webrtc 0.0.11

A pure Rust implementation of WebRTC API


WebRTC.rs is a pure Rust implementation of WebRTC stack, which rewrites Pion stack in Rust.




webrtc-rs currently requires Rust 1.52.1+ to build.

Monorepo Setup

All webrtc dependent crates are added as submodules of this repository under /crates/.

git clone https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc
cd webrtc
git submodule update --init --recursive

To build all webrtc dependent crates:

cd webrtc/crates
cargo build [or clippy or test or fmt]

To build webrtc crate:

cd webrtc
cargo build [or clippy or test or fmt]

Testing with Local Dependencies

Follows this instruction about how to replace dependencies with patch for local testing: https://doc.rust-lang.org/edition-guide/rust-2018/cargo-and-crates-io/replacing-dependencies-with-patch.html

Open Source License

Dual licensing under both MIT and Apache-2.0 is the currently accepted standard by the Rust language community and has been used for both the compiler and many public libraries since (see https://doc.rust-lang.org/1.6.0/complement-project-faq.html#why-dual-mitasl2-license). In order to match the community standards, webrtc-rs is using the dual MIT+Apache-2.0 license.


Contributors or Pull Requests are Welcome!!!