wasmer-vm 3.2.0-alpha.1

Runtime library support for Wasmer
// This file contains code from external sources.
// Attributions: https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer/blob/master/ATTRIBUTIONS.md

//! WebAssembly trap handling, which is built on top of the lower-level
//! signalhandling mechanisms.

use crate::vmcontext::{VMFunctionContext, VMTrampoline};
use crate::{Trap, VMFunctionBody};
use backtrace::Backtrace;
use core::ptr::{read, read_unaligned};
use corosensei::stack::DefaultStack;
use corosensei::trap::{CoroutineTrapHandler, TrapHandlerRegs};
use corosensei::{CoroutineResult, ScopedCoroutine, Yielder};
use scopeguard::defer;
use std::any::Any;
use std::cell::Cell;
use std::error::Error;
use std::io;
use std::mem;
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
use std::sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, AtomicPtr, Ordering};
use std::sync::{Mutex, Once};
use wasmer_types::TrapCode;

// TrapInformation can be stored in the "Undefined Instruction" itself.
// On x86_64, 0xC? select a "Register" for the Mod R/M part of "ud1" (so with no other bytes after)
// On Arm64, the udf alows for a 16bits values, so we'll use the same 0xC? to store the trapinfo
static MAGIC: u8 = 0xc0;

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(unix)] {
        /// Function which may handle custom signals while processing traps.
        pub type TrapHandlerFn<'a> = dyn Fn(libc::c_int, *const libc::siginfo_t, *const libc::c_void) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'a;
    } else if #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] {
        /// Function which may handle custom signals while processing traps.
        pub type TrapHandlerFn<'a> = dyn Fn(winapi::um::winnt::PEXCEPTION_POINTERS) -> bool + Send + Sync + 'a;

// Process an IllegalOpcode to see if it has a TrapCode payload
unsafe fn process_illegal_op(addr: usize) -> Option<TrapCode> {
    let mut val: Option<u8> = None;
    if cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") {
        val = if read(addr as *mut u8) & 0xf0 == 0x40
            && read((addr + 1) as *mut u8) == 0x0f
            && read((addr + 2) as *mut u8) == 0xb9
            Some(read((addr + 3) as *mut u8))
        } else if read(addr as *mut u8) == 0x0f && read((addr + 1) as *mut u8) == 0xb9 {
            Some(read((addr + 2) as *mut u8))
        } else {
    if cfg!(target_arch = "aarch64") {
        val = if read_unaligned(addr as *mut u32) & 0xffff0000 == 0 {
            Some(read(addr as *mut u8))
        } else {
    match val.and_then(|val| {
        if val & MAGIC == MAGIC {
            Some(val & 0xf)
        } else {
    }) {
        None => None,
        Some(val) => match val {
            0 => Some(TrapCode::StackOverflow),
            1 => Some(TrapCode::HeapAccessOutOfBounds),
            2 => Some(TrapCode::HeapMisaligned),
            3 => Some(TrapCode::TableAccessOutOfBounds),
            4 => Some(TrapCode::IndirectCallToNull),
            5 => Some(TrapCode::BadSignature),
            6 => Some(TrapCode::IntegerOverflow),
            7 => Some(TrapCode::IntegerDivisionByZero),
            8 => Some(TrapCode::BadConversionToInteger),
            9 => Some(TrapCode::UnreachableCodeReached),
            10 => Some(TrapCode::UnalignedAtomic),
            _ => None,

/// A package of functionality needed by `catch_traps` to figure out what to do
/// when handling a trap.
/// # Safety
/// Note that this is an `unsafe` trait at least because it's being run in the
/// context of a synchronous signal handler, so it needs to be careful to not
/// access too much state in answering these queries.
pub unsafe trait TrapHandler {
    /// Uses `call` to call a custom signal handler, if one is specified.
    /// Returns `true` if `call` returns true, otherwise returns `false`.
    fn custom_trap_handler(&self, call: &dyn Fn(&TrapHandlerFn) -> bool) -> bool;

