websocat 1.0.0-beta

Connection forwarder from/to web sockets to/from usual sockets, in style of socat


Websocket proxy, socat-style

websocat 1.0.0-alpha
Vitaly "_Vi" Shukela <vi0oss@gmail.com>
Connection forwarder from/to web sockets to/from usual sockets, in style of socat

    websocat [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <s1> <s2>

        --dump-spec                 Instead of running, dump the specifiers representation to stdout
        --exit-on-eof               Close a data transfer direction if the other one reached EOF
    -h, --help                      Prints help information
        --long-help                 Show full help aboput specifiers and examples
        --oneshot                   Serve only once
        --udp-oneshot               udp-listen: replies only one packet per client
    -u, --unidirectional            Inhibit copying data from right specifier to left
    -U, --unidirectional-reverse    Inhibit copying data from left specifier to right
        --unlink                    Unlink listening UNIX socket before binding to it
    -V, --version                   Prints version information
    -t, --text                      Send text WebSocket messages instead of binary

        --exec-args <exec_args>...         Arguments for the `exec:` specifier. Must be the last option, everything
                                           after it gets into the exec args list.
        --protocol <websocket_protocol>    Specify Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: header
        --ws-c-uri <ws_c_uri>              URI to use for ws-c: specifier [default: ws://]

    <s1>    First, listening/connecting specifier. See --long-help for info about specifiers.
    <s2>    Second, connecting specifier

Basic examples:
  Connect stdin/stdout to a websocket:
    websocat - ws://echo.websocket.org/
  Listen websocket and redirect it to a TCP port:
    websocat ws-l: tcp:
  See more examples with the --long-help option
Short list of specifiers (see --long-help):
  ws:// wss:// - inetd: ws-listen: inetd-ws: tcp: tcp-l: ws-c:
  autoreconnect: reuse: mirror: threadedstdio: clogged:
  literal: literalreply: assert: udp-connect: open-async:
  readfile: writefile: open-fd: unix-connect: unix-listen:
  unix-dgram: abstract-connect: abstract-listen:
  exec: sh-c:

It runs singlethreaded. There is old non-async threaded version in legacy branch of releases prior to 0.5.

Specify listening part first, unless you want websocat to serve once (like in --oneshot mode).

IPv6 supported, just use specifiers like ws-l:[::1]:4567

Web socket usage is not obligatory, you can use any specs on both sides.

If you want wss:// server, use socat or nginx in addition to websocat until this function is implemented properly.

Pre-built binaries for Linux (usual and musl), Windows, OS X and Android (ARM) are available on the releases page. Most are built without SSL support, so can't connect to secure wss:// websockets, only ws://.


  • Replies to WebSocket pings are not tested at all
  • Windows not tested at all
  • Only partial SSL support.

Full list of specifiers with examples

(available as --long-help)


  • ws://, wss://

WebSocket client. Argument is host and URL.

Example: manually interact with a web socket

websocat - ws://echo.websocket.org/

Example: forward TCP port 4554 to a websocket

websocat tcp-l: wss://


  • ws-l:, l-ws:, ws-listen:, listen-ws:

WebSocket server. Argument is either IPv4 host and port to listen or a subspecifier.

Example: Dump all incoming websocket data to console

websocat ws-l: -

Example: the same, but more verbose:

websocat ws-l:tcp-l: reuse:-TODO


  • -, stdio:, inetd:

Read input from console, print to console.

This specifier can be specified only one time.

When inetd: form is used, it also disables logging to stderr (TODO)

Example: simulate cat(1).

websocat - -

Example: SSH transport

ssh -c ProxyCommand='websocat - ws://myserver/mywebsocket' user@myserver

inetd-ws: - is of ws-l:inetd:

Example of inetd.conf line that makes it listen for websocket connections on port 1234 and redirect the data to local SSH server.

1234 stream tcp nowait myuser  /opt/websocat websocat inetd-ws: tcp:


  • tcp:, tcp-connect:, connect-tcp:, tcp-c:, c-tcp:

Connect to specified TCP host and port. Argument is a socket address.

