web-dom 0.0.15

Simple bindings to the DOM using wasm-module
# web-dom

DOM access for web assembly
* no magic
* no abstractions
* no code generation
* api generated from webidl
* technology agnostic

web-dom = "0.0"

Documentation: https://docs.rs/web-dom/

Want to create web components? Check out https://github.com/web-dom/webcomponent

use web_dom::*;

pub fn main() -> () {
    console::log("hello world")
<script src="http://unpkg.com/web-dom@latest/web-dom.min.js"></script>
<web-dom module="helloworld.wasm"></web-dom>
name = "helloworld"
version = "0.0.1"
edition = "2018"

crate-type =["cdylib"]

web-dom = "0.0"
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

See it working [here](https://web-dom.github.io/web-dom/examples/helloworld/)

# Alert

use web_dom::*;

pub fn main() -> () {
    window::alert(window(),"hello world!");

See it working [here](https://web-dom.github.io/web-dom/examples/alert/)

# Canvas

use web_dom::*;

pub fn main() -> () {
    let doc = window::get_document(window());
    let canvas = document::query_selector(doc,"#screen");
    let ctx = htmlcanvas::get_context(canvas,"2d");

See it working [here](https://web-dom.github.io/web-dom/examples/canvas/)

# Events

use web_dom::*;

pub fn callback(_listener:EventListener,_event:Event) -> () {
    let input = document::query_selector(document(),"input");
    let msg = htmlinput::get_value(input);

pub fn main() -> () {
    let btn = document::query_selector(document(),"button");
    let listener = create_event_listener();

See it working [here](https://web-dom.github.io/web-dom/examples/events/)

# Pong


See it working [here](https://richardanaya.github.io/pong/)

# Don't like Rust?

web-dom can be used with any language that compiles to web assembly

extern int global_window();
extern void window_alert(char*);

int main(void) {
  window_alert(global_window(),"hello world!");

(extern global_get_window [])
(extern window_get_document [window])
(extern document_query_selector [document query])
(extern htmlcanvas_get_context [element context])
(extern drawing_set_fill_style [canvas color])
(extern drawing_fill_rect [canvas x y w h])

(def colors ("black" "grey" "red"))

(pub defn main []
  (let [window (global_get_window)
        document (window_get_document window)
        canvas (document_query_selector document "#screen")
        ctx (htmlcanvas_get_context canvas "2d")]
        (loop [x 0]
               (if (< x 3)
                   (do (drawing_set_fill_style ctx (mem32 (+ colors (* 4 x))))
                       (drawing_fill_rect ctx (* x 10) (* x 10) 50 50 )
                       (recur [x (+ x 1)]))))))