watson 0.9.2

a no_std web assembly loader


a hyper minimalistic no_std + alloc WebAssembly parser/compiler for Rust based off the official specification

  • supports all section types
  • helper functions for finding things
  • support for compilation to wasm
  • .wast parsing and assertion
  • pass core WebAssembly spec tests
  • interpreter
  • WASI simulator
  • lofi wasm mode (i.e. i32 only)
watson = "0.9"

Parse a WebAssembly module

use  watson::*;

let program = watons::parse(&bytes_of_wasm)?;
for s in program.sections.iter() {
   match s {
      CodeSection(code)=> ...,

Write an interpreter

this is in progress

async fn run(program: impl InterpretableProgram) -> Result<Vec<WasmValue>, &'static str> {
    let mut interpreter = Interpreter::new(program)?;
    let mut executor = interpreter.call("main", &[])?;
    loop {
        let execution_unit = executor.next_operation()?;
        let response = match execution_unit {
            // if an import is called, figure out what to do
            ExecutionUnit::CallImport(x) => {
                if x.name == "print" {
                    let start = x.params[0].to_i32() as usize;
                    let mem = match executor.memory() {
                        Some(m) => m,
                        None => return Err("there should be memory"),
                    let mem = mem.borrow();
                    let mut chars = vec![];
                    let mut i = 0;
                    loop {
                        if mem[start + i] == 0 {
                        chars.push(mem[start + i]);
                        i += 1;
                    let text = from_utf8(&chars).unwrap();
                    println!("{}", text);
                } else if x.name == "sleep" {
                    let millis = x.params[0].to_i32();
                    task::sleep(Duration::from_millis(millis as u64)).await;
                } else {
                    panic!("unknown import call")
            // if there's nothing left to do, break out of loop
            ExecutionUnit::Complete(v) => break Ok(v),
            // handle other execution units with default behavior
            mut x @ _ => x.evaluate()?,

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
    if args.len() == 2 {
        let buffer = fs::read(&args[1])?;
        let program = watson::parse(&buffer)?;
    } else {
        eprintln!("sleepyprint <app.wasm>");


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in watson by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.