wgpu 0.5.2

Rusty WebGPU API wrapper
<img align="right" width="25%" src="logo.png">

# wgpu-rs

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wgpu-rs is an idiomatic Rust wrapper over [wgpu-core](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu). It's designed to be suitable for general purpose graphics and computation needs of Rust community.

Currently wgpu-rs works on native platforms, but [WASM support is currently being added](https://github.com/gfx-rs/wgpu-rs/issues/101) as well.

## Gallery

![Cube](etc/example-cube.png) ![Shadow](etc/example-shadow.png) ![MipMap](etc/example-mipmap.png) ![Skybox](etc/example-skybox.gif)
![vange-rs](etc/vange-rs.png) ![Brawl](etc/brawl-attack.gif) ![GLX map](etc/glx-map.png)

## Usage

### How to Run Examples

All examples are located under the [examples](examples) directory.

These examples use the default syntax for running examples, as found in the [Cargo](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html#examples) documentation. For example, to run the `cube` example:

cargo run --example cube

The `hello-triangle` and `hello-compute` examples show bare-bones setup without any helper code. For `hello-compute`, pass 4 numbers separated by spaces as arguments:

cargo run --example hello-compute 1 2 3 4

## Friends

Shout out to the following projects that work best with wgpu-rs:

- [wgpu_glyph]https://github.com/hecrj/wgpu_glyph - for your text-y rendering needs
- [coffee]https://github.com/hecrj/coffee - a whole 2D engine
- [iced]https://github.com/hecrj/iced - a cross-platform GUI library
- [rgx]https://github.com/cloudhead/rgx - a 2D graphics library
- [imgui-wgpu]https://github.com/Yatekii/imgui-wgpu-rs - Dear ImGui interfacing
- [pixels]https://github.com/parasyte/pixels - the easiest way to create a hardware-accelerated pixel frame buffer
- [kas]https://github.com/dhardy/kas - tooKit Abstraction System
- [oxidator]https://github.com/Ruddle/oxidator - RTS game engine
- [nannou]https://github.com/nannou-org/nannou - a creative coding framework

Also, libraries that have support for wgpu-rs:

- [conrod]https://github.com/PistonDevelopers/conrod - shader-based UI
- [grr-2d]https://github.com/norse-rs/grr-2d - experimental 2D renderer
- [lyon]https://github.com/nical/lyon - a path tessellation library

## Development

If you need to test local fixes to gfx-rs or other dependencies, the simplest way is to add a Cargo patch. For example, when working on DX12 backend on Windows, you can check out the "hal-0.2" branch of gfx-rs repo and add this to the end of "Cargo.toml":

gfx-backend-dx12 = { path = "../gfx/src/backend/dx12" }
gfx-hal = { path = "../gfx/src/hal" }

If a version needs to be changed, you need to to do `cargo update -p gfx-backend-dx12`.