websocat 1.11.0

Command-line client for web sockets, like netcat/curl/socat for ws://.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(deprecated_cfg_attr))]

extern crate websocat;

extern crate futures;
extern crate tokio;
extern crate tokio_stdin_stdout;

extern crate websocket_base;

extern crate env_logger;
extern crate log;

#[cfg(feature = "openssl-probe")]
extern crate openssl_probe;

extern crate structopt;

extern crate atty;

extern crate http_bytes;
use http_bytes::http;

use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr};

use structopt::StructOpt;

use websocat::options::StaticFile;
use websocat::socks5_peer::{SocksHostAddr, SocksSocketAddr};
use websocat::{Options, SpecifierClass, WebsocatConfiguration1};

type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>;

use std::ffi::OsString;

#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
    after_help = "
Basic examples:
  Command-line websocket client:
    websocat ws://ws.vi-server.org/mirror/
  WebSocket server
    websocat -s 8080
  WebSocket-to-TCP proxy:
    websocat --binary ws-l: tcp:
    usage = "websocat ws://URL | wss://URL               (simple client)\n    websocat -s port                            (simple server)\n    websocat [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <addr1> <addr2>  (advanced mode)"
struct Opt {
    /// In simple mode, WebSocket URL to connect.
    /// In advanced mode first address (there are many kinds of addresses) to use.
    /// See --help=types for info about address types.
    /// If this is an address for listening, it will try serving multiple connections.
    addr1: Option<String>,
    /// In advanced mode, second address to connect.
    /// If this is an address for listening, it will accept only one connection.
    addr2: Option<String>,

        short = "u",
        long = "unidirectional",
        help = "Inhibit copying data in one direction"
    unidirectional: bool,
        short = "U",
        long = "unidirectional-reverse",
        help = "Inhibit copying data in the other direction (or maybe in both directions if combined with -u)"
    unidirectional_reverse: bool,

        long = "exit-on-eof",
        short = "E",
        help = "Close a data transfer direction if the other one reached EOF"
    exit_on_eof: bool,

        short = "t",
        long = "text",
        help = "Send message to WebSockets as text messages"
    websocket_text_mode: bool,

        short = "b",
        long = "binary",
        help = "Send message to WebSockets as binary messages"
    websocket_binary_mode: bool,

        long = "oneshot",
        help = "Serve only once. Not to be confused with -1 (--one-message)"
    oneshot: bool,

        short = "h",
        long = "help",
        help = "See the help.\n--help=short is the list of easy options and address types\n--help=long lists all options and types (see [A] markers)\n--help=doc also shows longer description and examples."
    help: Option<String>,

        long = "dump-spec",
        help = "[A] Instead of running, dump the specifiers representation to stdout"
    dumpspec: bool,

    /// Specify this Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: header when connecting
    #[structopt(long = "protocol")]
    websocket_protocol: Option<String>,

    /// Force this Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: header when accepting a connection
    #[structopt(long = "server-protocol")]
    websocket_reply_protocol: Option<String>,

        long = "udp-oneshot",
        help = "[A] udp-listen: replies only one packet per client"
    udp_oneshot_mode: bool,

    /// [A] Set SO_BROADCAST
    udp_broadcast: bool,

    /// [A] Set IP[V6]_MULTICAST_LOOP
    udp_multicast_loop: bool,

    /// [A] Set IP_TTL, also IP_MULTICAST_TTL if applicable
    udp_ttl: Option<u32>,

    /// [A] Issue IP[V6]_ADD_MEMBERSHIP for specified multicast address.
    /// Can be specified multiple times.
    udp_join_multicast_addr: Vec<std::net::IpAddr>,

    /// [A] IPv4 address of multicast network interface.
    /// Has to be either not specified or specified the same number of times as multicast IPv4 addresses. Order matters.
    udp_join_multicast_iface_v4: Vec<std::net::Ipv4Addr>,

    /// [A] Index of network interface for IPv6 multicast.
    /// Has to be either not specified or specified the same number of times as multicast IPv6 addresses. Order matters.
    udp_join_multicast_iface_v6: Vec<u32>,

