web_server 0.1.2

Small and dependency-less crate for creating HTTP servers
# Http Server lib for Rust

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## web_server is a small, dependency-less crate for creating HTTP servers.

### When you coding the backend using Rust, the most annoying thing could be the size of a freamwork and the time needed to compile the application

### The web_server package fixes these problems. web_server has no dependencies, but allows you to create full-fledged servers

#### First server using web_server

extern crate web_server;
   .get("/", |request: web_server::Request, mut response: web_server::Response|
        "Hello World!".into())

#### It's easy!

#### First you must create instance of HttpServer

#### then you can declare your endpoints. E.g.

.get("/your/path", |request, default_response| {
    // There place your logic
    // This function returns Response
    "response text".into()
.post("/your/path", |_, _| "Handler for POST method")
.route(web_server::HttpMethod::DELETE, "/your/path", |_, _| "Handler for DELETE method")
.any("/your/path", |_, _| "Handler for any method")

#### Now you must run server by launch method

## Receiving post data
    use web_server::decoders::x_www_form_urlencoded;

        .post("/add-user", |req, _| {
            println!("{}", req.get_body());
            let body: HashMap<String, String> = x_www_form_urlencoded(req.get_body().as_str());
                "Add new user: {}",

Read examples/ to know more!