cfg_if::cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(unix)] {
        static mut PREV_SIGSEGV: MaybeUninit<libc::sigaction> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        static mut PREV_SIGBUS: MaybeUninit<libc::sigaction> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        static mut PREV_SIGILL: MaybeUninit<libc::sigaction> = MaybeUninit::uninit();
        static mut PREV_SIGFPE: MaybeUninit<libc::sigaction> = MaybeUninit::uninit();

        unsafe fn platform_init() {
            let register = |slot: &mut MaybeUninit<libc::sigaction>, signal: i32| {
                let mut handler: libc::sigaction = mem::zeroed();
                // The flags here are relatively careful, and they are...
                // SA_SIGINFO gives us access to information like the program
                // counter from where the fault happened.
                // SA_ONSTACK allows us to handle signals on an alternate stack,
                // so that the handler can run in response to running out of
                // stack space on the main stack. Rust installs an alternate
                // stack with sigaltstack, so we rely on that.
                // SA_NODEFER allows us to reenter the signal handler if we
                // crash while handling the signal, and fall through to the
                // Breakpad handler by testing handlingSegFault.
                handler.sa_flags = libc::SA_SIGINFO | libc::SA_NODEFER | libc::SA_ONSTACK;
                handler.sa_sigaction = trap_handler as usize;
                libc::sigemptyset(&mut handler.sa_mask);
                if libc::sigaction(signal, &handler, slot.as_mut_ptr()) != 0 {
                        "unable to install signal handler: {}",

            // Allow handling OOB with signals on all architectures
            register(&mut PREV_SIGSEGV, libc::SIGSEGV);

            // Handle `unreachable` instructions which execute `ud2` right now
            register(&mut PREV_SIGILL, libc::SIGILL);

            // x86 uses SIGFPE to report division by zero
            if cfg!(target_arch = "x86") || cfg!(target_arch = "x86_64") {
                register(&mut PREV_SIGFPE, libc::SIGFPE);

            // On ARM, handle Unaligned Accesses.
            // On Darwin, guard page accesses are raised as SIGBUS.
            if cfg!(target_arch = "arm") || cfg!(target_vendor = "apple") {
                register(&mut PREV_SIGBUS, libc::SIGBUS);

            // This is necessary to support debugging under LLDB on Darwin.
            // For more details see https://github.com/mono/mono/commit/8e75f5a28e6537e56ad70bf870b86e22539c2fb7
            #[cfg(target_vendor = "apple")]
                use mach::exception_types::*;
                use mach::kern_return::*;
                use mach::port::*;
                use mach::thread_status::*;
                use mach::traps::*;
                use mach::mach_types::*;

                extern "C" {
                    fn task_set_exception_ports(
                        task: task_t,
                        exception_mask: exception_mask_t,
                        new_port: mach_port_t,
                        behavior: exception_behavior_t,
                        new_flavor: thread_state_flavor_t,
                    ) -> kern_return_t;

                #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
                let MACHINE_THREAD_STATE = x86_THREAD_STATE64;
                #[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
                let MACHINE_THREAD_STATE = 6;

                    EXCEPTION_STATE_IDENTITY as exception_behavior_t,

        unsafe extern "C" fn trap_handler(
            signum: libc::c_int,
            siginfo: *mut libc::siginfo_t,
            context: *mut libc::c_void,
        ) {
            let previous = match signum {
                libc::SIGSEGV => &PREV_SIGSEGV,
                libc::SIGBUS => &PREV_SIGBUS,
                libc::SIGFPE => &PREV_SIGFPE,
                libc::SIGILL => &PREV_SIGILL,
                _ => panic!("unknown signal: {}", signum),
            // We try to get the fault address associated to this signal
            let maybe_fault_address = match signum {
                libc::SIGSEGV | libc::SIGBUS => {
                    Some((*siginfo).si_addr() as usize)
                _ => None,
            let trap_code = match signum {
                // check if it was cased by a UD and if the Trap info is a payload to it
                libc::SIGILL => {
                    let addr = (*siginfo).si_addr() as usize;
                _ => None,
            let ucontext = &mut *(context as *mut libc::ucontext_t);
            let (pc, sp) = get_pc_sp(ucontext);
            let handled = TrapHandlerContext::handle_trap(
                |regs| update_context(ucontext, regs),
                |handler| handler(signum, siginfo, context),

