpu::Device) -> wgpu::BindGroupLayout {
                        pub fn from_bindings(device: &wgpu::Device, bindings: BindGroupLayout0) -> Self {
                            let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR0);
                            let bind_group = device
                                    &wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
                                        layout: &bind_group_layout,
                                        entries: &[
                                            wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
                                                binding: 0,
                                                resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Buffer(bindings.transforms),
                                        label: None,
                        pub fn set<'a>(&'a self, render_pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                            render_pass.set_bind_group(0, &self.0, &[]);
                    #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
                    pub struct BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub bind_group0: &'a BindGroup0,
                    impl<'a> BindGroups<'a> {
                        pub fn set(&self, pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>) {
                pub fn set_bind_groups<'a>(
                    pass: &mut wgpu::RenderPass<'a>,
                    bind_group0: &'a bind_groups::BindGroup0,
                ) {