[][src]Function wfd::save_dialog

pub fn save_dialog(
    params: DialogParams<'_>
) -> Result<SaveDialogResult, DialogError>

Displays a Save Dialog using the provided parameters.


// An entirely default Save File dialog box with no customization
let result = wfd::save_dialog(Default::default())?;
// A Save File dialog box with a custom dialog title and file types///
let params = wfd::DialogParams {
   title: "My custom save file dialog",
   file_types: vec![("JPG Files", "*.jpg;*.jpeg"), ("PDF Files", "*.pdf")],
let result = wfd::save_dialog(params)?;


If a user cancels the dialog, the UserCancelled error is returned. The only other kinds of errors that can be retured are COM HRESULT failure codes - usually as the result of invalid combinations of options. These are returned in a HResultFailed error