            if handled {

            // This signal is not for any compiled wasm code we expect, so we
            // need to forward the signal to the next handler. If there is no
            // next handler (SIG_IGN or SIG_DFL), then it's time to crash. To do
            // this, we set the signal back to its original disposition and
            // return. This will cause the faulting op to be re-executed which
            // will crash in the normal way. If there is a next handler, call
            // it. It will either crash synchronously, fix up the instruction
            // so that execution can continue and return, or trigger a crash by
            // returning the signal to it's original disposition and returning.
            let previous = &*previous.as_ptr();
            if previous.sa_flags & libc::SA_SIGINFO != 0 {
                    extern "C" fn(libc::c_int, *mut libc::siginfo_t, *mut libc::c_void),
                >(previous.sa_sigaction)(signum, siginfo, context)
            } else if previous.sa_sigaction == libc::SIG_DFL
                libc::sigaction(signum, previous, ptr::null_mut());
            } else if previous.sa_sigaction != libc::SIG_IGN {
                mem::transmute::<usize, extern "C" fn(libc::c_int)>(

        unsafe fn get_pc_sp(context: &libc::ucontext_t) -> (usize, usize) {
            let (pc, sp);
            cfg_if::cfg_if! {
                if #[cfg(all(
                    any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                    target_arch = "x86_64",
                ))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RIP as usize] as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RSP as usize] as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                    any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                    target_arch = "x86",
                ))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_EIP as usize] as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_ESP as usize] as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "freebsd", any(target_arch = "x86", target_arch = "x86_64")))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.mc_rip as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.mc_rsp as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_vendor = "apple", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
                    pc = (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rip as usize;
                    sp = (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rsp as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                        any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                        target_arch = "aarch64",
                    ))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.pc as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.sp as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                    any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                    target_arch = "arm",
                ))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.arm_pc as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.arm_sp as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                    any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                    any(target_arch = "riscv64", target_arch = "riscv32"),
                ))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_PC] as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_SP] as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_vendor = "apple", target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
                    pc = (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__pc as usize;
                    sp = (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__sp as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "freebsd", target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
                    pc = context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_elr as usize;
                    sp = context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_sp as usize;
                } else {
                    compile_error!("Unsupported platform");
            (pc, sp)