    /// [A] Set SO_REUSEADDR for UDP socket. Listening TCP sockets are always reuseaddr.
    udp_reuseaddr: bool,

        long = "unlink",
        help = "[A] Unlink listening UNIX socket before binding to it"
    unlink_unix_socket: bool,

        long = "accept-from-fd",
        help = "[A] Do not call `socket(2)` in UNIX socket listerer peer, start with `accept(2)` using specified file descriptor number as argument instead of filename"
    unix_socket_accept_from_fd: bool,

        long = "exec-args",
        raw(allow_hyphen_values = r#"true"#),
        help = "[A] Arguments for the `exec:` specifier. Must be the last option, everything after it gets into the exec args list."
    exec_args: Vec<String>,

        long = "ws-c-uri",
        help = "[A] URI to use for ws-c: overlay",
        default_value = "ws://"
    ws_c_uri: String,

        long = "linemode-strip-newlines",
        help = "[A] Don't include trailing \\n or \\r\\n coming from streams in WebSocket messages"
    linemode_strip_newlines: bool,

        long = "--no-line",
        help = "[A] Don't automatically insert line-to-message transformation"
    no_auto_linemode: bool,

        long = "origin",
        help = "Add Origin HTTP header to websocket client request"
    origin: Option<String>,

        long = "header",
        short = "H",
        help = "Add custom HTTP header to websocket client request. Separate header name and value with a colon and optionally a single space. Can be used multiple times. Note that single -H may eat multiple further arguments, leading to confusing errors. Specify headers at the end or with equal sign like -H='X: y'.",
        parse(try_from_str = "interpret_custom_header")
    custom_headers: Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>,

        long = "server-header",
        help = "Add custom HTTP header to websocket upgrade reply. Separate header name and value with a colon and optionally a single space. Can be used multiple times. Note that single -H may eat multiple further arguments, leading to confusing errors.",
        parse(try_from_str = "interpret_custom_header")
    custom_reply_headers: Vec<(String, Vec<u8>)>,

    /// Forward specified incoming request header to
    /// H_* environment variable for `exec:`-like specifiers.
        long = "header-to-env",
    headers_to_env: Vec<String>,

        long = "websocket-version",
        help = "Override the Sec-WebSocket-Version value"
    websocket_version: Option<String>,

        long = "no-close",
        short = "n",
        help = "Don't send Close message to websocket on EOF"
    websocket_dont_close: bool,

        short = "1",
        long = "one-message",
        help = "Send and/or receive only one message. Use with --no-close and/or -u/-U."
    one_message: bool,

        short = "s",
        long = "server-mode",
        help = "Simple server mode: specify TCP port or addr:port as single argument"
    server_mode: bool,

        long = "no-fixups",
        help = "[A] Don't perform automatic command-line fixups. May destabilize websocat operation. Use --dump-spec without --no-fixups to discover what is being inserted automatically and read the full manual about Websocat internal workings."
    no_lints: bool,

        short = "B",
        long = "buffer-size",
        help = "Maximum message size, in bytes",
        default_value = "65536"
    buffer_size: usize,

        short = "v",
        help = "Increase verbosity level to info or further"
    verbosity: u8,

        short = "q",
        help = "Suppress all diagnostic messages, except of startup errors"
    quiet: bool,

        long = "queue-len",
        help = "[A] Number of pending queued messages for broadcast reuser",
        default_value = "16"
    broadcast_queue_len: usize,

        short = "S",
        long = "strict",
        help = "strict line/message mode: drop too long messages instead of splitting them, drop incomplete lines."
    strict_mode: bool,

        short = "0",
        long = "null-terminated",
        help = "Use \\0 instead of \\n for linemode"
    linemode_zero_terminated: bool,

        long = "restrict-uri",
        help = "When serving a websocket, only accept the given URI, like `/ws`\nThis liberates other URIs for things like serving static files or proxying."
    restrict_uri: Option<String>,

        short = "F",
        long = "static-file",
        help = "Serve a named static file for non-websocket connections.\nArgument syntax: <URI>:<Content-Type>:<file-path>\nArgument example: /index.html:text/html:index.html\nDirectories are not and will not be supported for security reasons.\nCan be specified multiple times. Recommended to specify them at the end or with equal sign like `-F=...`, otherwise this option may eat positional arguments",
        parse(try_from_str = "interpret_static_file")
    serve_static_files: Vec<StaticFile>,