Example: simulate netcat netcat

websocat - tcp:

Example: redirect websocket connections to local SSH server over IPv6

websocat ws-l: tcp:[::1]:22


  • tcp-listen:, listen-tcp:, tcp-l:, l-tcp:

Listen TCP port on specified address.

Example: echo server

websocat tcp-l: mirror:

Example: redirect TCP to a websocket

websocat tcp-l: ws://echo.websocket.org


  • sh-c:, cmd:

Start specified command line using sh -c or cmd /C

Example: serve a counter

websocat -U ws-l: cmd:'for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10; do echo $i; sleep 1; done'

Example: unauthenticated shell

websocat --exit-on-eof ws-l: sh-c:'bash -i 2>&1'


  • exec:

Execute a program directly (without a subshell), providing array of arguments on Unix

Example: Serve current date

websocat -U ws-l: exec:date

Example: pinger

websocat -U ws-l: exec:ping --exec-args -c 1


  • readfile:

Synchronously read a file. Argumen is a file path.

Blocking on operations with the file pauses the whole process

Example: Serve the file once per connection, ignore all replies.

websocat ws-l: readfile:hello.json


  • writefile:

Synchronously truncate and write a file.

Blocking on operations with the file pauses the whole process


websocat ws-l: writefile:data.txt


  • appendfile:

Synchronously append a file.

Blocking on operations with the file pauses the whole process

Example: Logging all incoming data from WebSocket clients to one file

websocat -u ws-l: reuse:appendfile:log.txt


  • reuse:

Reuse subspecifier for serving multiple clients.

Better used with --unidirectional, otherwise replies get directed to random connected client.

Example: Forward multiple parallel WebSocket connections to a single persistent TCP connection

websocat -u ws-l: reuse:tcp:

Example (unreliable): don't disconnect SSH when websocket reconnects

websocat ws-l:[::]:8088 reuse:tcp:


  • autoreconnect:

Re-establish underlying specifier on any error or EOF

Example: keep connecting to the port or spin 100% CPU trying if it is closed.

websocat - autoreconnect:tcp:

Example: keep remote logging connection open (or flood the host if port is closed):

websocat -u ws-l: reuse:autoreconnect:tcp:

TODO: implement delays between reconnect attempts


  • ws-c:, c-ws:, ws-connect:, connect-ws:

Low-level WebSocket connector. Argument is a subspecifier.

URL and Host: header being sent are independent from the underlying specifier.

Example: connect to echo server in more explicit way

websocat --ws-c-uri=ws://echo.websocket.org/ - ws-c:tcp:

Example: connect to echo server, observing WebSocket TCP packet exchange

websocat --ws-c-uri=ws://echo.websocket.org/ - ws-c:cmd:"socat -v -x - tcp:"


  • udp:, udp-connect:, connect-udp:, udp-c:, c-udp:

Send and receive packets to specified UDP socket, from random UDP port


  • udp-listen:, listen-udp:, udp-l:, l-udp:

Bind an UDP socket to specifier host:port, receive packet from any remote UDP socket, send replies to recently observed remote UDP socket.

Note that it is not a multiconnect specifier like e.g. tcp-listen: entire lifecycle of the UDP socket is the same connection.

File a feature request on Github if you want proper DNS-like request-reply UDP mode here.


  • open-async:

Open file for read and write and use it like a socket. Not for regular files, see readfile/writefile instead.

Example: Serve big blobs of random data to clients

websocat -U ws-l: open-async:/dev/urandom


  • open-fd:

Use specified file descriptor like a socket

Example: Serve random data to clients v2

websocat -U ws-l: reuse:open-fd:55   55< /dev/urandom


  • threadedstdio:

Stdin/stdout, spawning a thread.

Like -, but forces threaded mode instead of async mode

Use when standard input is not epoll(7)-able or you want to avoid setting it to nonblocking mode.


  • unix:, unix-connect:, connect-unix:, unix-c:, c-unix:

Connect to UNIX socket. Argument is filesystem path.