        unsafe fn update_context(context: &mut libc::ucontext_t, regs: TrapHandlerRegs) {
            cfg_if::cfg_if! {
                if #[cfg(all(
                        any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                        target_arch = "x86_64",
                    ))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { rip, rsp, rbp, rdi, rsi } = regs;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RIP as usize] = rip as i64;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RSP as usize] = rsp as i64;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RBP as usize] = rbp as i64;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RDI as usize] = rdi as i64;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_RSI as usize] = rsi as i64;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                    any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                    target_arch = "x86",
                ))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { eip, esp, ebp, ecx, edx } = regs;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_EIP as usize] = eip as i32;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_ESP as usize] = esp as i32;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_EBP as usize] = ebp as i32;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_ECX as usize] = ecx as i32;
                    context.uc_mcontext.gregs[libc::REG_EDX as usize] = edx as i32;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_vendor = "apple", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { rip, rsp, rbp, rdi, rsi } = regs;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rip = rip;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rsp = rsp;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rbp = rbp;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rdi = rdi;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__rsi = rsi;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "freebsd", target_arch = "x86_64"))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { rip, rsp, rbp, rdi, rsi } = regs;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_rip = rip as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_rsp = rsp as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_rbp = rbp as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_rdi = rdi as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_rsi = rsi as libc::register_t;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                        any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                        target_arch = "aarch64",
                    ))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { pc, sp, x0, x1, x29, lr } = regs;
                    context.uc_mcontext.pc = pc;
                    context.uc_mcontext.sp = sp;
                    context.uc_mcontext.regs[0] = x0;
                    context.uc_mcontext.regs[1] = x1;
                    context.uc_mcontext.regs[29] = x29;
                    context.uc_mcontext.regs[30] = lr;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                        any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                        target_arch = "arm",
                    ))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs {
                    } = regs;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_pc = pc;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_r0 = r0;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_r1 = r1;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_r7 = r7;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_fp = r11;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_sp = r13;
                    context.uc_mcontext.arm_lr = r14;
                    if cpsr_thumb {
                        context.uc_mcontext.arm_cpsr |= 0x20;
                    } else {
                        context.uc_mcontext.arm_cpsr &= !0x20;
                    if cpsr_endian {
                        context.uc_mcontext.arm_cpsr |= 0x200;
                    } else {
                        context.uc_mcontext.arm_cpsr &= !0x200;
                } else if #[cfg(all(
                    any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "android"),
                    any(target_arch = "riscv64", target_arch = "riscv32"),
                ))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { pc, ra, sp, a0, a1, s0 } = regs;
                    context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_PC] = pc as libc::c_ulong;
                    context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_RA] = ra as libc::c_ulong;
                    context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_SP] = sp as libc::c_ulong;
                    context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_A0] = a0 as libc::c_ulong;
                    context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_A0 + 1] = a1 as libc::c_ulong;
                    context.uc_mcontext.__gregs[libc::REG_S0] = s0 as libc::c_ulong;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_vendor = "apple", target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { pc, sp, x0, x1, x29, lr } = regs;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__pc = pc;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__sp = sp;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__x[0] = x0;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__x[1] = x1;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__fp = x29;
                    (*context.uc_mcontext).__ss.__lr = lr;
                } else if #[cfg(all(target_os = "freebsd", target_arch = "aarch64"))] {
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_pc = pc as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_sp = sp as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_x[0] = x0 as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_x[1] = x1 as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_x[29] = x29 as libc::register_t;
                    context.uc_mcontext.mc_gpregs.gp_x[30] = lr as libc::register_t;
                } else {
                    compile_error!("Unsupported platform");
    } else if #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] {
        use winapi::um::errhandlingapi::*;
        use winapi::um::winnt::*;
        use winapi::um::minwinbase::*;
        use winapi::vc::excpt::*;

        unsafe fn platform_init() {
            // our trap handler needs to go first, so that we can recover from
            // wasm faults and continue execution, so pass `1` as a true value
            // here.
            if AddVectoredExceptionHandler(1, Some(exception_handler)).is_null() {
                panic!("failed to add exception handler: {}", io::Error::last_os_error());

        unsafe extern "system" fn exception_handler(
            exception_info: PEXCEPTION_POINTERS
        ) -> LONG {
            // Check the kind of exception, since we only handle a subset within
            // wasm code. If anything else happens we want to defer to whatever
            // the rest of the system wants to do for this exception.
            let record = &*(*exception_info).ExceptionRecord;
            if record.ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION &&
                record.ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION &&
                record.ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW &&
                record.ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO &&
                record.ExceptionCode != EXCEPTION_INT_OVERFLOW
                return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;

            // FIXME: this is what the previous C++ did to make sure that TLS
            // works by the time we execute this trap handling code. This isn't
            // exactly super easy to call from Rust though and it's not clear we
            // necessarily need to do so. Leaving this here in case we need this
            // in the future, but for now we can probably wait until we see a
            // strange fault before figuring out how to reimplement this in
            // Rust.
            // if (!NtCurrentTeb()->Reserved1[sThreadLocalArrayPointerIndex]) {
            //     return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;
            // }

            let context = &mut *(*exception_info).ContextRecord;
            let (pc, sp) = get_pc_sp(context);

            // We try to get the fault address associated to this exception.
            let maybe_fault_address = match record.ExceptionCode {
                EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION => Some(record.ExceptionInformation[1]),
                EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW => Some(sp),
                _ => None,
            let trap_code = match record.ExceptionCode {
                // check if it was cased by a UD and if the Trap info is a payload to it
                _ => None,
            // This is basically the same as the unix version above, only with a
            // few parameters tweaked here and there.
            let handled = TrapHandlerContext::handle_trap(
                |regs| update_context(context, regs),
                |handler| handler(exception_info),

