Crate wasmtime_environ

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Standalone environment for WebAssembly using Cranelift. Provides functions to translate get_global, set_global, memory.size, memory.grow, call_indirect that hardcode in the translation the base addresses of regions of memory that will hold the globals, tables and linear memories.


The result of compiling a WebAssemby module’s functions.
A data initializer for linear memory.
A WebAssembly linear memory description along with our chosen style for implementing it.
A translated WebAssembly module, excluding the function bodies and memory initializers.
Object containing the standalone environment information. To be passed after creation as argument to compile_module.
The result of translating via ModuleEnvironment.
Implementation of a relocation sink that just saves all the information for later
A record of a relocation to perform.
A WebAssembly table initializer.
A WebAssembly table description along with our chosen style for implementing it.
Tunable parameters for WebAssembly compilation.
This class computes offsets to fields within VMContext and other related structs that JIT code accesses directly.


An error while compiling WebAssembly to machine code.
An entity to export.
Implemenation styles for WebAssembly linear memory.
Destination function. Can be either user function or some special one, like grow_memory.
Implemenation styles for WebAssembly tables.


The number of pages we can have before we run out of byte index space.
WebAssembly page sizes are defined to be 64KiB.


Compile the module, producing a compilation result with associated relocations.
Add environment-specific function parameters.

Type Definitions

Relocations to apply to function bodies.