        short = "e",
        long = "set-environment",
        help = "Set WEBSOCAT_* environment variables when doing exec:/cmd:/sh-c:\nCurrently it's WEBSOCAT_URI and WEBSOCAT_CLIENT for\nrequest URI and client address (if TCP)\nBeware of ShellShock or similar security problems."
    exec_set_env: bool,

        long = "reuser-send-zero-msg-on-disconnect",
        help = "[A] Make reuse-raw: send a zero-length message to the peer when some clients disconnects."
    reuser_send_zero_msg_on_disconnect: bool,

        long = "exec-sighup-on-zero-msg",
        help = "[A] Make exec: or sh-c: or cmd: send SIGHUP on UNIX when facing incoming zero-length message."
    process_zero_sighup: bool,

        long = "exec-sighup-on-stdin-close",
        help = "[A] Make exec: or sh-c: or cmd: send SIGHUP on UNIX when input is closed."
    process_exit_sighup: bool,

        long = "jsonrpc",
        help = "Format messages you type as JSON RPC 2.0 method calls. First word becomes method name, the rest becomes parameters, possibly automatically wrapped in []."
    jsonrpc: bool,

        long = "socks5-destination",
        help = "[A] Examples:  2600:::80  hostname:5678",
        parse(try_from_str = "interpret_socks_destination")
    socks_destination: Option<SocksSocketAddr>,

        long = "socks5",
        help = "Use specified address:port as a SOCKS5 proxy. Note that proxy authentication is not supported yet. Example: --socks5"
    auto_socks5: Option<SocketAddr>,

        long = "socks5-bind-script",
        help = "[A] Execute specified script in `socks5-bind:` mode when remote port number becomes known.",
    socks5_bind_script: Option<OsString>,

        long = "tls-domain",
        alias = "ssl-domain",
        help = "[A] Specify domain for SNI or certificate verification when using tls-connect: overlay"
    tls_domain: Option<String>,

    #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
        long = "pkcs12-der",
        help = "Pkcs12 archive needed to accept SSL connections, certificate and key.\nA command to output it: openssl pkcs12 -export -out output.pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in cert.pem\nUse with -s (--server-mode) option or with manually specified TLS overlays.\nSee moreexamples.md for more info.",
        parse(try_from_os_str = "websocat::ssl_peer::interpret_pkcs12")
    pkcs12_der: Option<Vec<u8>>,

    #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
        long = "pkcs12-passwd",
        help = "Password for --pkcs12-der pkcs12 archive. Required on Mac."
    pkcs12_passwd: Option<String>,

    #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
        long = "client-pkcs12-der",
        help = "[A] Client identity TLS certificate",
        parse(try_from_os_str = "websocat::ssl_peer::interpret_pkcs12")
    client_pkcs12_der: Option<Vec<u8>>,

    #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
        long = "client-pkcs12-passwd",
        help = "[A] Password for --client-pkcs12-der pkcs12 archive. Required on Mac."
    client_pkcs12_passwd: Option<String>,

    #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
        long = "insecure",
        short = "k",
        help = "Accept invalid certificates and hostnames while connecting to TLS"
    tls_insecure: bool,

    /// Maximum number of simultaneous connections for listening mode
    #[structopt(long = "conncap")]
    max_parallel_conns: Option<usize>,

    /// Send WebSocket pings each this number of seconds
    #[structopt(long = "ping-interval")]
    ws_ping_interval: Option<u64>,

    /// Drop WebSocket connection if Pong message not received for this number of seconds
    #[structopt(long = "ping-timeout")]
    ws_ping_timeout: Option<u64>,
    /// [A] Just a Sec-WebSocket-Key value without running main Websocat
    #[structopt(long = "just-generate-key")]
    just_generate_key: bool,

    /// [A] Just a Sec-WebSocket-Accept value based on supplied
    /// Sec-WebSocket-Key value without running main Websocat
    #[structopt(long = "just-generate-accept")]
    just_generate_accept: Option<String>,

    /// [A] URI to use for `http-request:` specifier
    #[structopt(long = "request-uri")]
    request_uri: Option<http::Uri>,

