wgpu 0.17.0

Rusty WebGPU API wrapper
name = "wgpu"
version.workspace = true
authors.workspace = true
edition.workspace = true
description = "Rusty WebGPU API wrapper"
homepage.workspace = true
repository.workspace = true
keywords.workspace = true
license.workspace = true
exclude = [

all-features = true
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]
targets = [


default = ["wgsl"]
# Apply run-time checks, even in release builds. These are in addition
# to the validation carried out at public APIs in all builds.
strict_asserts = ["wgc?/strict_asserts", "wgt/strict_asserts"]
spirv = ["naga/spv-in"]
glsl = ["naga/glsl-in"]
wgsl = ["wgc?/wgsl"]
trace = ["serde", "wgc/trace"]
replay = ["serde", "wgc/replay"]
angle = ["wgc/angle"]
webgl = ["hal", "wgc"]
vulkan-portability = ["wgc/vulkan"]
expose-ids = []
# Implement `Send` and `Sync` on Wasm.
fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm = ["hal/fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm", "wgc/fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm", "wgt/fragile-send-sync-non-atomic-wasm"]

# wgpu-core is always available as an optional dependency, "wgc".
# Whenever wgpu-core is selected, we want the GLES backend and raw
# window handle support.
optional = true
workspace = true
features = ["raw-window-handle", "gles"]

# wgpu-core is required whenever not targeting web APIs directly.
# Whenever wgpu-core is selected, we want the GLES backend and raw
# window handle support.
[target.'cfg(any(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), target_os = "emscripten"))'.dependencies.wgc]
workspace = true
features = ["raw-window-handle", "gles"]

# We want the wgpu-core Metal backend on macOS and iOS.
# (We should consider also enabling "vulkan" for Vulkan Portability.)
[target.'cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))'.dependencies.wgc]
workspace = true
features = ["metal"]

# We want the wgpu-core Direct3D backends on Windows.
workspace = true
features = ["dx11", "dx12"]

# We want the wgpu-core Vulkan backend on Unix (but not Emscripten) and Windows.
[target.'cfg(any(windows, all(unix, not(target_os = "emscripten"), not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os = "macos"))))'.dependencies.wgc]
workspace = true
features = ["vulkan"]

workspace = true

# We need wgpu-hal unless we're targeting the web APIs.
[target.'cfg(any(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), target_os = "emscripten"))'.dependencies]
hal = { workspace = true }

[target.'cfg(all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), unix, not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os = "macos")))'.dependencies]
hal = { workspace = true, features = ["renderdoc"] }

hal = { workspace = true, features = ["dxc_shader_compiler", "renderdoc", "windows_rs"] }

[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies.hal]
workspace = true
optional = true

arrayvec.workspace = true
log.workspace = true
parking_lot.workspace = true
profiling.workspace = true
raw-window-handle.workspace = true
serde = { workspace = true, features = ["derive"], optional = true }
smallvec.workspace = true
static_assertions.workspace = true
cfg-if.workspace = true

workspace = true
features = ["clone"]
optional = true

# used to test all the example shaders
workspace = true
features = ["wgsl-in"]

[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies.naga]
workspace = true
features = ["wgsl-out"]

[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies]
web-sys = { workspace = true, features = [
    # "GpuExtent2dDict", Not yet implemented in web_sys
] }
wasm-bindgen.workspace = true
js-sys.workspace = true
wasm-bindgen-futures.workspace = true
parking_lot.workspace = true