wgpu-subscriber 0.1.0

WebGPU tracing subscribers
//! Easy to use tracing subscribers tuned to usage in wgpu.
//! [`initialize_default_subscriber`] will set everything up
//! in a default configuration.
//! Subscribers:
//! - [`ChromeTracingLayer`]: Output to chrome tracing format
//! - [`FmtLayer`]: Formatted output to stderr/stdout.

pub use chrome::*;
pub use fmt_layer::*;
use std::path::Path;
use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt as _, EnvFilter};

mod chrome;
mod fmt_layer;

/// Set up the "standard" logger.
/// This is fairly inflexible, but a good default to start with. If you need more customization,
/// take what this function does and implement it however you need.
/// If this function is called, you should **not** set up a log-based logger like env_logger
/// or fern. This will result in duplicate messages.
/// # Args
/// - `chrome_tracing_path` if set to `Some`, will create a trace compatible with chrome://tracing
///   at that location.
pub fn initialize_default_subscriber(chrome_trace_path: Option<&Path>) {
    let chrome_tracing_layer_opt =
        chrome_trace_path.map(|path| ChromeTracingLayer::with_file(path).unwrap());

    // Tracing currently doesn't support type erasure with layer composition
    if let Some(chrome_tracing_layer) = chrome_tracing_layer_opt {
    } else {


thread_local! {
    static CURRENT_THREAD_ID: usize = thread_id::get();