weechat 0.4.0

Weechat API bindings for Rust
use libc::{c_char, c_int};
use std::{
    cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut},
    ops::{Deref, DerefMut},

use std::marker::PhantomData;
use weechat_sys::{t_config_file, t_config_option, t_config_section, t_weechat_plugin};

use crate::{
        config_options::{CheckCB, OptionPointers, OptionType},
        BaseConfigOption, BooleanOption, BooleanOptionSettings, ColorOption, ColorOptionSettings,
        Conf, Config, ConfigOptions, IntegerOption, IntegerOptionSettings, OptionChanged,
        StringOption, StringOptionSettings,
    LossyCString, Weechat,

struct OptionDescription<'a> {
    pub name: &'a str,
    pub option_type: OptionType,
    pub description: &'a str,
    pub string_values: &'a str,
    pub min: i32,
    pub max: i32,
    pub default_value: &'a str,
    pub value: &'a str,
    pub null_allowed: bool,

pub enum ConfigOption<'a> {

impl<'a> ConfigOption<'a> {
    fn as_base_config_option(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {
        match self {
            ConfigOption::Color(ref o) => o,
            ConfigOption::Boolean(ref o) => o,
            ConfigOption::Integer(ref o) => o,
            ConfigOption::String(ref o) => o,

impl<'a> Deref for ConfigOption<'a> {
    type Target = dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a;
    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<'a> AsRef<dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a> for dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {

impl<'a> AsRef<dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a> for BooleanOption<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {

impl<'a> AsRef<dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a> for ColorOption<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {

impl<'a> AsRef<dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a> for IntegerOption<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {

impl<'a> AsRef<dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a> for StringOption<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {

impl<'a> AsRef<dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a> for ConfigOption<'a> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &(dyn BaseConfigOption + 'a) {

pub(crate) enum ConfigOptionPointers {
    Boolean(*const c_void),
    Integer(*const c_void),
    String(*const c_void),
    Color(*const c_void),

/// A mutable handle to a Weechat config section.
pub struct SectionHandleMut<'a> {
    pub(crate) inner: RefMut<'a, ConfigSection>,

/// A handle to a Weechat config section.
pub struct SectionHandle<'a> {
    pub(crate) inner: Ref<'a, ConfigSection>,

impl<'a> Deref for SectionHandle<'a> {
    type Target = ConfigSection;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<'a> Deref for SectionHandleMut<'a> {
    type Target = ConfigSection;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<'a> DerefMut for SectionHandleMut<'a> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
        &mut *self.inner

/// Weechat Configuration section
pub struct ConfigSection {
    pub(crate) ptr: *mut t_config_section,
    pub(crate) config_ptr: *mut t_config_file,
    pub(crate) weechat_ptr: *mut t_weechat_plugin,
    pub(crate) name: String,
    pub(crate) section_data: *const c_void,
    pub(crate) option_pointers: HashMap<String, ConfigOptionPointers>,

/// Trait for the section write callback.
/// A blanket implementation for pure `FnMut` functions exists, if data needs to
/// be passed to the callback implement this over your struct.
pub trait SectionWriteCallback: 'static {
    /// Callback that will be called when the section needs to be written out.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `weechat` - A Weechat context.
    /// * `config` - A borrowed version of the Weechat configuration object.
    /// * `section` - The section that is being written, if the Config struct is
    /// contained inside of `self` make sure not to borrow the same section
    /// again.
    fn callback(&mut self, weechat: &Weechat, config: &Conf, section: &mut ConfigSection);

impl<T: FnMut(&Weechat, &Conf, &mut ConfigSection) + 'static> SectionWriteCallback for T {
    fn callback(&mut self, weechat: &Weechat, config: &Conf, section: &mut ConfigSection) {
        self(weechat, config, section)

