webb-proposals 0.5.4

Webb Protocol Proposals Specification & Implementation (part of webb-rs SDK)

Downloading metadata from a Substrate node

Use the subxt-cli tool to download the metadata for your target runtime from a node.

  1. Install:
cargo install subxt-cli
  1. To Save the metadata of protocol-substrate: Run the release build of the protocol-substrate node, then on another terminal run:
subxt metadata -f bytes > ./metadata/protocol-substrate-runtime.scale
  1. To Save the metadata of dkg: Run the release build of the dkg node, then on another terminal run:
subxt metadata -f bytes > ./metadata/dkg-runtime.scale

Same goes for any future runtimes.

Note: This defaults to querying the metadata of a locally running node on the default http://localhost:9933/. If querying a different node then the metadata command accepts a --url argument.

  1. Generating the rust code from the metadata:
cargo build --features generate-substrate

Tip: See the build.rs file to see how everything is being generated.

Generating EVM Contracts

  1. Update any contracts inside the contracts directory.
  2. Run
cargo build --features generate-contracts

Tip: See the build.rs file to see how everything is being generated.


This crate uses #![deny(unsafe_code)] to ensure everything is implemented in 100% Safe Rust.


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