weighted_trie 0.1.1

Weighted prefix trie for autosuggestions


🦀 Rust crate that allows creating weighted prefix trees that can be used in autocomplete

Released API Docs

License: Apache 2.0


To use weigthed-trie, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

weighted_trie = "0.1.0"  # NOTE: Replace to latest minor version.

Usage overview

use weighted_trie::WeightedTrie;

fn main() {
   let mut trie = WeightedTrie::new();
    // build trie with words and assoicated weights
    trie.insert("pie".to_owned(), 5);
    trie.insert("pita".to_owned(), 2);
    trie.insert("pi".to_owned(), 1);
    trie.insert("pizza".to_owned(), 10);

    // get prefix based suggestions sorted by weight
    let suggestions = trie.search("pi");
    assert_eq!(suggestions, vec!["pizza", "pie", "pita", "pi"]);

    let suggestions = trie.search("piz");
    assert_eq!(suggestions, vec!["pizza"]);

    // out of vocabulary
    let suggestions = trie.search("apple");
    assert_eq!(suggestions.len(), 0);



README.md is generated from cargo readme command. Do not manually update README.md instead edit src/lib.rs and then run cargo readme > README.md.


  1. Add tests
  2. Measure memory footprint
  3. Benrchmark lookup speed
  4. Benchmark insert speed
  5. Try low hanging fruit optimizations like usage of hashbrown instead of standart HashMap


License: Apache-2.0