/// Trait for the section write-default callback.
/// A blanket implementation for pure `FnMut` functions exists, if data needs to
/// be passed to the callback implement this over your struct.
pub trait SectionWriteDefaultCallback: 'static {
    /// Callback that will be called when the section needs to be populated with
    /// default values.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `weechat` - A Weechat context.
    /// * `config` - A borrowed version of the Weechat configuration object.
    /// * `section` - The section that is being populated with default values,
    /// if the Config struct is contained inside of `self` make sure not to
    /// borrow the same section again.
    fn callback(&mut self, weechat: &Weechat, config: &Conf, section: &mut ConfigSection);

impl<T: FnMut(&Weechat, &Conf, &mut ConfigSection) + 'static> SectionWriteDefaultCallback for T {
    fn callback(&mut self, weechat: &Weechat, config: &Conf, section: &mut ConfigSection) {
        self(weechat, config, section)

/// Trait for the section read callback.
/// A blanket implementation for pure `FnMut` functions exists, if data needs to
/// be passed to the callback implement this over your struct.
pub trait SectionReadCallback: 'static {
    /// Callback that will be called when the section is read.
    /// Should return if the option was successfully recognized and changed.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `weechat` - A Weechat context.
    /// * `config` - A borrowed version of the Weechat configuration object.
    /// * `section` - The section that is being populated with default values,
    /// if the Config struct is contained inside of `self` make sure not to
    /// borrow the same section again.
    /// * `option_name` - The name of the option that is currently being read.
    /// * `option_value` - The value of the option that is being read.
    fn callback(
        &mut self,
        weechat: &Weechat,
        config: &Conf,
        section: &mut ConfigSection,
        option_name: &str,
        option_value: &str,
    ) -> OptionChanged;

impl<T: FnMut(&Weechat, &Conf, &mut ConfigSection, &str, &str) -> OptionChanged + 'static>
    SectionReadCallback for T
    fn callback(
        &mut self,
        weechat: &Weechat,
        config: &Conf,
        section: &mut ConfigSection,
        option_name: &str,
        option_value: &str,
    ) -> OptionChanged {
        self(weechat, config, section, option_name, option_value)

pub(crate) struct ConfigSectionPointers {
    pub(crate) read_cb: Option<Box<dyn SectionReadCallback>>,
    pub(crate) write_cb: Option<Box<dyn SectionWriteCallback>>,
    pub(crate) write_default_cb: Option<Box<dyn SectionWriteDefaultCallback>>,
    pub(crate) section: Option<Weak<RefCell<ConfigSection>>>,
    pub(crate) weechat_ptr: *mut t_weechat_plugin,

impl std::fmt::Debug for ConfigSectionPointers {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            "ConfigSectionPointers {{ section_ptr: {:?} weechat_ptr: {:?}}}",
            self.section, self.weechat_ptr

/// Represents the options when creating a new config section.
pub struct ConfigSectionSettings {
    pub(crate) name: String,

    pub(crate) read_callback: Option<Box<dyn SectionReadCallback>>,

    /// A function called when the section is written to the disk
    pub(crate) write_callback: Option<Box<dyn SectionWriteCallback>>,

    /// A function called when default values for the section must be written to the disk
    pub(crate) write_default_callback: Option<Box<dyn SectionWriteDefaultCallback>>,

impl ConfigSectionSettings {
    /// Create a new config section info.
    /// This can be passed to a config which will create a new ConfigSection.
    /// #Arguments
    /// * `name` - The name that the section should get.
    pub fn new<P: Into<String>>(name: P) -> Self {
        ConfigSectionSettings {
            name: name.into(),

    /// Set the function that will be called when an option from the section is
    /// read from the disk.
    /// #Arguments
    /// * `callback` - The callback for a section read operation.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use weechat::Weechat;
    /// use weechat::config::{Conf, ConfigSection, ConfigSectionSettings, OptionChanged};
    /// let server_section_options = ConfigSectionSettings::new("server")
    ///     .set_read_callback(|_: &Weechat, config: &Conf, section: &mut ConfigSection,
    ///                         option_name: &str, option_value: &str| {
    ///         Weechat::print("Writing section");
    ///         OptionChanged::Changed
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn set_read_callback(mut self, callback: impl SectionReadCallback) -> Self {
        self.read_callback = Some(Box::new(callback));

