websession 0.8.2

Web Session Support for Rust
# websession.rs
Web Session Support for Rust

## Overview

`websession` provides a simple interface to web session management, with reliably encrypted passwords (currently `bcrypt`) and automatically expiring identifiers.

Users can be identified by any UTF-8, including a username, an email address, a number, or anything else you can think of that does not contain an embedded `:` (as `:` is used as the delimiter in the `FileBackingStore` and prohibited by the `MemoryBackingStore` for compatibility reasons).

Be advised that as of 0.6.0, the FileBackingStore and the MemoryBackingStore silently replace "\n" with "\u{FFFD}", just as `String::from_utf8_lossy` does for invalid UTF-8.  This is unlikely to cause problems in production because users with embedded newlines in their name already can't log in properly.

It is expected that metadata (real names, contact information, user-based permissions, etc.) are managed by the consuming app.

## Usage

To use this software, you need to select a `BackingStore` implementation.

The `FileBackingStore` needs an existing file which will contain identifiers and passwords.  At a minimum, you can use an empty file and then add users to it.  See the test in `backingstore.rs` for syntax.  This file will persist across runs, and is assumed by the implementation to have appropriate read/write permissions.

If you use the `MemoryBackingStore`, changes will not persist across restarts.

## Implementation Notes

Implementations of the `BackingStore` trait are responsible for appropriate management of passwords and especially not to store them in plaintext.  The provided implementations do not store plaintext passwords on disk (and the `MemoryBackingStore` does not save plaintext passwords in memory).  [N.B., preventing a leak of unencrypted passwords to swap space is beyond the scope of this project, though we would welcome pull requests that reduce the probability of a leak.]

Some effort is made to protect the `FileBackingStore`'s file by copying the mode of the existing file when rewriting it, but this is only implemented under UNIX-like operating systems.  A pull request which sets appropriate file permissions under Windows would be gratefully accepted.

## Licensing

This software is dual-licensed under the Apache and MIT licenses.