    /// [A] Method to use for `http-request:` specifier
    #[structopt(long = "request-method", short="X")]
    request_method: Option<http::Method>,

    /// [A] Specify HTTP request headers for `http-request:` specifier.
        long = "request-header", 
        parse(try_from_str = "interpret_custom_header2"),
    request_headers: Vec<(http::header::HeaderName, http::header::HeaderValue)>,

    /// [A] Don't exit when encountered a zero message.
    /// Zero messages are used internally in Websocat,
    /// so it may fail to close connection at all.
    #[structopt(long = "no-exit-on-zeromsg")]
    no_exit_on_zeromsg: bool,

    /// [A] Silently drop incoming zero-length WebSocket messages.
    /// They may cause connection close due to
    /// usage of zero-len message as EOF flag inside Websocat.
    #[structopt(long = "websocket-ignore-zeromsg")]
    websocket_ignore_zeromsg: bool,
    /// Maximum number of messages to copy in one direction.
    #[structopt(long = "max-messages")]
    max_messages: Option<usize>,

    /// Maximum number of messages to copy in the other direction.
    #[structopt(long = "max-messages-rev")]
    max_messages_rev: Option<usize>,

    /// [A] Delay before reconnect attempt for `autoreconnect:` overlay.
    #[structopt(long = "--autoreconnect-delay-millis", default_value="20")]
    autoreconnect_delay_millis: u64,

    /// [A] Prepend specified text to each received WebSocket text message.
    /// Also strip this prefix from outgoing messages, explicitly marking
    /// them as text even if `--binary` is specified
    #[structopt(long = "--text-prefix")]
    pub ws_text_prefix: Option<String>,
    /// [A] Prepend specified text to each received WebSocket binary message.
    /// Also strip this prefix from outgoing messages, explicitly marking
    /// them as binary even if `--text` is specified
    #[structopt(long = "--binary-prefix")]
    pub ws_binary_prefix: Option<String>,

    /// Encode incoming binary WebSocket messages in one-line Base64
    /// If `--binary-prefix` (see `--help=full`) is set, outgoing WebSocket messages
    /// that start with the prefix are decoded from base64 prior to sending.
    #[structopt(long = "--base64")]
    pub ws_binary_base64: bool,

    /// [A] Encode incoming text WebSocket messages in one-line Base64.
    /// I don't know whether it can be ever useful, but it's for symmetry with `--base64`.
    #[structopt(long = "--base64-text")]
    pub ws_text_base64: bool,

    /// Close connection with a status code.
    #[structopt(long = "--close-status-code")]
    pub close_status_code: Option<u16>,

    /// Close connection with a reason message. This option only takes effect if
    /// --close-status-code option is provided as well.
    #[structopt(long = "--close-reason")]
    pub close_reason: Option<String>,

    /// [A] On UNIX, set stdin and stdout to nonblocking mode instead of spawning a thread.
    /// This should improve performance, but may break other programs running on the same console.
    #[structopt(long = "--async-stdio")]
    pub asyncstdio: bool,

    /// [A] Inhibit using stdin/stdout in a nonblocking way if it is not a tty 
    #[structopt(long = "--no-async-stdio")]
    pub noasyncstdio: bool,

    /// Add `Authorization: Basic` HTTP request header with this base64-encoded parameter
    #[structopt(long = "--basic-auth")]
    pub basic_auth: Option<String>,

    /// [A] Wait for reading to finish before closing foreachmsg:'s peer
    #[structopt(long = "--foreachmsg-wait-read")]
    pub foreachmsg_wait_reads: bool,

    /// [A] Print a line to stdout for each port being listened
    #[structopt(long = "--stdout-announce-listening-ports")]
    pub announce_listens: bool,

    /// [A] Use monotonic clock for `timestamp:` overlay
    #[structopt(long = "--timestamp-monotonic")]
     pub timestamp_monotonic: bool,

    /// Print measured round-trip-time to stderr after each received WebSocket pong.
    #[structopt(long = "print-ping-rtts")]
    pub print_ping_rtts: bool,

    /// [A] Specify encryption/decryption key for `crypto:` specifier. Requires `base64:`, `file:` or `pwd:` prefix.
    #[cfg(feature = "crypto_peer")]
    #[structopt(long = "crypto-key", parse(try_from_str = "websocat::crypto_peer::interpret_opt"))]
    pub crypto_key: Option<[u8; 32]>,