    /// Set the function that will be called when the section is being written
    /// to the file.
    /// #Arguments
    /// * `callback` - The callback for the section write operation.
    /// # Examples
    /// ```
    /// use weechat::Weechat;
    /// use weechat::config::ConfigSectionSettings;
    /// let server_section_options = ConfigSectionSettings::new("server")
    ///     .set_write_callback(|weechat, config, section| {
    ///         Weechat::print("Writing section");
    /// });
    /// ```
    pub fn set_write_callback(
        mut self,
        callback: impl FnMut(&Weechat, &Conf, &mut ConfigSection) + 'static,
    ) -> Self {
        self.write_callback = Some(Box::new(callback));

    /// Set the function that will be called when default values will need to
    /// be written to to the file.
    /// #Arguments
    /// * `callback` - The callback for the section write default operation.
    pub fn set_write_default_callback(
        mut self,
        callback: impl FnMut(&Weechat, &Conf, &mut ConfigSection) + 'static,
    ) -> Self {
        self.write_default_callback = Some(Box::new(callback));

impl Drop for ConfigSection {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(self.weechat_ptr);

        let options_free = weechat.get().config_section_free_options.unwrap();
        let section_free = weechat.get().config_section_free.unwrap();

        for (_, option_ptrs) in self.option_pointers.drain() {
            unsafe {
                match option_ptrs {
                    ConfigOptionPointers::Integer(p) => {
                        Box::from_raw(p as *mut OptionPointers<IntegerOption>);
                    ConfigOptionPointers::Boolean(p) => {
                        Box::from_raw(p as *mut OptionPointers<BooleanOption>);
                    ConfigOptionPointers::String(p) => {
                        Box::from_raw(p as *mut OptionPointers<StringOption>);
                    ConfigOptionPointers::Color(p) => {
                        Box::from_raw(p as *mut OptionPointers<ColorOption>);

        unsafe {
            Box::from_raw(self.section_data as *mut ConfigSectionPointers);

pub(crate) type SectionReadCbT = unsafe extern "C" fn(
    pointer: *const c_void,
    _data: *mut c_void,
    _config: *mut t_config_file,
    _section: *mut t_config_section,
    option_name: *const i8,
    value: *const i8,
) -> c_int;

pub(crate) type SectionWriteCbT = unsafe extern "C" fn(
    pointer: *const c_void,
    _data: *mut c_void,
    _config: *mut t_config_file,
    section_name: *const c_char,
) -> c_int;

type WeechatOptChangeCbT = unsafe extern "C" fn(
    pointer: *const c_void,
    _data: *mut c_void,
    option_pointer: *mut t_config_option,

type WeechatOptCheckCbT = unsafe extern "C" fn(
    pointer: *const c_void,
    _data: *mut c_void,
    option_pointer: *mut t_config_option,
    value: *const c_char,
) -> c_int;

impl ConfigSection {
    /// Get the name of the section.
    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {

    /// Get the config options of this section.
    pub fn options(&self) -> Vec<ConfigOption> {
            .map(|option_name| self.search_option(option_name).unwrap())

    /// Free a config option that belongs to this section.
    /// Returns an Err if the option can't be found in this section.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `option_name` - The name of the option that should be freed.
    pub fn free_option(&mut self, option_name: &str) -> Result<(), ()> {
        let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(self.weechat_ptr);

        let option_pointers = self.option_pointers.remove(option_name);
        if option_pointers.is_none() {
            // TODO Return a better error value here.
            return Err(());

        let option = self
            .expect("No option found even though option pointers are there");

        let config_option_free = weechat.get().config_option_free.unwrap();

        unsafe { config_option_free(option.get_ptr()) }


    /// Search for an option in this section.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `option_name` - The name of the option to search for.
    pub fn search_option(&self, option_name: &str) -> Option<ConfigOption> {
        let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(self.weechat_ptr);
        let config_search_option = weechat.get().config_search_option.unwrap();
        let name = LossyCString::new(option_name);

        let ptr = unsafe { config_search_option(self.config_ptr, self.ptr, name.as_ptr()) };

        if ptr.is_null() {
            return None;

        let option_type = weechat.config_option_get_string(ptr, "type").unwrap();