            if handled {
            } else {

        unsafe fn get_pc_sp(context: &CONTEXT) -> (usize, usize) {
            let (pc, sp);
            cfg_if::cfg_if! {
                if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
                    pc = context.Rip as usize;
                    sp = context.Rsp as usize;
                } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] {
                    pc = context.Rip as usize;
                    sp = context.Rsp as usize;
                } else {
                    compile_error!("Unsupported platform");
            (pc, sp)

        unsafe fn update_context(context: &mut CONTEXT, regs: TrapHandlerRegs) {
            cfg_if::cfg_if! {
                if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { rip, rsp, rbp, rdi, rsi } = regs;
                    context.Rip = rip;
                    context.Rsp = rsp;
                    context.Rbp = rbp;
                    context.Rdi = rdi;
                    context.Rsi = rsi;
                } else if #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")] {
                    let TrapHandlerRegs { eip, esp, ebp, ecx, edx } = regs;
                    context.Eip = eip;
                    context.Esp = esp;
                    context.Ebp = ebp;
                    context.Ecx = ecx;
                    context.Edx = edx;
                } else {
                    compile_error!("Unsupported platform");

/// This function is required to be called before any WebAssembly is entered.
/// This will configure global state such as signal handlers to prepare the
/// process to receive wasm traps.
/// This function must not only be called globally once before entering
/// WebAssembly but it must also be called once-per-thread that enters
/// WebAssembly. Currently in wasmer's integration this function is called on
/// creation of a `Store`.
pub fn init_traps() {
    static INIT: Once = Once::new();
    INIT.call_once(|| unsafe {

/// Raises a user-defined trap immediately.
/// This function performs as-if a wasm trap was just executed, only the trap
/// has a dynamic payload associated with it which is user-provided. This trap
/// payload is then returned from `catch_traps` below.
/// # Safety
/// Only safe to call when wasm code is on the stack, aka `catch_traps` must
/// have been previous called and not yet returned.
/// Additionally no Rust destructors may be on the stack.
/// They will be skipped and not executed.
pub unsafe fn raise_user_trap(data: Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>) -> ! {

/// Raises a trap from inside library code immediately.
/// This function performs as-if a wasm trap was just executed. This trap
/// payload is then returned from `catch_traps` below.
/// # Safety
/// Only safe to call when wasm code is on the stack, aka `catch_traps` must
/// have been previous called and not yet returned.
/// Additionally no Rust destructors may be on the stack.
/// They will be skipped and not executed.
pub unsafe fn raise_lib_trap(trap: Trap) -> ! {

/// Carries a Rust panic across wasm code and resumes the panic on the other
/// side.
/// # Safety
/// Only safe to call when wasm code is on the stack, aka `catch_traps` must
/// have been previously called and not returned. Additionally no Rust destructors may be on the
/// stack. They will be skipped and not executed.
pub unsafe fn resume_panic(payload: Box<dyn Any + Send>) -> ! {

/// Call the wasm function pointed to by `callee`.
/// * `vmctx` - the callee vmctx argument
/// * `caller_vmctx` - the caller vmctx argument
/// * `trampoline` - the jit-generated trampoline whose ABI takes 4 values, the
///   callee vmctx, the caller vmctx, the `callee` argument below, and then the
///   `values_vec` argument.
/// * `callee` - the third argument to the `trampoline` function
/// * `values_vec` - points to a buffer which holds the incoming arguments, and to
///   which the outgoing return values will be written.
/// # Safety
/// Wildly unsafe because it calls raw function pointers and reads/writes raw
/// function pointers.
pub unsafe fn wasmer_call_trampoline(
    trap_handler: Option<*const TrapHandlerFn<'static>>,
    vmctx: VMFunctionContext,
    trampoline: VMTrampoline,
    callee: *const VMFunctionBody,
    values_vec: *mut u8,
) -> Result<(), Trap> {
    catch_traps(trap_handler, || {
        mem::transmute::<_, extern "C" fn(VMFunctionContext, *const VMFunctionBody, *mut u8)>(
        )(vmctx, callee, values_vec);

/// Catches any wasm traps that happen within the execution of `closure`,
/// returning them as a `Result`.
/// # Safety
/// Highly unsafe since `closure` won't have any dtors run.
pub unsafe fn catch_traps<F, R>(
    trap_handler: Option<*const TrapHandlerFn<'static>>,
    closure: F,
) -> Result<R, Trap>
    F: FnOnce() -> R,
    // Ensure that per-thread initialization is done.