    /// [A] Swap encryption and decryption operations in `crypto:` specifier - encrypt on read, decrypto on write.
    #[cfg(feature = "crypto_peer")]
    #[structopt(long = "crypto-reverse")]
    pub crypto_reverse: bool,

    /// Expose Prometheus metrics on specified IP address and port in addition to running usual Websocat session
    #[cfg(feature = "prometheus_peer")]
    #[structopt(long = "prometheus")]
    pub prometheus: Option<SocketAddr>,

    /// [A] Override the byte which byte_to_exit_on: overlay looks for
    #[structopt(long = "byte-to-exit-on", default_value = "28")]
    byte_to_exit_on: u8,

    /// [A] Maximum size of incoming WebSocket messages (sans of one data frame), to prevent memory overflow
    #[structopt(long = "max-ws-message-length", default_value = "209715200")]
    pub max_ws_message_length: usize,
    /// [A] Maximum size of incoming WebSocket frames, to prevent memory overflow
    #[structopt(long = "max-ws-frame-length", default_value = "104857600")]
    pub max_ws_frame_length: usize,

    /// Prepend copied data with a specified string. Can be specified multiple times.
    #[structopt(long = "preamble", short="p")]
    pub preamble: Vec<String>,

    /// Prepend copied data with a specified string (reverse direction). Can be specified multiple times.
    #[structopt(long = "preamble-reverse", short="P")]
    pub preamble_reverse: Vec<String>,

    /// [A] Compress data coming to a WebSocket using deflate method. Affects only binary WebSocket messages.
    #[structopt(long = "compress-deflate")]
    pub compress_deflate: bool,

    /// [A] Compress data coming to a WebSocket using zlib method. Affects only binary WebSocket messages.
    #[structopt(long = "compress-zlib")]
    pub compress_zlib: bool,

    /// [A] Compress data coming to a WebSocket using gzip method. Affects only binary WebSocket messages.
    #[structopt(long = "compress-gzip")]
    pub compress_gzip: bool,

    /// [A] Uncompress data coming from a WebSocket using deflate method. Affects only binary WebSocket messages.
    #[structopt(long = "uncompress-deflate")]
    pub uncompress_deflate: bool,

    /// [A] Uncompress data coming from a WebSocket using deflate method. Affects only binary WebSocket messages.
    #[structopt(long = "uncompress-zlib")]
    pub uncompress_zlib: bool,

    /// [A] Uncompress data coming from a WebSocket using deflate method. Affects only binary WebSocket messages.
    #[structopt(long = "uncompress-gzip")]
    pub uncompress_gzip: bool,

// TODO: make it byte-oriented/OsStr?
fn interpret_custom_header(x: &str) -> Result<(String, Vec<u8>)> {
    let colon = x.find(':');
    let colon = if let Some(colon) = colon {
    } else {
        Err("Argument to --header must contain `:` character")?
    let hn = &x[0..colon];
    let mut hv = &x[colon + 1..];
    if hv.starts_with(' ') {
        hv = &x[colon + 2..];
    Ok((hn.to_owned(), hv.as_bytes().to_vec()))

fn interpret_custom_header2(x: &str) -> Result<(http::header::HeaderName, http::header::HeaderValue)> {
    let colon = x.find(':');
    let colon = if let Some(colon) = colon {
    } else {
        Err("Specified header must contain `:` character")?
    let hn = &x[0..colon];
    let mut hv = &x[colon + 1..];
    if hv.starts_with(' ') {
        hv = &x[colon + 2..];
    use std::str::FromStr;
    let hn = http::header::HeaderName::from_str(hn)?;
    let hv = http::header::HeaderValue::from_str(hv)?;