    /// Create a new string Weechat configuration option.
    /// Returns None if the option couldn't be created, e.g. if a option with
    /// the same name already exists.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `settings` - Settings that decide how the option should be created.
    pub fn new_string_option(
        &mut self,
        settings: StringOptionSettings,
    ) -> Result<StringOption, ()> {
        let ret = self.new_option(
            OptionDescription {
                name: &settings.name,
                description: &settings.description,
                option_type: OptionType::String,
                default_value: &settings.default_value,
                value: &settings.default_value,

        let (ptr, option_pointers) = if let Some((ptr, ptrs)) = ret {
            (ptr, ptrs)
        } else {
            return Err(());

        let option_ptrs = ConfigOptionPointers::String(option_pointers);
        self.option_pointers.insert(settings.name, option_ptrs);

        let option = StringOption {
            weechat_ptr: self.weechat_ptr,
            _phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Create a new boolean Weechat configuration option.
    /// Returns None if the option couldn't be created, e.g. if a option with
    /// the same name already exists.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `settings` - Settings that decide how the option should be created.
    pub fn new_boolean_option(
        &mut self,
        settings: BooleanOptionSettings,
    ) -> Result<BooleanOption, ()> {
        let value = if settings.default_value { "on" } else { "off" };
        let default_value = if settings.default_value { "on" } else { "off" };
        let ret = self.new_option(
            OptionDescription {
                name: &settings.name,
                description: &settings.description,
                option_type: OptionType::Boolean,

        let (ptr, option_pointers) = if let Some((ptr, ptrs)) = ret {
            (ptr, ptrs)
        } else {
            return Err(());

        let option_ptrs = ConfigOptionPointers::Boolean(option_pointers);
        self.option_pointers.insert(settings.name, option_ptrs);

        let option = BooleanOption {
            weechat_ptr: self.weechat_ptr,
            _phantom: PhantomData,


    /// Create a new integer Weechat configuration option.
    /// Returns None if the option couldn't be created, e.g. if a option with
    /// the same name already exists.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `settings` - Settings that decide how the option should be created.
    pub fn new_integer_option(
        &mut self,
        settings: IntegerOptionSettings,
    ) -> Result<IntegerOption, ()> {
        let ret = self.new_option(
            OptionDescription {
                name: &settings.name,
                option_type: OptionType::Integer,
                description: &settings.description,
                string_values: &settings.string_values,
                min: settings.min,
                max: settings.max,
                default_value: &settings.default_value.to_string(),
                value: &settings.default_value.to_string(),

        let (ptr, option_pointers) = if let Some((ptr, ptrs)) = ret {
            (ptr, ptrs)
        } else {
            return Err(());

        let option_ptrs = ConfigOptionPointers::Integer(option_pointers);
        self.option_pointers.insert(settings.name, option_ptrs);

        let option = IntegerOption {
            weechat_ptr: self.weechat_ptr,
            _phantom: PhantomData,

