watt 0.4.2

Runtime for executing Rust procedural macros compiled as WebAssembly.
use std::ops::*;

pub trait IntOp<S = Self> {
    type FloatType;

    // IUnOp
    fn leading_zeros(self) -> Self;
    fn trailing_zeros(self) -> Self;
    fn count_ones(self) -> Self;

    // IBinOp
    fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn divs(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<S>;
    fn divu(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<S>;
    fn rems(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<S>;
    fn remu(self, rhs: Self) -> Option<S>;
    fn and(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn or(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn xor(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn shl(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn shrs(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn shru(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn rotr(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn rotl(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;

    // ITestOp
    fn eqz(self) -> bool;

    // IRelOp
    fn eq(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn ne(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn lts(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn ltu(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn gts(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn gtu(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn les(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn leu(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn ges(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn geu(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;

    // ConvertOp
    fn to_u32(self) -> u32;
    fn to_u64(self) -> u64;
    fn to_i64(self) -> i64;
    fn to_uf32(self) -> f32; // Unsigned convert to f32
    fn to_if32(self) -> f32; // Signed convert to f32
    fn to_uf64(self) -> f64;
    fn to_if64(self) -> f64;
    fn reinterpret(self) -> Self::FloatType;

macro_rules! impl_int_op {
    ($T:ty, $S:ty, $U:ty, $F:ty) => {
        impl IntOp for $T {
            type FloatType = $F;

            fn leading_zeros(self) -> $T {
                <$T>::leading_zeros(self) as $T

            fn trailing_zeros(self) -> $T {
                <$T>::trailing_zeros(self) as $T

            fn count_ones(self) -> $T {
                <$T>::count_ones(self) as $T

            fn add(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::wrapping_add(self, rhs)

            fn sub(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::wrapping_sub(self, rhs)

            fn mul(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::wrapping_mul(self, rhs)

            fn divs(self, rhs: $T) -> Option<$T> {
                let s_self = self as $S;
                let s_rhs = rhs as $S;
                match <$S>::checked_div(s_self, s_rhs) {
                    Some(c) => Some(c as $T),
                    None => None,

            fn divu(self, rhs: $T) -> Option<$T> {
                <$T>::checked_div(self, rhs)

            fn rems(self, rhs: $T) -> Option<$T> {
                if rhs == 0 {
                    return None;
                let s_self = self as $S;
                let s_rhs = rhs as $S;
                Some(<$S>::wrapping_rem(s_self, s_rhs) as $T)

            fn remu(self, rhs: $T) -> Option<$T> {
                <$T>::checked_rem(self, rhs)

            fn and(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::bitand(self, rhs)

            fn or(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::bitor(self, rhs)

            fn xor(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::bitxor(self, rhs)

            fn shl(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::wrapping_shl(self, rhs as u32)

            fn shrs(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                let s_self = self as $S;
                <$S>::wrapping_shr(s_self, rhs as u32) as $T

            fn shru(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::wrapping_shr(self, rhs as u32)

            fn rotr(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::rotate_right(self, rhs as u32)

            fn rotl(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                <$T>::rotate_left(self, rhs as u32)

            fn eqz(self) -> bool {
                self == 0

            fn eq(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self == rhs

            fn ne(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self != rhs

            fn lts(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                (self as $S) < (rhs as $S)

            fn ltu(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self < rhs

            fn gts(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                (self as $S) > (rhs as $S)

            fn gtu(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self > rhs

            fn les(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                (self as $S) <= (rhs as $S)

            fn leu(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self <= rhs

            fn ges(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                (self as $S) >= (rhs as $S)

            fn geu(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self >= rhs

            fn to_u32(self) -> u32 {
                self as u32

            fn to_u64(self) -> u64 {
                self as u64

            fn to_i64(self) -> i64 {
                (self as $S) as i64

            fn to_uf32(self) -> f32 {
                self as f32

            fn to_if32(self) -> f32 {
                (self as $S) as f32

            fn to_uf64(self) -> f64 {
                self as f64

            fn to_if64(self) -> f64 {
                (self as $S) as f64

            fn reinterpret(self) -> $F {
impl_int_op!(u32, i32, u32, f32);
impl_int_op!(u64, i64, u64, f64);

pub trait FloatOp {
    type IntType;