fn interpret_static_file(x: &str) -> Result<StaticFile> {
    let colon1 = match x.find(':') {
        Some(x) => x,
        None => Err("Argument to --static-file must contain two colons (`:`)")?,
    let uri = &x[0..colon1];
    let rest = &x[colon1 + 1..];
    let colon2 = match rest.find(':') {
        Some(x) => x,
        None => Err("Argument to --static-file must contain two colons (`:`)")?,
    let ct = &rest[0..colon2];
    let fp = &rest[colon2 + 1..];
    if uri.is_empty() || ct.is_empty() || fp.is_empty() {
        Err("Empty URI, content-type or path in --static-file parameter")?
    Ok(StaticFile {
        uri: uri.to_string(),
        content_type: ct.to_string(),
        file: fp.into(),

fn interpret_socks_destination(x: &str) -> Result<SocksSocketAddr> {
    let colon = x.rfind(':');
    let colon = if let Some(colon) = colon {
    } else {
        Err("Argument to --socks5-destination must contain a `:` character")?
    let h = &x[0..colon];
    let p = &x[colon + 1..];

    let port: u16 = p.parse()?;

    let host = if let Ok(ip4) = h.parse() {
    } else if let Ok(ip6) = h.parse() {
    } else {

    Ok(SocksSocketAddr { host, port })

pub mod help;

// Based on https://github.com/rust-clique/clap-verbosity-flag/blob/master/src/lib.rs
mod logging {

    extern crate env_logger;
    extern crate log;

    use self::env_logger::Builder as LoggerBuilder;
    use self::log::Level;

    pub fn setup_env_logger(ll: u8) -> Result<(), Box<dyn (::std::error::Error)>> {
        if ::std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_ok() {
            if ll > 0 {
                eprintln!("websocat: RUST_LOG environment variable overrides any -v");
            return Ok(());

        let lf = match ll {
            //0 => Level::Error,
            0 => Level::Warn,
            1 => Level::Info,
            2 => Level::Debug,
            _ => Level::Trace,

            .filter(Some("websocat"), lf)
            .filter(None, Level::Warn.to_level_filter())


fn run() -> Result<()> {
    if std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_default() == "--long-help" {
        return Ok(());
    if vec!["-?", "-h", "--help"].contains(&std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_default().as_str()) {
        return Ok(());

    let mut cmd = Opt::from_args();

    let mut quiet = cmd.quiet;

    if let Some(h) = cmd.help {
        if &h == "long" || &h == "full" || &h == "all" {
            return Ok(());
        } else if &h == "doc" {
            return Ok(());

        return Ok(());

    if cmd.just_generate_key {
        println!("{}", websocket_base::header::WebSocketKey::new().serialize());
        return Ok(());

    if let Some(key) = cmd.just_generate_accept {
        use std::str::FromStr;
        let k = websocket_base::header::WebSocketKey::from_str(&key)?;
        println!("{}", websocket_base::header::WebSocketAccept::new(&k).serialize());
        return Ok(());

    let mut recommend_explicit_text_or_bin = false;

    if cmd.websocket_binary_mode && cmd.websocket_text_mode {
        Err("--binary and --text are mutually exclusive")?;
    if !cmd.websocket_binary_mode && !cmd.websocket_text_mode {
        cmd.websocket_text_mode = true;
        recommend_explicit_text_or_bin = true;

    if cmd.noasyncstdio && cmd.asyncstdio {
        Err("--no-async-stdio and --async-stdio are not meaningful together")?;

    if ! cmd.noasyncstdio {
        if atty::isnt(atty::Stream::Stdin) && atty::isnt(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
            cmd.asyncstdio = true;

    //if !cmd.serve_static_files.is_empty() && cmd.restrict_uri.is_none() {
    //    Err("Specify --static-file is not supported without --restrict-uri")?

    if false
    //    || cmd.oneshot
        Err("This mode is not implemented")?

    #[cfg(feature = "openssl-probe")]

    let mut opts: Options = Default::default();
        macro_rules! opts {
            ($($o:ident)*) => {{
                $(opts.$o = cmd.$o;)*
        #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
            opts! {
        #[cfg(feature = "crypto_peer")]
            opts! {
        #[cfg(feature = "prometheus_peer")]
            opts! {

    if let Some(ba) = cmd.basic_auth {
        let x = base64::encode(&ba);
        let q = format!("Basic {}", x);
        opts.custom_headers.push(("Authorization".to_owned(), q.as_bytes().to_vec()));
        opts.request_headers.push((http::header::AUTHORIZATION, http::header::HeaderValue::from_bytes(q.as_bytes()).unwrap()));

