wasmtime 0.3.0

Command-line interface for Wasmtime
# WASI Document Guide

To get started using WASI, see [the intro document](WASI-intro.md) and
[the tutorial](WASI-tutorial.md).

For more detail on what WASI is, see [the overview](WASI-overview.md).

For specifics on the API, see the [API documentation](https://github.com/CraneStation/wasmtime/blob/master/docs/WASI-api.md).
Additionally, a C header file describing the WASI API is

The WASI libc repository is [wasi-libc](https://github.com/CraneStation/wasi-libc/).

For some discussion of capability-based design, see the [Capabilities document](WASI-capabilities.md).

For some discussion of WASI's design inspiration, see the [Background document](WASI-background.md).

For background on some of the design decisions in WASI, see [the rationale](WASI-rationale.md).

For some ideas of things that we may want to change about WASI in the
short term, see the [possible changes](WASI-some-possible-changes.md) document.
For longer-term ideas, see the [possible future features](WASI-possible-future-features.md)