webauthn-rs-core 0.4.9

Webauthn Cryptographic Operation Handling
//! Webauthn-rs - Webauthn for Rust Server Applications
//! Webauthn is a standard allowing communication between servers, browsers and authenticators
//! to allow strong, passwordless, cryptographic authentication to be performed. Webauthn
//! is able to operate with many authenticator types, such as U2F.
//! This library aims to provide a secure Webauthn implementation that you can
//! plug into your application, so that you can provide Webauthn to your users.
//! To use this library yourself, you will want to reference the `WebauthnConfig` trait to
//! develop site specific policy and configuration, and the `Webauthn` struct for Webauthn
//! interactions.

// #![deny(clippy::expect_used)]

extern crate tracing;

mod macros;

mod constants;

mod attestation;
mod crypto;

pub mod core;
pub mod error;

pub mod interface;
mod internals;

/// Protocol bindings
pub mod proto {
    pub use crate::interface::*;
    pub use base64urlsafedata::Base64UrlSafeData;
    pub use webauthn_rs_proto::*;

pub use attestation::verify_attestation_ca_chain;
pub use attestation::AttestationFormat;

pub use crate::core::*;