web_ical 0.1.2

web_ical is an esay iCalendar Rust library. It’s goals are to read and write ics web files (Google Calendar, Airbnb Calendar and more) data in a developer-friendly way.


web_ical is an esay iCalendar Rust library. It’s goals are to read and write ics web files (Google Calendar, Airbnb Calendar and more) data in a developer-friendly way.

Examples 1

extern crate web_ical;

use web_ical::Calendar;

fn main() {
    let icals = Calendar::new("http://ical.mac.com/ical/US32Holidays.ics");

    for ical in &icals.events{
         println!("Event: {}", ical.summary);
         println!("Started: {}", ical.dtsart.format("%a, %e %b %Y - %T"));

Examples 2

extern crate web_ical;

use web_ical::Calendar;

fn main() {
    let icals = Calendar::new("http://ical.mac.com/ical/US32Holidays.ics");
     println!("UTC now is: {}", icals.events[0].dtsart); 
     println!("UTC now in RFC 2822 is: {}", icals.events[0].dtsart.to_rfc2822()); 
     println!("UTC now in RFC 3339 is: {}", icals.events[0].dtsart.to_rfc3339()); 
     println!("UTC now in a custom format is: {}", icals.events[0].dtsart.format("%a %b %e %T %Y"));

Create an iCalendar

Create your own iCalendar instance

let mut ical =  Calendar::create(
    "-//My Business Inc//My Calendar 70.9054//EN",

Add events

Add events to the calendar.

 let mut start_cal:  DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now();
  let date_tz: DateTime<Utc> = Utc::now();
 let start = date_tz.checked_add_signed(Duration::days(2));
 match start {
       Some(x) => {
              start_cal = x;
       None => ()
 let own_event = Events{ 
                    dtsart:         start_cal,
                    dtend:          start_cal,
                    dtstamp:        date_tz,
                    uid:            "786566jhjh5546@google.com".to_string(),
                    created:        date_tz,
                    description:    "The description".to_string(),
                    last_modified:  date_tz,
                    location:       "Homestead FL".to_string(),
                    sequence:       0,
                    status:         "CONFIRMED".to_string(),
                    summary:        "My business (Not available)".to_string(),
                    transp:         "OPAQUE".to_string()
 let mut ical =  Calendar::create(
                       "-//My Business Inc//My Calendar 70.9054//EN",
 println!("{}", ical.events[0].summary);

iCalendar to a file

Export iCalendar to a file.

 match ical.export_ics("ical.ics"){
       Ok(_) => println!("OK"),
       Err(_) => panic!("Err")