    let (s1, s2): (String, String) = match (cmd.addr1, cmd.addr2) {
        (None, None) => {
            for x in std::env::args() {
                if x == "-p" || x == "-P" || x == "--preamble" || x == "--preamble-reverse" {
                    eprintln!("Warning: all dashless arguments after -p or -P are considered part of the preamble. You may want to move -p/-P to the end of the command line.")
            return Err("No URL specified. Use `websocat --help` to show the help message.")?;
        (Some(cmds1), Some(cmds2)) => {
            // Advanced mode
            if cmd.jsonrpc {
                Err("--jsonrpc option is only for simple (single-argument) mode.\nUse `jsonrpc:` specifier manually if you want it in advanced mode.")?
            if cmd.server_mode {
                Err("--server and two positional arguments are incompatible.\nBuild server command line without -s option, but with `listen` address types")?
            (cmds1, cmds2)
        (Some(cmds1), None) => {
            // Easy mode
            recommend_explicit_text_or_bin = false;
            if cmd.server_mode {
                let mut secure = false;
                #[cfg(feature = "ssl")]
                    if opts.pkcs12_der.is_some() {
                        secure = true;

                opts.exit_on_eof = true;
                if !secure {
                    if cmds1.contains(':') {
                        if !quiet {
                            eprintln!("Listening on ws://{}/", cmds1);
                        (format!("ws-l:{}", cmds1), "-".to_string())
                    } else {
                        if !quiet {
                            eprintln!("Listening on ws://{}/", cmds1);
                        (format!("ws-l:{}", cmds1), "-".to_string())
                } else if cmds1.contains(':') {
                    if !quiet {
                        eprintln!("Listening on wss://{}/", cmds1);
                    (format!("wss-l:{}", cmds1), "-".to_string())
                } else {
                    if !quiet {
                        eprintln!("Listening on wss://{}/", cmds1);
                    (format!("wss-l:{}", cmds1), "-".to_string())
            } else {
                if !(cmds1.starts_with("ws://") || cmds1.starts_with("wss://")) {
                    if !quiet {
                        eprintln!("Specify ws:// or wss:// URI to connect to a websocket");
                    Err("Invalid command-line parameters")?;
                ("-".to_string(), cmds1)
        (None, Some(_)) => unreachable!(),

    if opts.websocket_text_mode {
        opts.read_debt_handling = websocat::readdebt::DebtHandling::Warn;
    if cmd.strict_mode {
        opts.read_debt_handling = websocat::readdebt::DebtHandling::DropMessage;
        opts.linemode_strict = true;

    debug!("Done first phase of interpreting options.");
    let websocat1 = WebsocatConfiguration1 {
        addr1: s1,
        addr2: s2,
    let mut websocat2 = websocat1.parse1()?;
    debug!("Done second phase of interpreting options.");

    if websocat2.inetd_mode() {
        quiet = true;

    if !quiet && recommend_explicit_text_or_bin {
        eprintln!("websocat: It is recommended to either set --binary or --text explicitly");
    if !quiet {

    if !cmd.no_lints {
        websocat2.lint_and_fixup(Box::new(move |e: &str| {
            if !quiet {
                eprintln!("websocat: {}", e);
    if cmd.jsonrpc {
            .insert(0, websocat::specifier::SpecifierNode{cls: ::std::rc::Rc::new(websocat::jsonrpc_peer::JsonRpcClass)});
    debug!("Done third phase of interpreting options.");
    let websocat = websocat2.parse2()?;
    debug!("Done fourth phase of interpreting options.");

    if cmd.dumpspec {
        println!("{:?}", websocat.s1);
        println!("{:?}", websocat.s2);
        println!("{:?}", websocat.opts);
        return Ok(());

    let mut core = tokio::runtime::current_thread::Runtime::new()?;

    let error_handler = std::rc::Rc::new(move |e| {
        if !quiet {
            eprintln!("websocat: {}", e);
    let prog = websocat.serve(error_handler);
    debug!("Preparation done. Now actually starting.");
        .map_err(|()| "error running".to_string())?;

fn main() {
    let r = run();

    if let Err(e) = r {
        eprintln!("websocat: {}", e);