wasmer-wasi 1.0.0-beta1

WASI implementation library for Wasmer WebAssembly runtime

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This crate provides the necessary imports to use WASI easily from Wasmer.


First, add this crate into your Cargo.toml dependencies:

wasmer-wasi = "1.0.0-alpha"

And then:

use wasmer::{Store, Module, Instance};
use wasmer_wasi::WasiState;

let store = Store::default();
let module = Module::from_file(&store, "my_wasi_module.wasm")?;

// Create the WasiEnv
let wasi_env = WasiState::new("command name")
    .env("KEY", "VALUE")

let import_object = wasi_env.import_object(&module)?;
let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object)?;


let start = instance.exports.get_function("_start")?;

Note: you can find a full working example using WASI here.