wgpu-profiler 0.10.0

Simple profiler scopes for wgpu using timer queries
# wgpu-profiler

Simple profiler scopes for wgpu using timer queries

## Features

* Easy to use profiler scopes
  * Allows nesting!
  * Can be disabled by runtime flag
  * Additionally generates debug markers 
* Internally creates pools of timer queries automatically
  * Does not need to know in advance how many queries/profiling scopes are needed
  * Caches up profiler-frames until results are available
    * No stalling of the device at any time!
* Many profiler instances can live side by side
* chrome trace flamegraph json export

* Better error messages
* Disable via feature flag

## How to use

Create a new profiler object:
use wgpu_profiler::{wgpu_profiler, GpuProfiler};
// ...
let mut profiler = GpuProfiler::new(4, queue.get_timestamp_period(), device.features()); // buffer up to 4 frames

Using scopes is easiest with the macro:
wgpu_profiler!("name of your scope", &mut profiler, &mut encoder, &device, {
  // wgpu commands go here
Note that `GpuProfiler` reads the device features - if your wgpu device doesn't have `wgpu::Features::TIMESTAMP_QUERY` enabled, it will automatically not attempt to emit any timer queries.
Similarly, if `wgpu::Features::WRITE_TIMESTAMP_INSIDE_PASSES` is not present, no queries will be issued from inside passes.

Wgpu-profiler needs to insert buffer copy commands, so when you're done with an encoder and won't do any more profiling scopes on it, you need to resolve the queries:
profiler.resolve_queries(&mut encoder);

And finally, to end a profiling frame, call `end_frame`. This does a few checks and will let you know of something is off!

Retrieving the oldest available frame and writing it out to a chrome trace file.
if let Some(profiling_data) = profiler.process_finished_frame() {
    // You usually want to write to disk only under some condition, e.g. press of a key or button
    wgpu_profiler::chrometrace::write_chrometrace(std::path::Path::new("mytrace.json"), &profiling_data);

To get a look of it in action, check out the [example](./examples/demo.rs)  project!

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0
   ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
 * MIT license
   ([LICENSE-MIT]LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

at your option.

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

## Changelog

* 0.9.1
  * Better docs #21
  * Fix crash on dropped frame #20, reported by @JCapucho in @19
  * Fix enable_pass_timer/enable_encoder_timer checking wrong features #19