Module web_glitz::pipeline::resources[][src]


Represents a group of bindable resources that may be bound to a pipeline and are shared by all invocations during the pipeline’s execution.

Returned from [ResourceBindingsLayoutDescriptorBuilder::add_bind_group], accumulates the resource slot descriptors for a bind group layout description.

Error returned when adding bind groups to a [ResourceBindingsLayoutDescriptorBuilder] out of order or when adding multiple bind groups that declare the same bind group index.

Error returned when adding resource slots to a BindGroupLayoutBuilder out of order or when adding multiple resource slots that declare the same slot index.

Hint for a [ResourceBindingsLayoutDescriptorBuilder] that indicates how much memory is required to accommodate the result.

A minimal description of the resource binding slots used by a pipeline.

Describes a single resource slot in a pipeline.

A typed description of the resource binding slots used by a pipeline.

Describes a single resource slot in a pipeline and its type.


Error returned when a ResourceBindingsLayoutDescriptor or TypedResourceBindingsLayoutDescriptor does not match resource slots declared in a pipeline’s shader stages.

Enumerates the errors that may occur when building a ResourceBindingsLayoutDescriptor.

Identifies a resource slot in a pipeline.

Enumerates the different kinds of resource slots a pipeline can define.

Enumerates the slot types for a TypedResourceSlotDescriptor.

Enumerates the types available for sampled-texture resource slot.


A group of resources that may be used to encode a BindGroup.

Trait implemented for types that can be bound to a pipeline as a resource.

Encodes a description of how a set of resources is bound to a pipeline, such that the pipeline may access these resources during its execution.

Provides a group of resources (uniform block buffers, sampled textures) that can initialize a BindGroup.

Sub-trait of [EncodeBindGroup], where a type statically describes the layout for the bind group.

Sub-trait of ResourceBindings, where a type statically describes its resource bindings layout.

A resource bindings layout description attached to a type.