wayland-scanner 0.11.1

Wayland Scanner for generating rust APIs from XML wayland protocol files. Intented for use with wayland-sys. You should only need this crate if you are working on custom wayland protocol extensions. Look at the crate wayland-client for usable bindings.
use std::ascii::AsciiExt;

pub fn is_keyword(txt: &str) -> bool {
    match txt {
        "abstract" |
        "alignof" |
        "as" |
        "become" |
        "box" |
        "break" |
        "const" |
        "continue" |
        "crate" |
        "do" |
        "else" |
        "enum" |
        "extern" |
        "false" |
        "final" |
        "fn" |
        "for" |
        "if" |
        "impl" |
        "in" |
        "let" |
        "loop" |
        "macro" |
        "match" |
        "mod" |
        "move" |
        "mut" |
        "offsetof" |
        "override" |
        "priv" |
        "proc" |
        "pub" |
        "pure" |
        "ref" |
        "return" |
        "Self" |
        "self" |
        "sizeof" |
        "static" |
        "struct" |
        "super" |
        "trait" |
        "true" |
        "type" |
        "typeof" |
        "unsafe" |
        "unsized" |
        "use" |
        "virtual" |
        "where" |
        "while" |
        "yield" => true,
        _ => false,

pub fn snake_to_camel(input: &str) -> String {
        .flat_map(|s| {
            let mut first = true;
            s.chars().map(move |c| if first {
                first = false;
            } else {

pub fn snake_to_screaming(input: &str) -> String {
    input.chars().map(|c| c.to_ascii_uppercase()).collect()

pub fn dotted_to_relname(input: &str) -> String {
    let mut it = input.split('.');
    match (it.next(), it.next()) {
        (Some(module), Some(name)) => format!("super::{}::{}", module, snake_to_camel(name)),
        (Some(name), None) => snake_to_camel(name),
        _ => unreachable!(),