    // FUnOp
    fn neg(self) -> Self;
    fn abs(self) -> Self;
    fn ceil(self) -> Self;
    fn floor(self) -> Self;
    fn trunc(self) -> Self;
    /// round-to-nearest ties-to-even
    fn nearest(self) -> Self;
    fn sqrt(self) -> Self;

    // FBinOp
    fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn mul(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn div(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn min(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn max(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;
    fn copysign(self, rhs: Self) -> Self;

    // FRelOp
    fn eq(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn ne(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn lt(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn gt(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn le(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;
    fn ge(self, rhs: Self) -> bool;

    // Convert
    fn to_i32(self) -> Option<i32>;
    fn to_i64(self) -> Option<i64>;
    fn to_u32(self) -> Option<u32>;
    fn to_u64(self) -> Option<u64>;
    fn reinterpret(self) -> Self::IntType;

    // Canonical NaN
    fn is_canonical_nan(self) -> bool;

macro_rules! impl_convert_float_s {
    ($T:ty, $U:ty, $N:ident) => {
        fn $N(self) -> Option<$U> {
            if self.is_nan() {
            } else {
                if self >= -(<$U>::min_value() as $T) || self < <$U>::min_value() as $T {
                } else {
                    Some(self.trunc() as $U)

macro_rules! impl_convert_float_u {
    ($T:ty, $U:ty, $S:ty, $N:ident) => {
        fn $N(self) -> Option<$U> {
            if self.is_nan() {
            } else {
                if self >= -(<$S>::min_value() as $T) * 2.0 || self <= -1.0 {
                } else {
                    Some(self.trunc() as $U)

macro_rules! impl_float_op {
    ($T:ty, $I:ty, $SB:expr, $NAN:expr) => {
        impl FloatOp for $T {
            type IntType = $I;

            fn neg(self) -> $T {

            fn abs(self) -> $T {

            fn ceil(self) -> $T {

            fn floor(self) -> $T {

            fn trunc(self) -> $T {

            fn nearest(self) -> $T {
                // Implementation from
                // https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/blob/fb7e7e1e381ffc283c923a87fdfea5ebbd213737/interpreter/exec/float.ml#L148

                // preserve the sign of 0
                if self == 0.0 {
                    return self;
                if self.is_nan() {
                    return $NAN;
                let u = self.ceil();
                let d = self.floor();
                let um = (self - u).abs();
                let dm = (self - d).abs();
                let half_u = u / 2.0;
                if um < dm || um == dm && half_u.floor() == half_u {
                } else {

            fn sqrt(self) -> $T {

            fn add(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                self + rhs

            fn sub(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                self - rhs

            fn mul(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                self * rhs

            fn div(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                self / rhs

            fn min(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                // min(-0.0, 0.0) == -0.0
                if self == rhs {
                    (self.to_bits() | rhs.to_bits()).reinterpret()
                } else if self < rhs {
                } else if self > rhs {
                } else {

            fn max(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {
                // max(-0.0, 0.0) == 0.0
                if self == rhs {
                    (self.to_bits() & rhs.to_bits()).reinterpret()
                } else if self > rhs {
                } else if self < rhs {
                } else {

            fn copysign(self, rhs: $T) -> $T {

            fn eq(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self == rhs

            fn ne(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self != rhs

            fn lt(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self < rhs

            fn gt(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self > rhs

            fn le(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self <= rhs

            fn ge(self, rhs: $T) -> bool {
                self >= rhs

            impl_convert_float_s!($T, i32, to_i32);
            impl_convert_float_s!($T, i64, to_i64);
            impl_convert_float_u!($T, u32, i32, to_u32);
            impl_convert_float_u!($T, u64, i64, to_u64);

            fn reinterpret(self) -> $I {

            fn is_canonical_nan(self) -> bool {
                self.to_bits() == $NAN.to_bits() || self.to_bits() == (-$NAN).to_bits()

impl_float_op!(f32, u32, 32, std::f32::NAN);
impl_float_op!(f64, u64, 64, std::f64::NAN);

// Promote/Demote are only available in one way
pub trait FloatPromoteOp {
    fn promote(self) -> f64;

pub trait FloatDemoteOp {
    fn demote(self) -> f32;

impl FloatPromoteOp for f32 {
    fn promote(self) -> f64 {
        self as f64

impl FloatDemoteOp for f64 {
    fn demote(self) -> f32 {
        self as f32