    on_wasm_stack(trap_handler, closure).map_err(UnwindReason::into_trap)

// We need two separate thread-local variables here:
// - YIELDER is set within the new stack and is used to unwind back to the root
//   of the stack from inside it.
// - TRAP_HANDLER is set from outside the new stack and is solely used from
//   signal handlers. It must be atomic since it is used by signal handlers.
// We also do per-thread signal stack initialization on the first time
// TRAP_HANDLER is accessed.
thread_local! {
    static YIELDER: Cell<Option<NonNull<Yielder<(), UnwindReason>>>> = Cell::new(None);
    static TRAP_HANDLER: AtomicPtr<TrapHandlerContext> = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut());

/// Read-only information that is used by signal handlers to handle and recover
/// from traps.
struct TrapHandlerContext {
    inner: *const u8,
    handle_trap: fn(
        *const u8,
        &mut dyn FnMut(TrapHandlerRegs),
    ) -> bool,
    custom_trap: Option<*const TrapHandlerFn<'static>>,
struct TrapHandlerContextInner<T> {
    /// Information about the currently running coroutine. This is used to
    /// reset execution to the root of the coroutine when a trap is handled.
    coro_trap_handler: CoroutineTrapHandler<Result<T, UnwindReason>>,

impl TrapHandlerContext {
    /// Runs the given function with a trap handler context. The previous
    /// trap handler context is preserved and restored afterwards.
    fn install<T, R>(
        custom_trap: Option<*const TrapHandlerFn<'static>>,
        coro_trap_handler: CoroutineTrapHandler<Result<T, UnwindReason>>,
        f: impl FnOnce() -> R,
    ) -> R {
        // Type-erase the trap handler function so that it can be placed in TLS.
        fn func<T>(
            ptr: *const u8,
            pc: usize,
            sp: usize,
            maybe_fault_address: Option<usize>,
            trap_code: Option<TrapCode>,
            update_regs: &mut dyn FnMut(TrapHandlerRegs),
        ) -> bool {
            unsafe {
                (*(ptr as *const TrapHandlerContextInner<T>)).handle_trap(
        let inner = TrapHandlerContextInner { coro_trap_handler };
        let ctx = Self {
            inner: &inner as *const _ as *const u8,
            handle_trap: func::<T>,

        let prev = TRAP_HANDLER.with(|ptr| {
            let prev = ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
            ptr.store(&ctx as *const Self as *mut Self, Ordering::Relaxed);

        defer! {
            TRAP_HANDLER.with(|ptr| ptr.store(prev, Ordering::Relaxed));


    /// Attempts to handle the trap if it's a wasm trap.
    unsafe fn handle_trap(
        pc: usize,
        sp: usize,
        maybe_fault_address: Option<usize>,
        trap_code: Option<TrapCode>,
        mut update_regs: impl FnMut(TrapHandlerRegs),
        call_handler: impl Fn(&TrapHandlerFn<'static>) -> bool,
    ) -> bool {
        let ptr = TRAP_HANDLER.with(|ptr| ptr.load(Ordering::Relaxed));
        if ptr.is_null() {
            return false;

        let ctx = &*ptr;

        // Check if this trap is handled by a custom trap handler.
        if let Some(trap_handler) = ctx.custom_trap {
            if call_handler(&*trap_handler) {
                return true;

            &mut update_regs,

impl<T> TrapHandlerContextInner<T> {
    unsafe fn handle_trap(
        pc: usize,
        sp: usize,
        maybe_fault_address: Option<usize>,
        trap_code: Option<TrapCode>,
        update_regs: &mut dyn FnMut(TrapHandlerRegs),
    ) -> bool {
        // Check if this trap occurred while executing on the Wasm stack. We can
        // only recover from traps if that is the case.
        if !self.coro_trap_handler.stack_ptr_in_bounds(sp) {
            return false;

        let signal_trap = trap_code.or_else(|| {
            maybe_fault_address.map(|addr| {
                if self.coro_trap_handler.stack_ptr_in_bounds(addr) {
                } else {