    /// Create a new color Weechat configuration option.
    /// Returns None if the option couldn't be created, e.g. if a option with
    /// the same name already exists.
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `settings` - Settings that decide how the option should be created.
    pub fn new_color_option(&mut self, settings: ColorOptionSettings) -> Result<ColorOption, ()> {
        let ret = self.new_option(
            OptionDescription {
                name: &settings.name,
                description: &settings.description,
                option_type: OptionType::Color,
                default_value: &settings.default_value,
                value: &settings.default_value,

        let (ptr, option_pointers) = if let Some((ptr, ptrs)) = ret {
            (ptr, ptrs)
        } else {
            return Err(());

        let option_ptrs = ConfigOptionPointers::Color(option_pointers);
        self.option_pointers.insert(settings.name, option_ptrs);

        let option = ColorOption {
            weechat_ptr: self.weechat_ptr,
            _phantom: PhantomData,

    fn new_option<T>(
        option_description: OptionDescription,
        check_cb: Option<Box<CheckCB<T>>>,
        change_cb: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&Weechat, &T)>>,
        delete_cb: Option<Box<dyn FnMut(&Weechat, &T)>>,
    ) -> Option<(*mut t_config_option, *const c_void)>
        T: ConfigOptions,
        unsafe extern "C" fn c_check_cb<T>(
            pointer: *const c_void,
            _data: *mut c_void,
            option_pointer: *mut t_config_option,
            value: *const c_char,
        ) -> c_int
            T: ConfigOptions,
            let value = CStr::from_ptr(value).to_string_lossy();
            let pointers: &mut OptionPointers<T> = { &mut *(pointer as *mut OptionPointers<T>) };

            let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(pointers.weechat_ptr);
            let option = T::from_ptrs(option_pointer, pointers.weechat_ptr);

            let ret = if let Some(callback) = &mut pointers.check_cb {
                callback(&weechat, &option, value)
            } else {

            ret as i32

        unsafe extern "C" fn c_change_cb<T>(
            pointer: *const c_void,
            _data: *mut c_void,
            option_pointer: *mut t_config_option,
        ) where
            T: ConfigOptions,
            let pointers: &mut OptionPointers<T> = { &mut *(pointer as *mut OptionPointers<T>) };

            let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(pointers.weechat_ptr);
            let option = T::from_ptrs(option_pointer, pointers.weechat_ptr);

            if let Some(callback) = &mut pointers.change_cb {
                callback(&weechat, &option)

        unsafe extern "C" fn c_delete_cb<T>(
            pointer: *const c_void,
            _data: *mut c_void,
            option_pointer: *mut t_config_option,
        ) where
            T: ConfigOptions,
            let pointers: &mut OptionPointers<T> = { &mut *(pointer as *mut OptionPointers<T>) };

            let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(pointers.weechat_ptr);
            let option = T::from_ptrs(option_pointer, pointers.weechat_ptr);

            if let Some(callback) = &mut pointers.delete_cb {
                callback(&weechat, &option)

        let weechat = Weechat::from_ptr(self.weechat_ptr);

        let name = LossyCString::new(option_description.name);
        let description = LossyCString::new(option_description.description);
        let option_type = LossyCString::new(option_description.option_type.as_str());
        let string_values = LossyCString::new(option_description.string_values);
        let default_value = LossyCString::new(option_description.default_value);
        let value = LossyCString::new(option_description.value);

        let c_check_cb = match check_cb {
            Some(_) => Some(c_check_cb::<T> as WeechatOptCheckCbT),
            None => None,

        let c_change_cb: Option<WeechatOptChangeCbT> = match change_cb {
            Some(_) => Some(c_change_cb::<T>),
            None => None,

        let c_delete_cb: Option<WeechatOptChangeCbT> = match delete_cb {
            Some(_) => Some(c_delete_cb::<T>),
            None => None,

        let option_pointers = Box::new(OptionPointers {
            weechat_ptr: self.weechat_ptr,

        let option_pointers_ref: &OptionPointers<T> = Box::leak(option_pointers);

        let config_new_option = weechat.get().config_new_option.unwrap();
        let ptr = unsafe {
                option_description.null_allowed as i32,
                option_pointers_ref as *const _ as *const c_void,
                option_pointers_ref as *const _ as *const c_void,
                option_pointers_ref as *const _ as *const c_void,

        if ptr.is_null() {
        } else {
            Some((ptr, option_pointers_ref as *const _ as *const c_void))