Example: forward connections from websockets to a UNIX stream socket

websocat ws-l: unix:the_socket


  • unix-listen:, listen-unix:, unix-l:, l-unix:

Listen for connections on a specified UNIX socket

Example: forward connections from a UNIX socket to a WebSocket

websocat --unlink unix-l:the_socket ws://

Example: Accept forwarded WebSocket connections from Nginx

umask 0000
websocat --unlink ws-l:unix-l:/tmp/wstest tcp:[::]:22

Nginx config:

location /ws {
    proxy_read_timeout 7d;
    proxy_send_timeout 7d;
    #proxy_pass http://localhost:3012;
    proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/wstest;
    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection \"upgrade\";

This configuration allows to make Nginx responsible for SSL and also it can choose which connections to forward to websocat based on URLs.

Obviously, Nginx can also redirect to TCP-listening websocat just as well - UNIX sockets are not a requirement for this feature.

TODO: --chmod option?


  • unix-dgram:

Send packets to one path, receive from the other. A socket for sending must be already openend.

I don't know if this mode has any use, it is here just for completeness.


socat unix-recv:./sender -&
websocat - unix-dgram:./receiver:./sender


  • abstract:, abstract-connect:, connect-abstract:, abstract-c:, c-abstract:

Connect to UNIX abstract-namespaced socket. Argument is some string used as address.

Too long addresses may be silently chopped off.

Example: forward connections from websockets to an abstract stream socket

websocat ws-l: abstract:the_socket

Note that abstract-namespaced Linux sockets may not be normally supported by Rust, so non-prebuilt versions may have problems with them.


  • abstract-listen:, listen-abstract:, abstract-l:, l-abstract:

Listen for connections on a specified abstract UNIX socket

Example: forward connections from an abstract UNIX socket to a WebSocket

websocat abstract-l:the_socket ws://

Note that abstract-namespaced Linux sockets may not be normally supported by Rust, so non-prebuilt versions may have problems with them.


  • abstract-dgram:

Send packets to one address, receive from the other. A socket for sending must be already openend.

I don't know if this mode has any use, it is here just for completeness.

Example (untested):

websocat - abstract-dgram:receiver_addr:sender_addr

Note that abstract-namespaced Linux sockets may not be normally supported by Rust, so non-prebuilt versions may have problems with them. In particular, this mode may fail to work without workaround1 Cargo feature.


  • mirror:

Simply copy output to input. No arguments needed.

Similar to exec:cat.


  • literalreply:

Reply with a specified string for each input packet.


websocat ws-l: literalreply:'{"status":"OK"}'


  • clogged:

Do nothing. Don't read or write any bytes. Keep connections in "hung" state.


  • literal:

Output a string, discard input.


websocat ws-l: literal:'{ "hello":"world"} '


  • assert:

Check the input. Read entire input and panic the program if the input is not equal to the specified string. Used in tests.


  • seqpacket:, seqpacket-connect:, connect-seqpacket:, seqpacket-c:, c-seqpacket:

Connect to AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET socket. Argument is a filesystem path.

Start the path with @ character to make it connect to abstract-namespaced socket instead.

Too long paths are silently truncated.

Example: forward connections from websockets to a UNIX seqpacket abstract socket

websocat ws-l: seqpacket:@test


  • seqpacket-listen:, listen-seqpacket:, seqpacket-l:, l-seqpacket:

Listen for connections on a specified AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET socket

Start the path with @ character to make it connect to abstract-namespaced socket instead.

Too long (>=108 bytes) paths are silently truncated.

Example: forward connections from a UNIX seqpacket socket to a WebSocket

websocat --unlink seqpacket-l:the_socket ws://

Planned features

  • Driving SSL server websockets (specifying cert and key)
  • Pure Rust version with SSL support?
  • SOCK_SEQPACKET mode for exec:?
  • Option for auto \n insertion
  • Add WebRTC's DataChannel to the mix (separate project)?

There are also checkboxes on Issues.

See also