Expand description

The fault module contains the implementation for handling breakpoints, traps, and signals for wasm code.


The raw module contains required externed function interfaces for the fault module.


A store for boundary register preservation.

Info about the fault


Allocates and runs with the given stack size and closure.

Begins an unsafe unwind.

Catches an unsafe unwind with the given functions and breakpoints.

Clears the wasm interrupt.

Ensure the signal handler is installed.

Gets a mutable pointer to the BoundaryRegisterPreservation.

Get fault info from siginfo and ucontext.

Gets the wasm interrupt signal mem.

Pops a CodeVersion from the current code versions.

Pushes a new CodeVersion to the current code versions.

Sets a wasm interrupt.

Sets the wasm interrupt on the given Ctx.

Runs a callback function with the given Ctx.