waterfall 0.8.1

Generates waterfalls from heatmaps
# waterfall

Waterfall visualization from heatmap data

## Overview

This library is used to render waterfall visualizations from heatmap data. This
style of visualization represents time moving downwards with values increasing
from left to right. The color represents the density of samples of the same
value within the heatmap.

You can generate some examples with `cargo run --example simulator` which will
produce several example waterfalls from synthetic data.

## Getting Started

### Building

rustcommon is built with the standard Rust toolchain which can be installed and
managed via [rustup](https://rustup.rs) or by following the directions on the
Rust [website](https://www.rust-lang.org/).

#### View library documentation
cargo doc --open

## Support

Create a [new issue](https://github.com/pelikan-io/rustcommon/issues/new) on GitHub.

## Authors

* Brian Martin <brian@pelikan.io>

A full list of [contributors] can be found on GitHub.

[contributors]: https://github.com/pelikan-io/rustcommon/graphs/contributors?type=a