webcomponent 0.1.3

A simple web component framework
# webcomponent
A simple web component system for Rust using [wasm-module](https://github.com/richardanaya/wasm-module) for DOM access.

Let's first create a component `<hello-world>` that simply sets its inner HTML to "Hello World"

pub struct HelloWorld {}

impl HelloWorld {
    pub fn create(element: Element) {
        unsafe {
            Element_set_innerHTML(element,cstr("Hello World")

Register new custom element


Listen for when a new instance of that custom element is constructed in the DOM and create an associated element in Rust to manage it.

let window = global_getWindow();
let callbackHandle = global_createEventListener();
EventTarget_addEventListener(window, cstr("customelementcreated"), callbackHandle);
    Box::new(|event| {
        let element = global_getProperty(event, cstr("detail"));
`webcomponent` offers helper functions for managing callbacks from the web browser into web assembly. It has two functions you'll see:

* add_callback(handle,fn) - which associates a callback handle with a closure in rust and stores it in a global table so it can execute later
* route_callback(handle,event) - which finds a stored calleback, and executes it with an incoming event

Putting it all together:

name = "helloworld"

crate-type =["cdylib"]

webcomponent = "0.1"

use webcomponent::*;

extern "C" {
    pub fn global_getWindow() -> Element;
    pub fn global_createEventListener() -> Element;
    pub fn global_getProperty(obj: Element, name: CString) -> Element;
    pub fn EventTarget_addEventListener(element: Element, eventName: CString, callback: Callback);
    pub fn Element_set_innerHTML(element: Element, text: CString);
    pub fn CustomElement_define(name: CString);

pub struct HelloWorld {}

impl HelloWorld {
    pub fn create(element: Element) {
        unsafe {
            Element_set_innerHTML(element, cstr("Hello World"));

pub fn main() -> () {
    unsafe {
        let window = global_getWindow();
        let callbackHandle = global_createEventListener();
        EventTarget_addEventListener(window, cstr("customelementcreated"), callbackHandle);
            Box::new(|event| {
                let element = global_getProperty(event, cstr("detail"));

pub fn callback(callback_id: Callback, event: i32) {
    // this function routes callbacks to the right closure
    route_callback(callback_id, event);

Compile and load the web assembly module using [wasm-module](https://github.com/richardanaya/wasm-module)

cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
cp target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/helloworld.wasm .

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs@latest/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/wasm-module@latest/wasm-module.js"></script>
    <wasm-module src="helloworld.wasm"></wasm-module>

See it working [here](https://richardanaya.github.io/webcomponent/examples/helloworld/)

# Let's make a clock

In order to make a clock we'll need to be able to hold onto our component at a global level so it doesn't get deallocated. Also we'll have to hold onto the DOM element associated with our component. To help with these are two global storage component utility functions:
* get_components() - to get a global mutable vector of components of a particular type
* get_component(x) - get get a specific member by index of the vector of components of a particular type

For example: `get_components::<XClock>()` will get me a global vector of all known XClock components

struct XClock {
    element: i32,

impl XClock {
    fn create(element: i32) {
        unsafe {
            let x = XClock { element: element };
            let id = add_component(x);

            let cb = global_createEventListener();
            let window = global_getWindow();
            Window_setInterval(window, cb, 1000);
                Box::new(move |\_| {


    fn timer(&self) {

    fn render(&self){
        unsafe {
            let d = Date_nowSeconds();
            let o = Date_getTimezoneOffset();
            let now: DateTime<Utc> = DateTime::<Utc>::from_utc(NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp((d-(o*60)) as i64, 0), Utc);
            Element_set_innerHTML(self.element,cstr(&format!("{}",now.format("%I:%M:%S %p"))));


See it working [here](https://richardanaya.github.io/webcomponent/examples/xclock/)

# What about attributes?

Let's take a look at an example that takes advantage of observing attribute changes and also a bit of shadow dom. First we are going to define our web component a bit differently.

CustomElement_defineWithAttributes(cstr("color-text"), cstr("color"));

We pass a comma separated string of attributes we want to watch on our custom component. This component `<color-text color="red">...</color-text>` is going to have an attribute color that determines what color the text is of its content inside. We're going to listen for attribute changes. We're also going to use a shadow dom to encapsulate the styling and demonstrate how to use slots to render child contents from the light DOM.

pub struct ColorText {
    element: Element,
    shadow: Element,

impl ColorText {
    fn create(element: Element) {
        unsafe {
            let shadow = Element_attachShadow(element);
            let id = add_component(ColorText {
                element: element,
                shadow: shadow,

            let mut cb = global_createEventListener();
            EventTarget_addEventListener(element, cstr("connected"), cb);
                Box::new(move |_| {

            cb = global_createEventListener();
            EventTarget_addEventListener(element, cstr("attributechanged"), cb);
                Box::new(move |event| {

    fn connected(&self) {

    fn attribute_changed(&self, _event: i32) {
    fn render(&self) {
        unsafe {
            let c = Element_getAttribute(self.element, cstr("color"));
                    "<style>:host{{color:{} }}</style><div><slot></slot></div>",

See it working [here](https://richardanaya.github.io/webcomponent/examples/colortext/)