        // Don't try to generate a backtrace for stack overflows: unwinding
        // information is often not precise enough to properly describe what is
        // happenning during a function prologue, which can lead the unwinder to
        // read invalid memory addresses.
        // See: https://github.com/rust-lang/backtrace-rs/pull/357
        let backtrace = if signal_trap == Some(TrapCode::StackOverflow) {
        } else {

        // Set up the register state for exception return to force the
        // coroutine to return to its caller with UnwindReason::WasmTrap.
        let unwind = UnwindReason::WasmTrap {
        let regs = self
            .setup_trap_handler(move || Err(unwind));

enum UnwindReason {
    /// A panic caused by the host
    Panic(Box<dyn Any + Send>),
    /// A custom error triggered by the user
    UserTrap(Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync>),
    /// A Trap triggered by a wasm libcall
    /// A trap caused by the Wasm generated code
    WasmTrap {
        backtrace: Backtrace,
        pc: usize,
        signal_trap: Option<TrapCode>,

impl UnwindReason {
    fn into_trap(self) -> Trap {
        match self {
            Self::UserTrap(data) => Trap::User(data),
            Self::LibTrap(trap) => trap,
            Self::WasmTrap {
            } => Trap::wasm(pc, backtrace, signal_trap),
            Self::Panic(panic) => std::panic::resume_unwind(panic),

unsafe fn unwind_with(reason: UnwindReason) -> ! {
    let yielder = YIELDER
        .with(|cell| cell.replace(None))
        .expect("not running on Wasm stack");


    // on_wasm_stack will forcibly reset the coroutine stack after yielding.

/// Runs the given function on a separate stack so that its stack usage can be
/// bounded. Stack overflows and other traps can be caught and execution
/// returned to the root of the stack.
fn on_wasm_stack<F: FnOnce() -> T, T>(
    trap_handler: Option<*const TrapHandlerFn<'static>>,
    f: F,
) -> Result<T, UnwindReason> {
    // Allocating a new stack is pretty expensive since it involves several
    // system calls. We therefore keep a cache of pre-allocated stacks which
    // allows them to be reused multiple times.
    // FIXME(Amanieu): We should refactor this to avoid the lock.
    lazy_static::lazy_static! {
        static ref STACK_POOL: Mutex<Vec<DefaultStack>> = Mutex::new(vec![]);
    let stack = STACK_POOL.lock().unwrap().pop().unwrap_or_default();
    let mut stack = scopeguard::guard(stack, |stack| STACK_POOL.lock().unwrap().push(stack));

    // Create a coroutine with a new stack to run the function on.
    let mut coro = ScopedCoroutine::with_stack(&mut *stack, move |yielder, ()| {
        // Save the yielder to TLS so that it can be used later.
        YIELDER.with(|cell| cell.set(Some(yielder.into())));


    // Ensure that YIELDER is reset on exit even if the coroutine panics,
    defer! {
        YIELDER.with(|cell| cell.set(None));

    // Set up metadata for the trap handler for the duration of the coroutine
    // execution. This is restored to its previous value afterwards.
    TrapHandlerContext::install(trap_handler, coro.trap_handler(), || {
        match coro.resume(()) {
            CoroutineResult::Yield(trap) => {
                // This came from unwind_with which requires that there be only
                // Wasm code on the stack.
                unsafe {
            CoroutineResult::Return(result) => result,

/// When executing on the Wasm stack, temporarily switch back to the host stack
/// to perform an operation that should not be constrainted by the Wasm stack
/// limits.
/// This is particularly important since the usage of the Wasm stack is under
/// the control of untrusted code. Malicious code could artificially induce a
/// stack overflow in the middle of a sensitive host operations (e.g. growing
/// a memory) which would be hard to recover from.
pub fn on_host_stack<F: FnOnce() -> T, T>(f: F) -> T {
    // Reset YIEDER to None for the duration of this call to indicate that we
    // are no longer on the Wasm stack.
    let yielder_ptr = YIELDER.with(|cell| cell.replace(None));

