wasmtime 0.3.0

Command-line interface for Wasmtime
Design vision for wasmtime.

Command-line interface:

    --invoke=<fn>         name of function to run
    --diff-state          snapshot the contents of linear memory, globals, and tables before and after, and show a diff
    --dump-state          hexdump linear memory
    --builtin=<name>      load one of the preloaded builtin APIs
    -o, --optimize        runs optimization passes on the translated functions
    -d, --debug           enable debug output on stderr/stdout
    -h, --help            print this help message
    --version             print the Cranelift version

Available builtin APIs:
    spectest              suitable for running the spec testsuite
    cloudabi              see cloudabi.org for details
    pwsix                 like posix but different