[][src]Crate webwire_cli

Webwire command-line Interface

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Webwire is a contract-first API system which features an interface description language a network protocol and code generator for both servers and clients.

This repository contains the the command-line interface used to validate Webwire IDL files and generate code and documentation.

To learn more about webwire in general please visit the documentation repository webwire/webwire-docs.


The following example assumes a Rust server and a TypeScript client. Webwire is by no means limited to those two but those languages show the potential of webwire best.

Given the following IDL file:

webwire 1.0;

struct HelloRequest {
    name: String,

struct HelloResponse {
    message: String,

service Hello {
    hello: HelloRequest -> HelloResponse

The server and client files can be generated using the code generator:

$ webwire gen rust server api/hello.ww server/src/api.rs
$ webwire gen ts client api/hello.ww client/src/api.ts

A Rust server implementation for the given code would look like this:

This example is not tested
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use webwire::{Context, Request, Response}
use webwire::hyper::Server;

mod api;
use api::v1::{Hello, HelloRequest, HelloResponse}; // this is the generated code

struct HelloService {}

impl Hello for HelloService {
    fn hello(&self, ctx: &Context, request: &HelloRequest) -> HelloResponse {
        HelloResponse {
            message: format!("Hello {}!", request.name)

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error> {
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 8000));
    let service = HelloService {};
    let server = webwire::Server::bind(addr).serve(service);

A TypeScript client using the generated code would look like that:

import { Client } from 'api/v1' // this is the generated code

client = new Client('http://localhost:8000/')
const response = await client.hello({ name: 'World' })
assert(response.message === 'Hello World!')


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