weyl 0.1.3

Middle Square Weyl Sequence RNG for Rust

Middle Square Weyl Sequence RNG for Rust

travis license version documentation

A new implementation of John von Neumann's middle square random number generator (RNG). A Weyl sequence is utilized to keep the generator running through a long period.



This library includes a few thread-safe functions.

weyl::u64()            // generates a random u64
weyl::f64()            // generates a random f64
weyl::fill(&mut bytes) // fill byte slice with random data
weyl::seed(my_seed)    // reseed the number generator

There's also a Generator type in case you need to generate random numbers in an isolated thread. It's little faster because it avoids mutex locks.

let mut rand = weyl::Generator::new(my_seed);
println!("{}", rand.u64());             // generates a random u64


Josh Baker @tidwall


Weyl source code is available under the ISC License.