    // If we are already on the host stack, execute the function directly. This
    // happens if a host function is called directly from the API.
    let yielder = match yielder_ptr {
        Some(ptr) => unsafe { ptr.as_ref() },
        None => return f(),

    // Restore YIELDER upon exiting normally or unwinding.
    defer! {
        YIELDER.with(|cell| cell.set(yielder_ptr));

    // on_parent_stack requires the closure to be Send so that the Yielder
    // cannot be called from the parent stack. This is not a problem for us
    // since we don't expose the Yielder.
    struct SendWrapper<T>(T);
    unsafe impl<T> Send for SendWrapper<T> {}
    let wrapped = SendWrapper(f);
    yielder.on_parent_stack(move || (wrapped.0)())

pub fn lazy_per_thread_init() -> Result<(), Trap> {
    // We need additional space on the stack to handle stack overflow
    // exceptions. Rust's initialization code sets this to 0x5000 but this
    // seems to be insufficient in practice.
    use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::SetThreadStackGuarantee;
    if unsafe { SetThreadStackGuarantee(&mut 0x10000) } == 0 {
        panic!("failed to set thread stack guarantee");


/// A module for registering a custom alternate signal stack (sigaltstack).
/// Rust's libstd installs an alternate stack with size `SIGSTKSZ`, which is not
/// always large enough for our signal handling code. Override it by creating
/// and registering our own alternate stack that is large enough and has a guard
/// page.
pub fn lazy_per_thread_init() -> Result<(), Trap> {
    use std::ptr::null_mut;

    thread_local! {
        /// Thread-local state is lazy-initialized on the first time it's used,
        /// and dropped when the thread exits.
        static TLS: Tls = unsafe { init_sigstack() };

    /// The size of the sigaltstack (not including the guard, which will be
    /// added). Make this large enough to run our signal handlers.
    const MIN_STACK_SIZE: usize = 16 * 4096;

    enum Tls {
        Allocated {
            mmap_ptr: *mut libc::c_void,
            mmap_size: usize,

    unsafe fn init_sigstack() -> Tls {
        // Check to see if the existing sigaltstack, if it exists, is big
        // enough. If so we don't need to allocate our own.
        let mut old_stack = mem::zeroed();
        let r = libc::sigaltstack(ptr::null(), &mut old_stack);
        assert_eq!(r, 0, "learning about sigaltstack failed");
        if old_stack.ss_flags & libc::SS_DISABLE == 0 && old_stack.ss_size >= MIN_STACK_SIZE {
            return Tls::BigEnough;

        // ... but failing that we need to allocate our own, so do all that
        // here.
        let page_size: usize = region::page::size();
        let guard_size = page_size;
        let alloc_size = guard_size + MIN_STACK_SIZE;

        let ptr = libc::mmap(
            libc::MAP_PRIVATE | libc::MAP_ANON,
        if ptr == libc::MAP_FAILED {
            return Tls::OutOfMemory;

        // Prepare the stack with readable/writable memory and then register it
        // with `sigaltstack`.
        let stack_ptr = (ptr as usize + guard_size) as *mut libc::c_void;
        let r = libc::mprotect(
            libc::PROT_READ | libc::PROT_WRITE,
        assert_eq!(r, 0, "mprotect to configure memory for sigaltstack failed");
        let new_stack = libc::stack_t {
            ss_sp: stack_ptr,
            ss_flags: 0,
            ss_size: MIN_STACK_SIZE,
        let r = libc::sigaltstack(&new_stack, ptr::null_mut());
        assert_eq!(r, 0, "registering new sigaltstack failed");

        Tls::Allocated {
            mmap_ptr: ptr,
            mmap_size: alloc_size,

    // Ensure TLS runs its initializer and return an error if it failed to
    // set up a separate stack for signal handlers.
    return TLS.with(|tls| {
        if let Tls::OutOfMemory = tls {
        } else {

    impl Drop for Tls {
        fn drop(&mut self) {
            let (ptr, size) = match self {
                Self::Allocated {
                } => (*mmap_ptr, *mmap_size),
                _ => return,
            unsafe {
                // Deallocate the stack memory.
                let r = libc::munmap(ptr, size);
                debug_assert_eq!(r, 0, "munmap failed during thread shutdown");